"They are all great. Brother Chao is very good at taking us 473 brothers. Brother He is very friendly. If he doesn't let me cook all the time, I think I will like him more. No, it's them. In fact, our relationship in private Very good, although we are all very busy, we chat in the WeChat group every day, and occasionally meet up for a meal, it is very good. As for what outsiders say does not exist."

An Chen's recording ended here.It wasn't until this time that An Chen had the chance to see what the director said was exposed.The content is a video, which was secretly shot.Although the shots were not very clear, people who are familiar with them can tell at a glance that they are two people.

That was the scene of them entering the room, until the door was closed, and finally the video went black.There was a line written on it, what time did An Chen enter Reba's room, and he never left Yun Yun.

The person who sent the video address was China's No. [-] dog Wei, Zhuo Dada.The video was released this morning, and it has already aroused great repercussions. At this time, An Chen's Weibo and Reba's Weibo are going to explode.All kinds of information are endless, and there are not a few who swear, many of them are fans of Lu Han and Reba. .

Body 0340: Interactions from Twitter

An Chen didn't care about the rumors, but edited a Weibo post.

"My dears, go home for dinner when you have time. Di Lieba, Guan Xiaotong, Liu Shishi, Tang Yixin, Feng Timo."

An Chen posted on Weibo, and within a short while, the internet went viral.He didn't care what others said, but several women responded.

Guan Xiaotong: "An Chen. I'm not sincere. I don't even have time. I went to cook for myself. Send me the time when I get back."

Liu Shishi's reply was very simple, only one word. "Hmm" Well, it really is a goddess style.

Tang Yixin "I've been quite busy recently, let me make an appointment to go to Tibet after I finish filming, I want to see the Potala Palace."

Feng Timo "waiting for you at home"

Di Lieba did not reply, because she had just finished recording the photo and hadn't had time to watch it yet.The forwarding and replying of the four girls caused an explosive effect.Both Guan Xiaotong and Liu Shishi are top-notch actresses with tens of millions of fans.As soon as their forwarded Aite came out, the Internet seemed to have an earthquake.The remarks that swiped the screen for a while almost overwhelmed the server.

And there are many stars with four women who pay attention.The speed at which this tweet spread was astonishing.And just like that, two people came to join in the fun.The two are still enemies.

Zheng Wei: "Why is there no Aite, your Naga? Is it because Naga can't meet people or it's fake?"

It was night, and Gu Li Naga, who had no night shooting tasks, naturally saw An Chen's Weibo.She didn't want to interfere at first, but just when she was about to close Weibo, her Weibo was maxed out.After looking at it curiously, she clicked on Zheng Min's Weibo.Seeing Zheng Min's words, she was a little angry, but she seemed to understand why An Chen asked her for help, and who she was acting for.Thinking of this, she smiled.

I saw that she tweeted An Chen, forwarded and replied to An Chen's twitter. "Why don't you ask me to go home for dinner? Are you afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstanding? I'm single now〃."

Maybe the topic upstairs is hot, but Gu Li Naya's topic is also hotter.Here, did she break up with Zhang Han? Just after breaking up, she hooked up with this new celebrity anchor

At this moment, countless fans started arguing, and even Zhang Han fans began to angrily brush Naga Weibo.

"Scumbag, Zhang Han hooked up with someone else after we finished using it up"

"Green tea frame, I never thought that you are such a person. Fortunately, we still like you because of Zhang Han."

The speed of swiping the screen was very fast, but Gu Li Naga seemed to have been calm for a long time, she just sent another tweet.

"Some people say that I rely on Zhang Han to rise to the top, but apart from being popular, I have gained nothing. I was with him only because I loved him at the time, and now we are separated only because I no longer love him. And you and Zheng Min The fans really put a lot of pressure on me. I was overwhelmed early on, so I went to Hua'er to relax. I figured out some things there. I'm single, I hope to have my own life, what's wrong? As for Zhang Han and Zheng Min, I sincerely wish you happiness." After Gu Lina posted this tweet, she also tweeted about An Chen, Zhang Han and Zheng Min .

Naga's Aite, Zheng Min naturally saw it.But Zhang Han might be busy, but he didn't see it immediately.Zheng Min was upset when he saw this.Just give it to me if you don't want it, are you kidding me?

The next moment, Zheng Wei sent out a tweet.

"Naja, are you kidding? If you don't want me, it's none of my business. Also, can you not rob me this time? Why do you rob me every time? I offend you?"

Seeing this, Gu Li Naga also fought back.

"I'm sorry, we met first. I really didn't snatch you this time. I knew you sent him off that day. It's okay. It's understandable for a man to eat wild food occasionally."

Madan, when did I become a wild food, you are a wild food, and your whole family is a wild food.

At the same time, An Chen knew nothing about this brawl.He was having a meal with other members of the brotherhood at this time.The fifth season is over, and we will see you in the second half of the next season.Therefore, on this day, everyone was drunk, and An Chen went back to rest with Reba in his arms after getting a little drunk.

Therefore, when An Chen found out about the news about the Weibo exchange, it was already early the next morning.It turned out that Guan Xiaotong was the first to call.As soon as the phone was connected, she said angrily, "Don't you want Weibo? Go take care of those two jealous goblins. You, Wang Zhao, are in the top ten most searched now, I thought you Aite finished us No matter what, we have to shoot the top three today. I didn’t expect the top three to be robbed, and it was the sisters we didn’t know. Tell me honestly, there are a few others we don’t know.”

At this time, An Chen's face was confused, and then he couldn't help but said, "What are you talking about? How do I feel that our circuit is not on the same channel?"

Well, forgot to be specific.But at this moment, Guan Xiaotong suddenly didn't want to talk about it, even if it was true, what's the difference? Therefore, she just said, "Go and see Weibo by yourself, I think those two sisters have already liked you. Go home Don't forget to call me."

"it is good".

Body 0341: Invitation from a Chinese restaurant

When An Chen opened Weibo, he was stunned for a second. Did it explode? Not to mention ordinary users' screen swiping, the notification made An Chen feel a little melancholy.Hundreds, it's so sad.

An Chen was a little helpless, but in the next second he started turning over one by one.These Aites include brother groups and actresses who have worked with them, and among them the most eye-catching ones are Zheng Ming and Na Ga.Although he hasn't read the following content carefully, he seems to know who Guan Xiaotong is talking about, and the two little fairies are probably them.

An Chen smiled wryly, and in the end he became more and more surprised, and finally he became a little angry.What the hell are these two girls doing? Fortunately, there was no accident. If they really eat these two girls, they can tear down the backyard.

Seeing this, he asked the two girls, and replied, "I don't want to deal with the two quarreling, and I'm not qualified to deal with it, but please don't add me. Really, this will bother me a lot." After thinking about it, he Once again Aite ancient Lina rolling. "You too, why do you get in the way of things like 460, I don't like you so much"

The next moment, An Chen began to reply to the others one by one.Especially a few girls, but at this moment, his phone rang.Seeing the name above, it was his assistant Liu Shujie.

At this moment, An Chen was a little depressed, maybe he was here to teach.But the phone calls that should be answered still have to be answered.

"Hello, Miss Liu."

"Are you up? I want to ask, how should you publicize your private life?"

"Why don't you use PR, let the matter ferment. Is there anything else?"

At this moment, Liu Shujie froze, then smiled wryly.It's really a headache to have such an artist on the booth.But how could it be possible not to use public relations, even the fermented water army must have a rhythm.

"Well, one more thing is that Hunan TV has a variety show called Chinese Restaurant, and their bdfis invite you to take time to be a guest and comment. When you see when you have time, I will arrange a shooting with them for a total of [-] days. Today is the first One day, you have to participate within these nineteen days."

Hearing this, An Chen frowned.But this seems to be a must to participate in. In exchange, he often participates in Hunan TV's programs, not to mention the popularity.

"Okay, tomorrow I'm leaving for um where is Thailand?"

When hanging up the phone, Reba said, "Aren't you coming back with us? I have a job."

"Yeah, Hunan TV has a new variety show called Chinese Restaurant. They asked me to try the dishes, and the rule is within 19 days. But now I have time, so I just fly over. It seems that I can't go back to China with you, you be careful on the road."

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