Suddenly, An Chen stopped.Zhang Tianai, who was running at full speed, couldn't hold back for a while.The next second, she bumped into An Chen's back, and let out a muffled groan, and a soft feeling came through her back, which made An Chen in front of her stunned, and only knew what it was in the next second.Feeling in front of Zhang Tianai's big body, he turned around and "[-]" whispered to Zhang Tianai, "Are you okay?"

Zhang Tianai blushed a little, and felt a dull pain in front of her body. She really wanted to rub it to relieve the pain.But at this time, she was recording a program, all she could do was endure it.

Zhang Tian shook his head to show that he was fine, but at this moment, An Chen leaned into Zhang Tianai's ear and said softly, "Why don't you find a place to rub it first, it seems that the impact was not light."

It was fine if An Chen didn't say anything, but when he said it, Zhang Tianai felt hot all over.If there is a crack in the ground, she really wants to climb in and never see An Chen again.

But not at this time, she could only blushed and said, "It's okay, let's continue."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't say anything anymore, and then began to observe the scene outside.The situation is not as optimistic as he thought.At this time, Zheng Kai happened to be walking towards the baby, with the intention of rendezvous.

Seeing this, An Chen frowned, turned to Zhang Tianai and said, "Wait a minute, I'll run out for five seconds, and you run again. Remember to catch Zheng Kai."

Regarding An Chen's words, Zhang Tianai nodded, indicating that he understood.Seeing this, An Chen turned his head again to wait for the opportunity.Soon, the time came. Although it was only a few seconds, it was enough.

It turned out that while the two were talking, Zheng Kai saw Chen Chichi and Wang Zulan walking out of the Troy Palace.When the eyes of the two were attracted, An Chen immediately leaned against the maze and began to approach quickly.

This is a visual blind spot. If Zheng Kai and the baby turned their heads, they could easily see An Chen, but standing in the position of Chen Chichi and Wang Zulan, they couldn't see An Chen.

The next moment, when Zheng Kai was speaking, An Chen arrived at Zheng Kai's parallel side.Going any further would likely lead to exposure.Therefore, An Chen gave up the risk of being exposed, and ran towards the baby at an instant speed.At this time, he was only less than ten meters away from the baby, and the baby would never be able to run at this distance.

An Chen was well prepared and ran at full speed with all his strength, rushing towards the baby in an instant.When Zheng Kai reacted, An Chen was already less than three meters away from the baby.And the moment he started, An Chen was a second behind.For a moment, Zheng Kai only had time to shout out, "Baby be careful."

At this time, the baby has been caught by An Chen.In the next second, inertia led the two of them to take a sudden step forward.At this moment, An Chen made a move and grabbed the baby's name tag.

With a sound of "hissing", Zheng Kai stopped.At the same time, the radio sounded.

"baby, out"

An Chen didn't care about the baby, but looked at Zhang Tianai behind Zheng Kai.In the next breath, Zhang Tianai can catch Zheng Kai.At this moment, An Chen took out a scroll and said, "Zheng Kai, Zheng Kai, are you the one who is most afraid of being ugly?"

Before An Chen's voice fell, Zhang Tianai had already caught Zheng Kai who was attracted by An Chen. The next second, the radio sounded again.

"Attention, members, attention, members, Zheng Kai will be affixed with a name tag."

Everything happened so quickly that it was overwhelming.Zheng Kai is still in a daze, the name tag has been pasted by the photographer.At this moment, Chen Chichi and the three who were two hundred meters away were simply stunned.So fast that they didn't even have time to react.

When Zheng Kai's name tag was put on, An Chen didn't care about the three people who were still in a daze.The next moment, he quickly ran towards Zheng Kai.At this moment, the three of them reacted, but it seemed that it was too late.Sure enough, the three of them couldn't run more than 20 meters, and the radio sounded again.

"Zheng Kai, out"

The next moment, An Chen looked at Chen Chichi, and then took out Zhang Tianai's portrait.While smiling at Chen Chichi, he walked towards Chen Chichi.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi's heart skipped a beat, and then he hurriedly said to the two of them, "Run, run, run, let's find someone else."

There is no way, he has just witnessed the scene where Zheng Kai went from having no famous brand to having a famous brand, and then being torn off at 50.This made him not worry that the picture scroll was himself? If so, three people with famous cards, facing two people without famous cards, would be looking for death.Even if the portrait wasn't his, they couldn't help it.Because An Chen doesn't have a famous brand, but they have two famous brands that have been exposed.

At this point in the game, Chen Chichi already had an ominous premonition.But it's useless to say anything at this time, the right way is to find other talents as soon as possible.

Seeing a few people running away, An Chen breathed a sigh of relief.He was very jealous of Chen He, if his head suddenly had a flash of inspiration and guessed something, it would be better to let Zheng Kai stay in prison first. .

Text 0334: In whose hands is An Chen's portrait?

At this time, three people had died, and the remaining people had five people who had activated their name tags, and the only two who hadn't activated their name tags were Chen Chichi and Reba.It seems that the game is not far from victory at this point.

At this moment, Chen Chichi's team met Deng Chao and Wang Lihong.Only Chen Chichi said, "Chao, let's join hands."

At the moment of teaming up, Deng Chao looked at Chen Chichi with a thoughtful expression, as if he was thinking about what trick Chen Chichi was playing.But did Chen Chichi really play a trick? No, no.But Deng Chao didn't think so, and only heard him say, "I'm sorry, we don't join forces."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi was not in a hurry, but said, "Aren't you going to listen to my suggestion? Maybe you will agree."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Deng Chao became a little interested.Well, the most important thing about 13 is that they are blocked.At this time, Deng Chao hurriedly said, "Stop, if you have something to say, speak up. I can listen, but I may not agree. But if you come forward again, then we will run away."

Hearing this, the three of them stopped in their tracks, and then Chen Chichi said, "Except for Li Chen, Xiaochen is the strongest among us, and the others are almost the same. But now we can't even open Xiaochen's nameplate." .Because Xiaochen has already got his portrait"

"Wait, wait, don't lie to me, I don't read much. If Xiaochen is taking his portrait, then who am I taking?" Opened the portrait in his hand.

The person above was undoubtedly An Chen, but he couldn't see it from the perspective of Chen Chichi and Ying Caier, but at this moment Wang Zulan was also wary and kept away from Chen Chichi.It seems that now everything has become confusing.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi was stunned, but when he closed his eyes and thought about it, he suddenly understood.In an instant, his expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Chao, can you show me that portrait? I want to make sure that it is really An Chen."

Although he was a bit puzzled, Deng Chao turned the portrait around.At this moment, Chen Chichi clearly saw the portrait of An Chen above. Seeing this, Chen Chichi gritted his teeth and clapped his hands, and said, "There is no more fun now. An Chen tore both baby and Zheng Kai apart. At first I thought what An Chen said was true, baby took An Chen's portrait. But now it seems that baby and Zheng Kai should have grasped An Chen's weakness. Now everyone who knows An Chen's information is dead, It seems that we can only rely on guesswork. Everyone think about it, what is Xiaochen most afraid of?"

If what Chen Chichi said was true, then this would be embarrassing.It was originally a fight between dragons and tigers, although they may not be enough to be tigers, but now it has turned into a one-sided massacre.

As for An Chen's weakness, does it exist? They've only watched the Amazon special of Hua'er Boys.An Chen isn't even afraid of crocodiles and giant pythons, so what else can he be afraid of? An Chen can cook, so it's not a problem for him at all.Then why are there five people racking their brains, but it is difficult to figure out why.

Chen He suddenly said, "Let's go find Xiaolu and Reba, maybe they will have clues."

At this moment, An Chen walked over from a distance, and said, "Why are you discussing a meeting?"

Seeing this, the five of them dispersed one after another. Deng Chao stepped back and said, "Just now Chen Chichi asked me about your weakness, and he wanted to join us in besieging you. But I didn't agree, so Xiaochen, you can take revenge." .”

As Deng Chao said that, he pulled Wang Lihong and ran aside, but at this moment, An Chen saw through Deng Chao's guilty conscience.They gathered together just now, and seemed to be looking at a portrait. Is there any portrait that they didn't know how to open? Besides Chen Chichi and Zhang Tianai, he was the only one.But Zhang Tianai's portrait is with him, and if it is Chen Chichi, it is impossible for Chen Chichi not to do it, so the rest can only be him.

While smiling, An Chen shouted to Zhang Tianai, "Tianai chases Deng Chao." Without saying a word, he ran away like a cheetah.

An Chen's speed was very fast. As early as the ninth issue, everyone had an intuitive look.

At this moment 490, although Deng Chao and Deng Chao were running at full speed, they were still approached by An Chen bit by bit.Seeing this, Deng Chao felt a little desperate, and then he handed An Chen's portrait to Wang Lihong, and shouted, "Lihong, you run first, I will hold them back."

At this moment, Wang Leehom was a little moved.But with no chance of winning, he had no choice but to run faster.All he can do is hope that someone can think of An Chen's weakness, and then tear An Chen away.While avenging Deng Chao, he led Deng Chao to the final victory.

An Chen naturally saw all this, and when Deng Chao came to intercept him, the visual parkour skills reappeared.

Seeing Deng Chao's siege, An Chen immediately ran to the side. There was a stone bench there, and there was also a road through Deng Chao's blockade.Deng Chao naturally also saw An Chen's intentions.In the next second, he tried his best to block An Chen's way forward.But at this moment, An Chen suddenly stepped on the stone bench beside him, performed a 360 knee-tuck somersault for the last time, landed behind Deng Chao, and rushed towards Wang Lihong with all his might. .

Text 0335: Let’s face despair

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