Speaking of this, Kikova looked at a female star, and continued to talk to An Chen, "Look at that person, she is the most popular female star in our Czech Republic, but here, no one harassed her. Everyone seemed ordinary Play like a human."

Hearing this, An Chen understood.This alone can attract most of the stars, and it is no wonder that Kikova would recommend this place.

Just then, eight women stepped up, dressed in medieval peasant clothes.In the next second, the dance to enter the harvest season began.These girls are all beautiful, and although the dance comes from the folk, it is not vulgar.

As they dance, girls and men are brought up one by one.For a while, the dance changed from performance to interaction, and at this moment a girl invited An Chen.

An Chen refused with a smile, but recommended Kikova beside her.In this tavern, drinking, chatting, telling stories, and various interactions, there are surprises in every time period.No wonder it attracts so many people.

As time passed, An Chen said, "Kikova, it's getting late, I'll take you home."

Kikova looked at An Chen after hearing the words, and asked curiously, "Shouldn't we play for a while?"

"No, I have to catch a plane tomorrow, but I still want to thank you for bringing me to such a special bar."

Hearing this, Kikova smiled, got up and pulled An Chen away.But what An Chen didn't expect was that when the two went out, Jikova suddenly clung to An Chen's ear and whispered, "Do you really want to take me home? Maybe I don't need to go home today."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, struggled for a while, and said, "You are still too young, let's talk about it when you are older." After all, An Chen couldn't do anything to the 16-year-old girl, even though she was already an adult .

Kikova raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, secretly thinking that An Chen was a little silly.It's rare for me to like someone of the opposite sex, and I wanted to deliver a perfect first night, but I was rejected.But they were all rejected. What else can Kikova say to go home? Go back to each house and find your own mother.

It is true that the castle is safe, but it is not necessarily safe outside, especially if it is more than a kilometer away.An Chen and the others came here to make carriages. It seems that people in this country have a unique love for carriages.But if you return, you are not so lucky. There is a car service in the manor, but the carriage has already left.An Chen didn't want to make a car, so she chose to walk back with Kikova. Although this place is very remote, it's only three kilometers away from downtown Prague.

As he was walking, An Chen suddenly stopped, the faint cry for help coming from his ears was not loud, and then instantly became smaller, as if someone had covered his mouth for help.

Seeing that An Chen paused, Kikova asked suspiciously, "An Chen, why didn't you leave?" At this point, Kikova showed an ambiguous and charming smile, and said, "Why, did you change your mind? But It’s not allowed in the wild. My first time must be on the bed, and it’s dangerous in the wild.”

What was this girl thinking about? An Chen made a booing gesture when he heard the words, and then walked aside with a serious expression.The faint voice seemed to be struggling, but it seemed powerless to resist.The voice gradually became weaker, and seemed to become ephemeral, as if the choking from the wind was the only thing she could make.

Seeing An Chen like this, Kikova seemed to realize that something was wrong.She didn't think that An Chen wanted to take this opportunity to pull her into the grass to do some indescribable things.After all, she has already said that she will give it to him. If he still wants to do this, then it is not another problem, but a pervert.

As An Chen approached, 00's voice seemed to become clearer.At this moment, An Chen was sure that something bad was happening inside.The next moment, he put on his scanning glasses.After all, it was night, even with the light of stars and moon, it looked very dark.What's more, this is a tall reed field.

"Turn on the heat and cold sensor, and turn on the night vision function."

As An Chen murmured to himself, the moment he turned on the two functions, he saw what was going on inside.

Sure enough, something went wrong. At this time, a burly man was holding a dagger against the neck of a slender woman.It's no wonder that even with An Chen's hearing ability, she can't hear the sound too clearly. .

Body 0344: Gubalova?

At this time, that person was looking in this direction, and the rapidly beating heart all highlighted the other person's nervousness.

In the next second, Ruoruo's daytime environment made An Chen make a move.His shot didn't directly rush up, but picked up a pebble-like round stone, and threw it at the person in the next second.Although he has never practiced throwing stones, don't forget that he is proficient in weapons. Although he is only at the third level, it is enough for him to be proficient in hidden weapons. Coupled with the master-level Tai Chi, the accuracy is not too good.

An Chen didn't dare to hit the opponent's head, for fear of killing him, he chose to hit the opponent's shoulder holding the knife. The reaction force and pain formed at this angle can definitely knock the opponent down.

Sure enough, there was a muffled "bang", followed by screams.As early as when An Chen shot, people had already flown out like cheetahs.Although he was not as fast as the stone, it was only a second away, and within 13 breaths, he had already stepped on the gangster's shoulder.

The gangster, who hadn't calmed down, screamed like a pig again in an instant.

Hearing the sound, Tvorkikova quickly caught up.In the next second, he saw two people hiding in the darkness.

It wasn't until this moment that An Chen said, "Kikova, call the police."

Hearing this, Kikova said "oh, oh" and started calling the police.But at this moment, a choked and hesitant voice said "Tvorkikova"

"Huh?" Tvorkikova looked at the victim in doubt.

At this moment, Tvorkikova let out a soft cry, and said, "Sister Gubalova, why are you here? Didn't An Chen say that you went to a party with friends?"

An Chen, at this moment, Gubalova finally knew who this man was hiding in the night.After all, not everyone has night vision glasses, let alone An Chen's back is facing her.

At the same time, An Chen turned his head in surprise. He was too anxious to save someone just now, and with his hot and cold sensations turned on, he didn't recognize that this person was Gubalova for a while.Turning off the sense of heat and cold while looking back, isn’t it Guba Luova?

Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help feeling how small the world was.Under the circumstances that they thought they would not meet, they did not expect the two to meet again, and it turned out to be in this situation.

"Gubalova, how are you doing now? Are you okay? Do you need to call a doctor for you? I didn't recognize you at the first time. I'm sorry,"

Hearing this, Gubalova said, "No, no, no, no need to apologize, thank you for saving me, An Chen. Really, thank you so much, otherwise something might happen to me,"

After Gubalova's words fell, An Chen continued to remind Kikova, "Kikova, have you called the police?"

When Kikova heard the words, she quickly stuck out her tongue, ready to call the police.But at this moment, Gubalova said, "No, we don't need to call the police. If we call the police, we will be in trouble. Kikova and I don't care, but you may not be able to leave Anchen for a few days. Leave it to me to deal with it." .”

Hearing this, Kikova looked at An Chen, and An Chen nodded.He still has a lot of things to do, so naturally he can't stop here.The next moment, Gubalova took out her mobile phone, dialed a call, and said, "Peter Manor? I'm Gubalova. I was attacked on the way here. Now people are under our control. You Can you send someone to take over this matter?"

As soon as Gubalova's words fell, the criminal said, "No, please don't hand me over to Earl Peter."

Although An Chen didn't know why, he could still tell that perhaps this Earl Peter was more feared than the police.But knowing that this is still a crime, An Chen really wants to say, how dare you

"I knew this earlier, so why bother. You are not afraid of doing such a thing, so what are you afraid of now?"

"No, please, turn me over to the police. I'm willing to go to jail to make up for my mistakes."

"Are you dreaming? If An Chen hadn't come, you would have raped me first and then killed me." Gubalova was afraid when she said this, so it was even more impossible for her to forgive this man.

But at this moment, this person said sophistry, "No, I just fell in love with your beauty, and I didn't want to kill you."

Gubalova is not stupid. If she committed a crime on this road, how could she leave evidence? If she escapes, it must be his end.Therefore, this man must be lying, but the real result was that she was raped and then killed, and then her body was thrown into the wilderness.

Not long after, I saw three cars coming all the way with their search lights on.They didn't stop until they vaguely saw someone, and shouted, "Miss Gubarova, are you there? I'm the housekeeper of Peter Manor, Louis."

Hearing this voice, Gubalova hurriedly said, "Yes, I am here, you guys come to pick someone up."

They are not far apart, no more than ten meters away, so the other party can vaguely detect people.

When Louis and the others took the people away, they left a car to take them back to Prague.This time, An Chen did not refuse again, after all, the situation was different.Therefore, they returned to Prague by car. .

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