Ying Caier was about to vomit blood at this moment, but it seemed like that was the case.At this moment, Ying Caier, who had nowhere to vent her anger, turned her fierce eyes on Chen Chichi, as if she was blaming him for not letting herself tear Wang Zulan away.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi said speechlessly, "Zu Lan is our ally." Having said that, Chen Chichi said to Lu Han, "Lu Han, you are doomed to join forces with Xiaochen."

At this moment, the two were taken away, and Wang Zulan shouted, "Xiaolu, there's nothing to play now, we can't unlock An Chen's brand at all."

Well, Lu Han was confused at this moment, what do you mean? At this moment, An Chen handed the picture scroll he got from Ying Caier to Zhang Tianai, and said, "Tian Ai, go open Reba's nameplate."

Hearing this, Xiaolu was a little anxious, and said, "Xiaochen, isn't that so? Is this breaking the bridge by crossing the river? Such a betrayal of the covenant is like barking like a puppy.".

Text 0337: Game Over

Hearing what Lu Han said, An Chen said, "I didn't betray you. After tearing up Brother Zulan, there will only be four of us left, isn't it a good deal, we will fight in the end."

After saying this, An Chen said to Wang Zulan while Lu Han was speechless, "Brother Zulan, tear it up for me. You can't escape, and you have no chance."

At this time, An Chen was only one meter away from Wang Zulan, and he couldn't escape this distance.And Lu Han may not be able to save even if he wants to.

At this moment, Wang Zulan consciously walked up to An Chen, exposed her back in front of An Chen, and said, "Come on, I'm out of the game, let me see you two duel."

Showdown, showdown, your sister, you mean I'm going to die? At this moment, Lu Han was complaining endlessly in his heart.But it looks like he did it all on his own.

Therefore, apart from a wry smile, Lu Han couldn't say anything else. "Hiss" sounded.The voice of the radio followed closely.

"Wang Zulan, out."

Wang Zulan was out, and Di Lieba and Lu Han were dumbfounded.No, it should be said that it is mainly Lu Han. Di Lieba is only happy for his sweetheart to win the game.

At this moment, Di Lieba was heard by the broadcast of the opening of the brand.

"Attention, members, attention, members, Di Lieba will be affixed with a name tag."

Hearing this voice, Lu Han couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Xiaochen, can we put up a brand name for a 1vs1 contest?"

"No, you will give up the victory you have won. Then I have done so much, so it is not for nothing. This is a question of IQ"

What An Chen said was correct and reasonable, even Lu Han couldn't refute it for a while.After thinking about it, Lu Han suddenly said, "Then we admit defeat. But I haven't tore you up this season. Can you put a name tag on it? Let's compete."

Is that so? An Chen looked at the camera and asked, "Is that okay?"

"No, the final result of this round will be determined by tearing up the famous brand"

Hearing this, An Chen shrugged, expressing that there was nothing he could do.At this moment, the camera continued to say, "However, after the winner is decided, you can have a friendly duel to tear apart the famous brand."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Xiao Lu and said, "Is that all right, but your wish to tear me apart is very difficult to come by."

Could he choose? He originally wanted to tear An Chen down opportunistically, but when he heard such words, what else could he say? But if he disagreed, wouldn't it be an evil intention?

After a moment of silence, Lu Han said, "Can you tell me why you can't open your nameplate?"

Sure enough, this kid was cheating, An Chen thought so and said, "Of course, because I tore away the people who knew my weakness, and I also got my own portrait."

Hearing this, Xiaolu gave up, looked at Reba, and said, "It seems that we have no chance. Let them tear it up, An Chen and I will try it once."

Hearing this, Reba smiled helplessly, and then agreed with Xiaolu's words.But why is there joy in her eyes?

The next moment, An Chen stepped forward and tore the two of them apart.Then An Chen and Xiao Lu were re-labeled.

At this moment, Zhang Tianai rushed back.Opened the mouth and said, "Hey An Chen, why is your name tag posted?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Shall you two tear it apart?"


Although Zhang Tianai didn't know about it, she also tore up the two of them with her own hands.Although they were the two who did not resist, they were quite satisfied.So she wasn't very interested in fighting girls.As for Reba, although it's a pity that Reba didn't tear up the famous brand, it doesn't force Zhang Tianai to tear up the famous brand.

ask for flowers

The next second, Lu Han and An Chen took a stance, and Lu Han kept shaking from side to side, intending to affect An Chen's analysis ability.But he obviously overestimated himself. How can a martial arts practitioner be stunned by such a degree? You think you are walking on Lingbo Microsteps! Crab steps, right?

Following Xiaolu's movements, An Chen took the lead in attacking.When An Chen grabbed it, the little deer quickly jumped back and avoided An Chen's attack.In the next second, following An Chen's previous actions, he quickly grabbed An Chen's hand.

At this moment, An Chen was a little surprised, surprised by Xiaolu's attack.In the next moment, Xiao Lu suddenly pulled him, wanting to imitate An Chen's move and throw him sideways.

But at this moment, Xiaolu saw the solution to this trick.An Chen followed his strength and took two steps forward in an instant, removing all the pulling force.

But at this moment, An Chen didn't use any force, so Xiaolu's plan to use force was impossible to realize.Just when he was a little confused, An Chen naturally withdrew his exertion because he was close to Xiaolu.

In the next second, he pushed it out, tilting the little deer who was already out of rhythm, and then An Chen grabbed the little deer's hand and pulled, exposing the little deer's back.

In the next second, a "hiss" sounded.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Lu gave up struggling, got up and smiled wryly at An Chen, "Xiao Chen, you're too helpless to tear up the name tag."

"No, these are just some small tricks. At most, it can make me stronger in 1vs1. If it is 2vs1, even I will be very dangerous. Have you forgotten that we tore up the famous brand in the tenth period? If there is no Reba , we lose."

Text 0338: What is your relationship with them?

After thinking for a while, An Chen paused and continued, "We won't use martial arts to tear up our own name tags. It's just some tricks at most."

Hearing this, Lu Han understood that although he was a bit stronger, he still had a chance.Then the four went to the final location to gather.

When the four arrived, the baby said, "Hey, they are here"

"Now I will announce it to everyone. The final result is 3, 2, 1."

Following the director's words, the four of them turned around.

"Wow, it really is Xiaochen's team. This time Xiaochen really killed the Quartet."

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