"Congratulations to An Chen and Zhang Tian'ai for obtaining our magic ring today. "Four Nine Three" you can escape from the frame forever and unseal the frame."

At the same time, An Chen heard the system beep.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the phased victory of the side mission. Reward 900 reward points for good and evil, and draw three times for items."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the final task of the novice branch line and finally winning. Winning the final victory, rewarding one S-level lottery draw, two item lottery draws, rewarding good and punishing evil points 3000 points. Note that this side task is over and the novice period will pass. Follow-up will There will no longer be any side missions for entertainment programs. Side missions will be triggered from time to time in the future."

At this moment, Chen Chichi said, "I haven't thought about what Xiaochen's weakness is until now. Can you tell me what his weakness is?"

Hearing this, the director first said, "First of all, we, the production team, have to say sorry to Xiaochen here. Because we exposed your private life without your permission. Secondly, the reason why we did this is because in A video of you and Reba going back to the hotel has already been circulated on the Internet."

"Since the video is out, why don't we publish it? We think we can use this opportunity to expose it. Clear up the rumors about Land C. So Xiaochen's weakness is the person who is most afraid of light."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi and the others felt that they were crazy, if they could guess it, they would be ghosts.I just heard Chen Chichi say, "Director, you guys are messing around, how can we guess such a weakness?"

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, the director said in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, we overestimated your IQ. We didn't expect Xiaochen to directly eliminate the two insiders."

Director, what do you mean by saying this? Overestimating our IQ, believe it or not, we will find someone to drag you into a dark alley, and force your love a hundred times

All of a sudden, everyone spoke up one after another, shouting unhappily.

"Director, I didn't hear what you are saying again." It was Deng Chao who said this.

"Director, I think you're making trouble. We have quite a few brothers." Chen Chichi said this.

"Director, with you like this, can we still have fun?" The serious one was Li Chen.

Afterwards, Zheng Kai and baby all made different speeches.But the director didn't answer their words at all, but said on his own, "Thank you again, members of our nine brothers, and now you have to accept the last task of this season."

"There is also the task director, you are not taking revenge on us, are you?" Li Chen's words aroused everyone's approval.After all, in the five seasons, this is the first time that there is still a task after the final brand-tearing link.

Hearing this, the director still spoke to himself and said, "Nine people, please come and get your mission cards."

The task is very simple. In fact, it is to interview and comment on each other, and to share some impressions with each other.As for the change in reviews, that is without him.His questions are only about what you have been up to lately.

"An Chen, can I ask what you've been up to lately?"

"I'm late, I'm going to record Extreme Challenge and fall in love with us later."

"Isn't there 6 regular guests in Extreme Challenge? Could it be that someone has not renewed the contract and you are taking over? Can you know whose position you are taking over?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said, "There is no fixed who will take over. It's just that because everyone is very busy, everyone wants to ask for leave for a few episodes, so I have a fixed position for one season. I don't know who I will be in the next season." Can I participate again, but I will perform well this season."

Hearing this, the host nodded, and then said, "During the filming of the third and fourth episodes, the tacit understanding between you and Tang Yixin seemed to spark. In private, everyone calls you Chenxin Group. Do you have any contact in private?"

This topic is getting hot.But An Chen still said, "Of course there is a connection. We have a very good relationship. She often comes to live in our house. There are also Reba, Guan Xiaotong and Liu Shishi."

The breaking news came so suddenly that people were caught off guard.In the next second, the host said excitedly, "Then what is the relationship between you and why do they choose to live in your house? Why don't they choose to live in a hotel?"

Hearing this, An Chen said indifferently, "Because it's convenient. If you stay at my house, no one will disturb you, and we will take care of each other."

"But aren't you afraid of other people's gossip? If someone accidentally takes a sneak shot, it will have a great impact on your mutual life."

Text 0339: China's No. [-] Dog Wei

Hearing the host's question, An Chen said, "Yes, there will definitely be an impact, but it's not on me, but on them. How should I put it? I'm a broadcaster, so I don't really care what others think or scold me. .But they are women after all and might care."

Hearing this, the host said again, "Then what is your relationship?"

What's the relationship? Hearing the host's question, An Chen laughed a little and said, "It seems that you are very obsessed with this question. Well, let me tell you, we are actually in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship."

Seeing the shock on the host's face, An Chen laughed, and said again, "I'm just kidding, maybe I'm popular with them, so I get along with them. So they all regard me as a bosom friend. Isn't it normal for a few good friends to come and live at home?" Don’t you even have guest bedrooms for your friends? It just so happens that ours does, and 13 has both male and female guest bedrooms.”

Hearing this, the host smiled and said, "You really scared me just now. But we really don't have two guest bedrooms for guests to live in. You also know how expensive house prices are in Beijing. Even though it is a loan, we only I just bought a small house with two bedrooms and one living room, and it’s still in the suburbs. Speaking of which, I’m curious, I seem to hear you talking about your house just now, did you buy the house you live in now?”

"Yes, the money I spent as an anchor this year, plus the signing fee for signing with Zhejiang TV Station, is just enough for me to buy it. I am old and nostalgic. And I am used to living, so I bought it."

I am old, nostalgic, you are teasing me, you, a college student who just left school, said so, so what are we small reporters who have been doing interviews for seven or eight years?

After thinking about it, the host felt that An Chen should give An Chen a try.Therefore, she asked, "I see you are asking, in the refrigerator, that you have a girlfriend. Is your girlfriend among them? If she sees other girls coming to live in your house, will she be jealous and angry?"

Hearing this, what the host thought An Chen would be angry with did not happen.An Chen smiled and said, "Who is my girlfriend? You can only guess for yourself. As for whether she was angry or jealous, she definitely didn't. Because she knows them, and they are very good sisters. Everyone who comes to live will greet her in advance.

The host heard the words, and asked without giving up, "Then she is not afraid of [-], just in case, isn't she afraid of accidents? After all, there will be many accidents."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled again.

"In addition to the toilet and bedroom, we have several surveillance cameras in our house, which can clearly record everything in the whole family. The connection and storage of the software are all on her mobile phone, so what you said should not happen. "

Hearing what An Chen said, the host couldn't talk about this topic anymore.At present, the pertinence has become a little obvious. If it comes again, whether the job can be kept is another matter.Therefore, she changed the subject and said, "Then we are in love, who do you plan to partner with? Do you have a choice or a favorite?"

Hearing that the host finally let go, An Chen also heaved a sigh of relief.Hearing her question, An Chen said, "It's not decided yet. I obey the arrangement of the program group.

The host nodded and asked the next question again.

"They all say you are the killer king, what do you think about this?"

"There is no doubt that I am strong, but the king of killers is not enough. If you want to say that you are the king of singles, I will admit it."

You are so shameless, does your mommy know? At this moment, the hostess thought so.But she still said, "Then do you have anything to say to the next season?"

"Next season? Next season, I plan to compete with Lu Han for c. Goddess Reba is my Lu Han, let's grab it"

"Then what do you think of Reba?"

"I don't know about Reba, cute, and obedient. Although she is a black hole in the game, she is very obedient, and she can do whatever she is asked to do. The most important thing is that she can't hide it, a pure and innocent feeling. "

"How does that feel to other people"

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