
The time spent chatting between the two passed quickly.Among them, a few more girls chatted for a while, but soon they joined the new job.These days are relatively busy, because they have to ask for leave in a few days.Everyone worked hard to spare some time.

This chat lasted for an hour.Yang Mi came out at this moment, and said, "I haven't washed yet, let's go eat after washing, it's time to go."

"it is good"

After An Chen finished speaking, he left a message for a few girls, and hurriedly began to wash up.Afterwards, they went to the Chinese restaurant, where they planned to solve today's meals.

When the two arrived, the Chinese restaurant was already open for business. At this moment, an old man over fifty years old came over and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

This moment? Wang Hao, Yang Mi felt a little familiar, but when she turned her head, Yang Mi was surprised.

"Teacher Cui, why are you here?"

Because Yang Mi was sitting with her back facing the bar, she only looked at the person when she heard the voice.At this moment, the teacher named Cui also saw Yang Mi, and shouted in surprise, "Xiao Mi, why are you here to be a guest?"

Yang Mi smiled when she heard the words, and hurriedly said, "Teacher, please sit down first, let's sit down and talk."

Hearing this, Teacher Cui quickly shook his head, and replied, "That's not okay, now is the busy time. I came here with a mission."

s Tang Yixin's profile has been completed.Baidu who doesn't know the group number, Prince Xuanmen.

Text 0363: Men Can’t Say No

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked at An Chen, and said, "Xiao Chen, can you help me and let me chat with Teacher Cui." At this point, Yang Mi was afraid that An Chen would be unhappy, so she hurriedly folded her hands together, pitifully "Please."

If it was before today, she would definitely not have made such an action and used such a tone towards An Chen.But at this time she has been reborn.To An Chen, she has a closeness that ordinary people don't have.

Seeing Yang Mi like this, it was impossible for An Chen to refuse even if she wanted to.He stood up with a smile, and said, "Teacher Cui's task is to pick up customers and order meals. I can just come. You can sit here."

Speaking of which, An Chen had already taken the order book from Teacher Cui, and walked towards the kitchen.

Although it's time to order food.But after looking at the documents, it will be more efficient.When An Chen entered inside and looked at the tables that had ordered food, he knew it.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang who saw him said, "Hey, An Chen, you are here again, are you here to help? Great, we are in urgent need of a chef."

Hehe, I miss you too much.

"460 Brother Liang thinks too much, I just take over the job of ordering for Mr. Cui, don't try to use me around."

But upon hearing this, Zhao Wei suddenly smiled, and she yelled, "Teacher Cui, please cut up all the ginger and garlic for us."

Hearing that An Chen stiffened, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Teacher Cui, sit down, I'll cut."

While speaking, An Chen drew a knife, and then the sound of "Duo, Duo, Duo" sounded.In just a few tens of seconds, a large pile of ginger and garlic had been chopped.

Seeing this, Zhao smiled slightly, and then said, "Mr. Cui, can you cook a sweet and sour pork ribs for us?"

Hearing this, An Chen gritted his teeth, and said again, "Mr. Cui, sit down, I just know this dish." After saying this, An Chen turned to Zhao Wei, and said in a low voice, "Miss Wei, Don't let me meet your Huang Xin. Otherwise, hehe, I will cook her the most delicious dish at that time, so that she will not think about eating or drinking from now on."

"Damn, Xiaochen, you are too vicious."

"Hehe, if you don't hate me so much, I will be a very warm and warm man."

"It's up to you, but if you want to see my Xiaoxin, don't think about it, I will see it very well."

Helpless, An Chen could only start making ribs.But at this moment, Zhao Wei actually gave An Chen a problem because of his displeasure.She actually took out the marinated garlic pork ribs, and said, "There are not many ribs left, you can use this, and save it by the way."

Seeing this, An Chen showed a look of grief and indignation, and said, "You're teasing my sister Wei, don't be so cruel."

Zhao Wei widened his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "I'll call you a teacher if you don't do it or not."

Thinking of Yang Mi's appearance, An Chen was helpless.The next moment, he directly boiled a pot of water, and then poured sliced ​​ginger, scallions, and white wine.After blanching, remove and fry again.When frying, An Chen didn't choose to fry directly, but added egg liquid with water starch on the outside, and the snacks in Zhao Wei's hands were stained, and the potato chips shattered.

After frying on low heat, An Chen smelled it and started to burn the sweet and sour sauce.Because there is no way to do in-depth cooking, because of bdca, An Chen chose the simplest and most one-sided way to deal with it, adding flavor to the sauce.With hints of garlic, ginger and scallions, this would be an equally great dish.

Two minutes later, the sauce was ready, An Chen poured the sauce on the ribs, then looked at Zhao Wei.The look of disdain seems to say, Xiao Mian, this is trying to stump me

"Which table is it?"

"The biggest table outside, let me try a piece first."

Hearing this, An Chen instantly dodged the chopsticks that Zhao Wei stretched out, and said, "It's just right, I don't have your share, if you want to eat, make it yourself."

"I'm trying it for them. Don't damage my signboard. And there are so many of them."

There are indeed many, An Chen still has two spare ribs in his hand, but these are not for Zhao Wei to eat.

"This belongs to your teacher and sister Mi. Don't you want to grab it too?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wei's chopsticks couldn't go down.She turned around a little angrily, as if there was something out of sight.

The next moment, An Chen smiled and walked out without paying any attention.When passing by Yang Mi's table, he put down the plate of pork ribs with only two pieces, then put another large plate on another table, and said, "Hi, your sweet and sour pork ribs. This is my exclusive secret recipe. , I hope you will like it. By the way, as a reminder, this is eaten with sauce, so be sure to cover the whole body of the ribs with the sauce."

The two people at the other table naturally heard this.Therefore, the ribs that Yang Mi was going to put in his mouth were put into the small dish again, covered with a thick layer of sauce, and then put into his mouth again.

The crispy crackling skin, together with the soft and chewy meat inside, mixed with the sweet and sour juice in the mouth, interweaves a perfect taste.Coupled with the taste of onion, ginger and garlic, it is like the aroma of roasting.Before Yang Mi could speak, the children at the other table cheered in surprise.

"Mom, it's so delicious."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Zhao Wei who was watching the excitement at the door, and showed a smug smile. .

Body 0364: Appearance in college

Seeing An Chen like this, Zhao Wei revealed an angry look.Then he said again, "Teacher, I think you can help us make shrimp in tomato sauce."

But An Chen laughed when he heard this, and said to Huang Xiaoming who came in from the side door, "Brother Xiaoming, someone ordered your best prawns in tomato sauce."

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