When Yang Mi said these words, An Chen hugged Yang Mi directly.

Sensing An Chen's movements, Yang Mi was startled, and her drowsiness disappeared without a trace.While wrapping his arms around An Chen, he said in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this, An Chen took it for granted and said, "Of course I'm sleepy, I'll take you to bed." After saying this, An Chen seemed to know what Yang Mi wanted to say, and said again, "Don't worry, you're all here for relatives. No matter how beastly it is, you are safe now."

Hearing this, Yang Mi also remembered her state, but she still rolled her eyes and said, "Who knows if you are a pervert."

If I'm really a pervert, I'll really beat you here.But this is just what An Chen thinks in his mind, it is impossible for him to do something that hurts a woman's body.

"If I were a pervert, I would illegally detain you, then lock you up in a place where no one is around for more than ten years, and let you make me a villain every day."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yang Mi gave An Chen a slightly angry look, and said coquettishly, "You are so beautiful, let your Reba make you a villain."

While speaking, An Chen had already put Yang Mi on the bed.But just when An Chen was about to leave, Yang Mi suddenly said, "I feel a little uncomfortable now, why don't you give me some rubbing."

Hearing this, An Chen stayed and began to rub Yang Mi's stomach again.At this moment, Yang Mi's voice sounded like a mosquito.

"If you feel tired, you can also sleep here."

Yes, my aunt asked if it was a ghost. After thinking about it, An Chen said, "It's not good for your health. It's easy to get infected at this time. Although we've all washed it, it's still not good."

"Bastard, what are you thinking?" At this moment, Yang Mi became a little angry.

"Then what do you want?"

The angry Yang Mi was still a little angry.I just heard her shout, "I mean you can hug me to sleep, not let you sleep with me."

Yang Mi blushed a little when she leaked, but still looked at An Chen angrily.

But upon hearing this, An Chen looked at the angry Yang Mi, smiled evilly next to her ear, and said, "Is there any difference? I'll sleep with you."

Is there a difference, of course there is, but it seems to be the case.Just when Yang Mi didn't turn her head around, she suddenly exclaimed.She got up out of excitement, but An Chen threw her down on the bed.At this moment, Yang Mi frowned, a little disappointed.Sure enough, do men always talk? Sure enough, it’s better to believe in ghosts than to believe in a man’s bad mouth.

"just this once"

Yang Mi, who was slightly cold in her heart, looked at An Chen fixedly, as if there was an indescribable loss in her eyes.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Why just hug you and sleep this time? In fact, it's okay if you don't have one. For a beautiful woman who can only see but can't, I'm also very tormented. But if you It means that, that is, you think too much. When you are in good health, if you dare to give it to me, I will dare to sleep. But not now, sleep well. Are you still uncomfortable?"

An Chen was speaking, and she turned her side to gently rub Yang Mi 903's stomach.But from this angle, it no longer had the strength it had just now.But even so, Yang Mi felt extra comfortable and extra warm.At this moment, her nose was a little sour, and she wanted to cry.

Yang Mi, who was afraid of tears, turned her back to An Chen, and let An Chen gently rub her stomach.The moment she carried An Chen on her back, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.At this moment, she didn't know whether she was moved or wronged, but she just wanted to cry.Although she tried her best to control it, she couldn't help shrugging slightly.

An Chen's observation skills are so keen, seeing this, he opened his mouth and said, "You are crying"

Hearing this, Yang Mi couldn't bear it anymore.Flipping to the opposite side of An Chen, she buried her head in An Chen's arms and began to cry bitterly.

The crying was so loud and so sudden that An Chen felt dazed and stiff for a moment.But An Chen, who came back slowly, said, "If it makes you angry, I'll just leave. Don't cry, okay? If you're unhappy, it's okay to bite me twice."

Text 0362: Mom becomes a teacher

An Chen who was talking wanted to get up, but Yang Mi suddenly pulled An Chen down again.Still crying in his arms, he choked up and said, "Don't go, just let me cry for a while."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't insist anymore.Instead, he hugged Yang Mi tightly with one hand, letting her stick to him while stroking Yang Mi's beautiful hair with the other hand.

Yang Mi felt that An Chen's movements did not resist, and she also clung to An Chen while still crying.The two were like this, one crying, the other comforting, for a long, long time.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Mi seemed to be tired from crying, and finally there was only an even breath.Hearing this voice, An Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.You are fine, fell asleep, but unfortunately my little brother is as hard as iron.The good thing is that Yang Mi's clamped legs made his little brother feel less uncomfortable.In the end, An Chen kept thinking about the warm days with other girls, and finally let the younger brother settle down.

Early the next morning, he was pushed away by Yang Mi, because his habit of touching breast milk while asleep had recurred.Looking at Yang Mi's blushing cheeks, An Chen was about to say something when she was interrupted by Yang Mi, who only heard Yang Mi say, "Don't say anything, everything is just an accident, since a new day has arrived, then Just let it all go. Now you can go back."

"I'm going back to my country today, are you going back?"

"Well, I also have a lot of things to do."

"The plane is at [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Although there are other times, it's too late."

"Okay, we'll take the [-]:[-] ferry back to Bangkok and then catch the plane‖."

While the two were talking, the crew over there also called.

"An Chen, Zhao Wei's teacher has arrived at Elephant Island, and will live with you today."

At this moment, An Chen was a little dazed. Didn't it mean that her mother became a teacher again? Could it be that Zhao Wei's mother is a teacher?

"It's not that Sister Zhao Wei's mother came over and became a teacher again." Zhao Wei's mother is a teacher"

"Uh, it's not mom, it's the teacher. Who told you that mom's memory is wrong?"

It's too hasty for you to say this, isn't it only a second for Mom to become a teacher?

"It's okay, we're going back to China today, the ferry at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, please arrange to pick us up at the Chinese restaurant at [-]:[-]."

At this time, I just ate dinner.Definitely just right.As for now, let's check Weibo and chat for a while.

"You wash up first, I'll go check Weibo and chat for a while."

Speaking of which, An Chen walked out of Yang Mi's room first, sat on the balcony outside, checked Weibo for a while, and then chatted with a few other girls.But maybe because everyone was busy, only Timo and Liu Shishi replied to him.And Liu Shishi still didn't have her turn to play.

After a short chat, Liu Shishi left.In the end, only Teemo was left with him.

"When will you come back? Xiaotong said that you will come back to let everyone get together. Everyone is rushing to work these days."

Seeing this, An Chen replied, "Today's plane, if there is no accident, will arrive tomorrow morning. If you want to come over, go directly to Hengdian. The end of the biography of the Great Sage is almost done. It's just because of the temporary modification, and Some scenes need to be re-recorded for three days. It’s the same if you come back three or four days later. When will you enter the entertainment industry?”

Feng Timo smiled on the other end of the phone, and then replied, "My contract hasn't expired yet, and I'm already promoting it. Didn't you see that Douyu has been recruiting frequently? I was moved to tears the day before yesterday. So much It's really surprising that people support me. To be honest, I really miss those fans."

An Chen smiled, and then replied again, "Then learn from me, just broadcast it when you have time, that's when you'll be busy."

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