At this moment, Deng Chao was stunned, apparently he had forgotten An Chen's parkour skills.For a while, An Chen used it, which seemed to be unacceptable to him.But when he turned around and looked in the direction An Chen was running in, he hurried after her.But after chasing after him, he felt something was wrong.Why did they chase farther and farther away, while An Chen was getting closer and closer to Wang Lihong.

Seeing this, Deng Chao hurriedly said, "Li Hong, run back, bypass An Chen and run back."

Hearing this, Wang Lihong seemed to know his current situation.The next second, he gritted his teeth and turned around to bypass An Chen and return to Deng Chao's side.But how could his speed be faster than An Chen's, especially when he intercepted halfway.Under the influence of An Chen's unparalleled judgment and dynamic vision, it was impossible for him to complete this step.Sure enough, less than halfway, he was stopped by An Chen.At this time, Wang Lihong tried to struggle to prevent An Chen from tearing off his name tag.

At the same time, Deng Chao was running with all his strength, intending to stop An Chen before An Chen tore Wang Lihong off.But he obviously underestimated An Chen's lethality. When Wang Lihong stretched out his arm, An Chen bypassed Wang Lihong's grasp and grabbed Wang Lihong's hand with his backhand.In the next second, An Chen made a horizontal push.At this moment, Wang Lihong hurriedly exerted force, intending to block An Chen's force.But at this moment, An Chen's vigorous hands suddenly loosened, his left hand pulled suddenly, and then his right hand was released, stretching towards Wang Lihong's back.

When Wang Lihong suddenly lost control, he was startled.But he was very witty, but he hugged An Chen's waist in an instant, and suddenly stretched out his left hand, intending to tear An Chen off first.

An Chen was so happy seeing this place.In the next second, he clamped Wang Lihong with one hand and Wang Lihong's name tag with the other.Finally, the sound of "hissing" sounded.

At the same time, Wang Lihong, who was constantly grabbing the name tag behind An Chen, was dumbfounded.After he grabbed it a few times, he found that An Chen had no strength on his body.Only then did he realize that An Chen didn't have a famous brand, but at that moment just now, he actually forgot about it.

Just then, the broadcast sounded,

"Wang Lihong, out"

Deng Chao, who was running, stopped panting.He watched in despair as Wang Lihong returned An Chen's portrait to An Chen.At this moment, for the first time in five seasons, he felt hopeless.No name tag hints, no portraits, a bunch of people with name tags, how to tear up an ability user without a name tag

Before he could figure it out, Zhang Tianai, who had been training for a long time, caught up behind him.Hearing the voice, Deng Chao was startled.Then while looking behind him, he ran to the side.But he started too slowly, how could he be faster than Zhang Tianai, who was coming at full speed? The next moment, Deng Chao was caught.At the same time, An Chen hurried over.

The three of them were less than 20 meters away, before Deng Chao could break free from Zhang Tianai, An Chen had already arrived.The next second, An Chen grabbed Deng Chao's arm, and then shouted at Zhang Tianai, "Tian Ai, tear off Deng Chao's nameplate."

At this moment, Zhang Tianai did not hesitate.Grabbing Deng Chao's name tag that he could not resist, the "hissing" sounded again.As Deng Chao's nameplate was torn off, the broadcast sounded again.

"Deng Chao, out"

At the same time, the trio who were looking for Lu Han and Reba suddenly stopped.Chen Chichi said in despair, "It's over, there's no more to play. Now that there are no portraits, even if we can guess An Chen's weakness, it's useless."

Hearing this, Wang Zulan said in confusion, "Then what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi closed his eyes and thought about it, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand it.In the end, he could only say, "There is no other way, and neither can I. We can only find Reba now, and let Reba guess An Chen's weakness. In the end, all of us forced a wave and snatched the picture scroll on An Chen's body." .”

Hearing this, Wang Zulan thought about it, and it seemed that this was the only way.Yi nodded, agreed to Chen Chichi's proposal, and said, "Then let's go and find Reba."

At the same time, Ying Caier on the side said unhappily, "I think your game design is so unreasonable, why do you have invincible existence?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi smiled wryly, and said, "There is no such thing as invincibility. We were just crushed in terms of IQ. In the beginning, it was impossible for anyone to get their picture scroll, because it was too far away."

"No one can tear up a group of people from the beginning. If you want to open more famous brand Li Qian's, everyone can only exchange information with each other. But the biggest contractor of information is An Chen. Leaving aside the best guess, we We can only exchange information with him. It's a pity that before we had time to exchange with each other, he had already found the information he wanted."

"He deceived me with half-truths and made us forcefully open the baby's name tag. But he hid Zheng Kai's picture scroll so that Zheng Kai could not escape immediately and pass on information. So, leaving aside the objective steps, we All subjective steps are under An Chen's calculations. If I didn't use my brain at the beginning, I lost. It's too late to say anything now."

s There are only so many today, I am too sleepy.I'll see if I can add another chapter tomorrow. .

Main body 0336: Betrayal and barking like a dog!

Hearing Chen Chichi's explanation, Ying Cai'er said comfortingly, "You had no choice at the time. After all, he threatened you with me and forced you to compromise. So you lost to protect me. Chen Chi Chi, you are good."

Ying Cai'er's words made Chen Chichi smile, isn't this consolation?The next moment, Chen Chichi said, "Let's go, let's go to Reba, I just hope she can have the clues we need."

Just then, the radio sounded again.At this moment, Chen Chichi was a little stunned, and then he smiled wryly again.

"Attention, members, attention, members, Chen Chichi will be affixed with a name tag."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said to the camera with a wry smile, "I don't know if it was An Chen and the others who activated my brand, or Reba and Lu Han. In short, there is almost no chance of winning now."

That's right, except for Di Lieba and the An Chen group, everyone has been branded.Can you expect a girl to do something at 470? Sometimes it is true that girls are more convenient than boys, but the other party also has girls.

At the same time, An Chen found Reba and Xiaolu first.And Chen Chichi's famous brand is An Chen's clue.

At this moment, Xiao Lu said, "Then it's settled. Let's join forces, first get rid of Brother Chi Chi and Sister Cai Er, and finally get rid of Wang Zulan. Then we will come to K."

"Okay, it's a deal. If anyone violates it, he will be a puppy. The game is over, and he has to bark like a dog in front of the camera."

"Okay." Lu Han has no pressure on this.Not to mention rebellion or not, just rebellion, it's okay to bark like a dog.

At this time, Ying Caier had already found Reba's portrait.But because of An Chen's reasons, they never opened Reba's brand name.At this moment, they found Lu Han as they wished.

I saw Chen Chichi speak first, "Xiaolu, Reba, let's join hands."

Hearing this, Lu Han agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay then how do we join forces?"

While the five were talking, An Chen quietly appeared behind Chen Chichi, less than five meters away.Although Lu Han and Reba can see An Chen at this time, they are actually the real allies.So the two of them didn't express anything, instead they attracted Chen Chichi's attention.

Chen Chichi said at this moment, "Let's share information, and then tear up Xiaochen first. Xiaodi, think about Xiaochen's weakness."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Lu Han said, "Our message is that some people are very afraid of cold, and some people are very afraid of insects."

Just as Lu Han was speaking, An Chen had already quietly stood behind Chen Chichi.At this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly said, "Did you open my name tag?"

At this moment, Lu Han looked a little embarrassed, and he opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Oh no, no, it must be Xiaochen and the others."

Seeing this, Chen Chichi didn't know it was Lu Han. He pointed at Lu Han, stepped forward angrily, and said at the same time, "I'll tell you."

When the first word begins, hear the sound of "si la".After he took a step, Chen Chichi stood there stiffly, and it took him a long time to say the words.But obviously, he didn't finish the sentence.

At this moment, Ying Cai'er and Wang Zulan who had reacted flashed aside in an instant, only to hear a "hiss" again.

Chen Chichi turned his head, looked behind him, smiled wryly, and said, "Xiaochen, when did you appear behind us?"

At this time, An Chen looked at the two name tags in his hands with a blank expression, and said, "Why did you tear yourself apart? I just grabbed it, and I haven't had time to do it yet."

At this moment, Ying Caier almost collapsed.It's over, it's over, what did I play today, why did I feel nothing, and then it's gone? No, there are, but none of them seem to be such a pleasant experience.Thinking of this, Ying Caier said, "An Chen, you really don't have a girlfriend like this, I haven't had a good time today?"

Seeing this, An Chen looked at Ying Cai'er, then at Wang Zulan, and said, "It's best to be by your side, whoever you don't blame if you don't."

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