Uncle Deng's dementia An Chen opened his mouth, and Deng Chao felt as if he had received a critical blow of [-] points. Every word pierced his heart. He only heard Deng Chao say, "Xiao Chen, this time you are dead for the final link. I originally wanted to tear it apart first." Out of group blue, but you actually hurt me like this. And" At this point, Deng Chao paused, his voice was full of emotion, and he sang with a sad voice, "You hurt me, and you just laughed it off. You wait, and in the end link, I will be the first to eliminate you"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "There are too many people who want to tear me apart, and I don't care if you are one more. Brother Chao, work hard."

"Hey, do you despise me, discriminate against me, or provoke me?"

At this moment, the director said, "Two teams, please choose a topic for competition."

Hearing this, An Chen said to Wang Zulan, "Brother Zulan, you can choose whatever you want."

When Wang Zulan heard this, she laughed and said, "Then I won't be polite, I will choose Number Solitaire." 13

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and then said, "Since you have chosen the project, then I can start."

Is there still this setting? Wang Zulan was speechless for a while.Does this count as lifting a rock and hitting her own foot? But Wang Zulan still nodded and said, "Okay, then you come first."

Wang Zulan has already made up his mind at this time, no matter whether it succeeds or not, he will give An Chen a face.In the next second, An Chen called out a number.


At this moment, Wang Zulan was stunned. Could this number be too big? Just as Wang Zulan yelled "yo", he had already preemptively struck.He didn't know whether what he said was right or wrong, it was completely deceived.In his mind, no matter which one of them came up with the numbers, there would always be a set left.

At this moment, An Chen just turned sideways, and had already avoided Wang Zulan's attack.Then, while shouting "yo", An Chen turned around and quickly slapped Wang Zulan's face.

Naturally, Wang Zulan's speed couldn't be faster than An Chen's, and he was already exhausted, so he couldn't dodge effectively.Therefore, this shot was solid.The only thing Wang Zulan can do is to close her eyes and mouth.

At this moment, Wang Zulan thought he had lost.But just as he paused, An Chen grabbed some blue fans from the side and patted Wang Zulan's face again just as he was about to speak.At this moment, Wang Zulan was completely bewildered. The most important thing is that this shot is too realistic.

Wang Zulan felt that there was corn flour in his mouth and nasal cavity.The next moment, he took a strong breath and sprayed out the cornmeal in his nasal cavity.Then he sprayed the cornmeal in his mouth a few times before he felt better.Only Wang Zulan said, "What's the situation, you actually took pictures of me twice, Xiao Chen, you are too rude."

Hearing this, An Chen explained, "The first time, Brother Zulan, you are not wrong. But you can't just allow me to shoot me, and I can't let you shoot you. The second time is because you didn't answer. This is really because of the game." .”

Sure enough, this is self-inflicted.At this moment, although Wang Zulan was speechless, she had no other emotions.And they are open to play, and they don't have too many emotions.

At this time, everyone was laughing, especially Deng Chao, who excitedly said, "You can't live without doing evil, and you have today. I finally found someone uglier than me."

Hearing what Deng Chao said, Chen Chichi slapped his face first, and said, "No, you are still the ugliest one."


After Deng Chao finished speaking, he looked at the director with disbelief, and the director made up his mind at this moment.

"Yes, you are still the ugliest one"

At this moment, Chen Chichi explained to Deng Chao, "Because you have pan peach red cheeks, this color is too strong, no matter how you look at it, it is the ugliest."

Hearing this, Deng Chao walked towards An Chen in an instant, and said, "Xiao Chen, don't move, I'll help you get the fans this time."

Brother Chao, for the sake of not being the ugliest, have you tried everything?

At this moment, there are still Chen Chichi Ying Caier, Zheng Kai and baby, and Lu Han and Reba.

At this moment, the director said, "Oh 487, next, let Anchen team choose the next team to play."

An Chen knew that among the three groups, Chen Chichi and Ying Caier were undoubtedly the most powerful, followed by Zheng Kai and Baby, and the weakest were undoubtedly Reba and Lu Han.But An Chen intends to put Reba last, even if he loses, he can still take advantage of his own people.Of course, in fact, it is very difficult for him to lose.

"Brother Chichi and Sister Cai'er, apart from me, Brother Chichi has the best brains. Apart from me, there may not be anyone who can win against him. So it is necessary to get rid of him first."

Hearing this, Chen He came out helplessly, and said with some gloom, "Xiaochen, I'm really flattered that you care about me so much, but in fact, you don't have to care about me so much. I'm not as strong as you think, really, I'm weak. Why don't you replace Kaikai first"

Although Chen Chichi said so, the person still walked over.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chi Chi, don't be modest, both of us say that the person who knows us best is an enemy, but in fact the same is true for friends."

Text 0321: Technical Questions

"What do we play"

"Anyway, there are two times, Brother Chi Chi, let's choose one for each of us."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi nodded, and then said, "Xiao Chen'er, from what you said, you seem to have decided on me. I don't quite agree with that, what if I win?"

you win hehe

The next second, An Chen said to Chen Chichi, "Brother Chichi, you choose first."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi didn't object, but said, "Then let's play tongue twisters, what will happen?"

Although Chen Chichi is also good at number games, obviously he doesn't think his brain can be faster than An Chen's.Tongue twisters are different. What they test is not the speed of the brain, but the coordination of the mouth.He is quite confident about this, because he knows that An Chen is not a student who systematically entered the entertainment industry.

"Okay, you are the master, you have the final say."

In the next moment, the director said, "Okay, the third group is ready for the first round. 3, 2, 1, let's start."

Following the director's order, Chen Chichi and Zhang Xian spoke.





One minute passed, and then two minutes passed. At this moment, the others were dumbfounded.It wasn't until three minutes later that Chen Chichi took the lead.After An Chennian set off, Chen Chichi's words began to be confused.


If it was an ordinary person, it would be possible to ignore this small mistake, but An Chen would not.At this moment, An Chen covered Chen Chichi's face with the powder puff with lightning speed.At this time, Chen Chichi realized it.But it is true that he mispronounced and spit out the cornmeal in his mouth.Chen Chichi said in the midst of everyone's laughter, "Xiaochen, are you really a graduate of an ordinary university? How can you be better than those of us who graduated from acting? It's unscientific."

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