"Okay, it's okay, work is important, you should pay attention to safety when you go there. By the way, Sister Mi is also there recently, saying that she is going to shoot an advertisement, and I don't know if you can meet her." Having said that, Di Lie paused, and suddenly said, "By the way, you are going to a Chinese restaurant, so there will be a lot of delicious food, so I want to eat there."

Seeing this, An Chen laughed and said, "No matter how delicious it is, it's not as delicious as your husband's. What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you when you get home."

"It makes me want to go home now, when will I go home?"

"I probably won't stay in Thailand for a long time. About three days later, you can ask for leave in advance. If you can't ask for leave, then a few days later is fine."

"Okay, tell the others in advance. It's rare to take a break, and it's best if everyone can see each other. The most important thing is that they like to eat your cooking."

Hearing this, An Chen thought badly, is there anyone who doesn't like my cooking? Of course, having such a generous wife made him even happier.He nodded, and said, "Okay, just now Xiaotong was asking me when I'd be home, obviously that snack is also greedy."

At this time, Guan Xiaotong is not here. If she were there, she would definitely tell An Chen that not only my upper mouth is hungry, but my lower mouth is also hungry.

Speaking of this, An Chen suddenly remembered about Weibo, so he said, "Weibo may be very troublesome recently, so if possible, you should not use it."

Hearing this, Di Lieba said, "Are you talking about our return to the hotel? This is indeed a bit troublesome. I didn't expect that our relationship would be announced so early, and I don't know what happened to the other sisters."

Hearing what Reba said, An Chen was taken aback, and asked curiously, "When did you know about this and why was I the last to know about it?"

Di Lieba smiled when he heard the words, and said, "I knew about the video not long after it came out, and then I asked our company's public relations to deal with it, but I didn't expect it to spread."

"They told me about this last night, and then I also saw your Weibo. It might not be a bad way to deal with it, so I didn't say anything else,"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, this is his Di Lieba.

Afterwards, the two got up and had breakfast together. After the meal, An Chen told the crew about his itinerary.In the end, Reba returned to China with everyone, while An Chen stayed in the Czech Republic alone. .

Body 0342: Recommendation by Tvorkikova

After sending Reba and the others away, An Chen walked the streets of Prague boredly alone.The scenery in the Czech Republic is beautiful, and maybe there should be a tour guide at this time.Therefore, after thinking about it, An Chen called a Czech girl.

Yes, it's the girl. An Chen dialed Tvorkikova and asked her if she would like to be An Chen's tour guide.It's not that he doesn't want to call Gubalova, but that Gubalova has some friends who are coming today.Although she didn't mind bringing An Chen with her, An Chen still declined.And Tvorkikova, who received the call, happily agreed to the decision.

She is very willing to accompany this brother whom she has a crush on.Just after An Chen drank a cup of coffee in the coffee shop, Tvorkikova arrived. At the age of 16, she is full of sunshine and vitality, which makes people look at her and seems to be full of motivation.

When Kikova saw An Chen, she said, "An Chen, haven't you returned to China with your team?"

"Well, I'm going to Thailand tomorrow, so I stayed here. Isn't it too early? I just wanted to find a tour guide to learn about the Czech Republic, so I thought of you."

Hearing this, Kikova asked with interest, "Oh, then why didn't you find Sister Luowa? In terms of your Chinese aesthetics, Sister Luowa should be more popular."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed and replied, "You're right. In fact, I wanted to find her at first, but it happened that her friend asked her out. So I can only find you, a little girl." .”

Although An Chen said it bluntly, Kikova didn't care too much, and instead jokingly said, "So I'm a spare tire."

Hearing this, An Chen also laughed, and said, "Then where are we going now, Ms. Spare Tire?"

After hearing the words and thinking for a while, Kikova said, "If you want to understand Prague and hear its stories, then the whole town is full of stories. No matter which store you go to, you can hear some stories, but I don't think that's what you want. Come on, I'll take you to a special bar that I think will suit you better."

The bar, what the hell is the bar talking like there is no such thing.An Chen casually asked, "Oh, what's so special about it?"

Kikova smiled mischievously when she heard the words, and only replied seven words to An Chen.

"It's a surprise, I can't say"

Hearing this, An Chen didn't ask any more questions, but also gave Kikova a smile back.Along the way, the two walked and talked, mostly Kikova was asking questions and An Chen was answering.Kikova seems to be full of curiosity about China, she wants to ask about everything, and is curious about everything.

Unknowingly, they came to a seemingly remote place.This place seems to be a private palace, the palace is very large and full of exotic taste.But this palace is very different from other palaces. There is no magnificent decoration in this palace. Some of them only have solid wooden tables and rows of stools beside the tables.There are medieval-style frescoes on the walls.There seems to be a bar in one corner, and the music of that era resounds in the palace.

When An Chen came in, there were already quite a few people here. They were sitting on stools drinking beer and eating meat at the same time.There was a large pot on every table. Except for the place where people were sitting, the pots in other places were empty, but the strong smell of meat still spread.There appears to be an oversized fireplace in one corner of the palace, where two cows are roasting over a small fire.

Seeing this, An Chen thought it was interesting

ask for flowers

At this moment, Kikova smiled and asked him, "How is it? Does it feel very different, as if returning to a tavern in the Middle Ages in Europe?"

"Well, what is the story of this tavern? To be honest, this is indeed the first time I have seen such a tavern. By the way, does it have any other special features?"

"Of course, it's only in the afternoon, and there will be performances in the evening. In addition, there are some interactive games."

"Okay, it seems like it's been a long time for us to wait like this."

"Of course not, at this time, we can play some fun games, what do you think?"

At the moment when he was playing a fun game, An Chen couldn't help thinking about it.But when he followed Kikova to the game location, he couldn't help but say, "This is what you said was fun"

At this moment, An Chen couldn't help being a little confused. He thought that the fun game was something the two of them loved to do, but he didn't expect it to be

At this moment, a group of people were playing a game of poker, which seemed to be Texas Hold'em.Seeing this, how could An Chen not be depressed? He doesn't like gambling at all, okay? The point is that the forecast is too far away.

"Well, I don't like playing very much."

Hearing what An Chen said, Kikova said, "I'm afraid that the stakes are too big. They are all 10 or 20 yuan. Even if it is added to the maximum, it will be a hundred yuan at most. There will be no It's too big of a problem."

Is this the thing? Really not, but how do you say sleepy, well, he really didn't think about it at first.After all, she was a 16-year-old girl, but it was Gubalova who moved his heart.Unfortunately something happened.

Body 0343: Voices in the grass

In the boring poker, An Chen's low nature finally ushered in the night.At this moment, after the music style outside changed, Kikova hurriedly said, "The performance is about to start, let's go out,"

Hearing this, An Chen finally got a little interested, threw down the cards hastily, and gave up this round of competition.As for the deposit on the table, who cares

When the two came to the outer room, there were already 80 people sitting in the seats.There are many women among them, even women occupy 60, and they are all beautiful women.

"How come there are so many women"

Kikova laughed and said, "Because they are all "four six three" boring people. The favorite thing for boring people in our country is to go to bars, and this medieval bar is the most popular among women. The most important thing is that it is relatively safe here, even if a drunk comes out to make trouble, someone will come out to stop it. So most of the celebrities and women like it here.”

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