After Yang Mi finished speaking, she continued to eat An Chen's meal without being polite at all.Seeing this, An Chen rolled his eyes again and began to finish.Then it was given to the coal boss and the others.

"The last dish is three cups of stewed rice with chicken. In addition, there will be free fish later, you can pick it up if you need it." After saying this, An Chen said to Huang Xiaoming and Zhang Liang, "Brother Xiao Ming and Brother Liang , come and help me get the yu sheng. This yu sheng is free, and everyone who enters the store can pick up a piece. Alright, let’s get ready and start business.”

Here, the eating time is completely different from that in China. It is their eating time after the night is completely dark.That's why An Chen said so.After Yusheng moved out, other people also started their business model, and the Chinese restaurant seemed to be back to normal again.

After An Chen had dinner, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening. He took Yang Mi to the first place where they rented a house, and asked, "Hello, is there any place to live, preferably a separate house. If not, it’s okay to have a business room or something.”

Hearing An Chen's words, the hotel staff shook his head, just when An Chen thought that the other party couldn't understand English.I just heard the other party say, "I'm very sorry, because it is the peak tourist season recently, so the occupancy is full. If you can, you can go to the Kacha Resort Hotel one kilometer away."

ask for flowers

Hearing this, An Chen felt a little regretful, but he could only understand.Then he took Yang Mi out and said, "The occupancy is full, she recommended us to go to Kacha Resort Hotel."

"I heard, it's just that it's too far away. If I live so far alone, I'm a little scared."

Hearing this, An Chen also understood, for a girl, it's really not good for you to let her live alone in a foreign country.

After thinking about it, An Chen said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask the working group. See if they can allocate a house."

Although she didn't want to trouble others, Yang Mi didn't have a good solution at this time.So she can only keep silent.

When the call was connected, An Chen turned on the speakerphone.Going straight to the point, he said, "Hi, I'm An Chen. That's it. Do you still have a vacant apartment reserved? Didn't you have a guest today?"

Hearing this, the other party asked suspiciously, "Brother, your house has three rooms, and the houses we booked are all just right. Tomorrow, there is a room in your apartment that will be occupied by people. Miss Zhao Wei's mother will come here."

Hearing the staff's explanation, An Chen said, "But it's just the two of us, living alone under the same roof, isn't it good?"

"Brother, really, what's the problem? Every room has a door lock, and the person is called by you, which means that you have a good relationship. The most important thing is, Yang Mi, don't you want to be moved? What if it happens naturally? It's over."

Text 0360: Living with Yang Mi

How dare this kid say it, An Chen looked at Yang Mi in embarrassment and didn't know what to say.When Yang Mi saw An Chen looking over, she stared fiercely, but then she laughed first.

Hearing this laughter, the staff who received An Chen over there seemed to know that An Chen had turned on the hands-free.In the next second, he hung up the phone in a panic.

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, An Chen said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's not good to live together if someone sees it, or we'd better take a look at Kacha."

"What are you looking for? Let me live outside if there is a room. What if I meet bad people? As for the message, there will be "[-]", it doesn't matter. When the Chinese restaurant in this issue comes out, you can be treated as a guest. That's fine. And do you dare to do anything to me?"

"You are the boss and you have the final say. Since you are not afraid, why should I be afraid. Let's go, go back to me."

After arriving at An Chen's place, An Chen directly chose a room for Yang Mi, and then the two of them should wash up and watch TV.But when An Chen passed by the living room after taking a shower, he paused.At this time, Yang Mi was wearing short pajamas. Although the pajamas were opaque, they were made of natural silk, so they looked cool.But An Chen's focus is not on this, but on

An Chen stepped forward, looked at Yang Mi who was slightly frowning, stroking her stomach, and drinking boiled water, and said, "What's wrong, Miss Mi, what's wrong?"

Yang Mi raised An Chen's frowning eyebrows when she heard this, and said, "Ask me everything, aren't you very good at medicine?"

An Chen could see that Yang Mi had many injuries on her body, but none of them were related to her stomach.But An Chen's eyes suddenly brightened as he thought this way, as if he understood.

"Why did your relatives come here? If you didn't say anything, you would have known about it and wouldn't have let you eat raw or cold food."

"Just came here."

It's no wonder that An Chen didn't see it for a while, how could he see it before he came, let alone the current cosmetics and technology are so superb.

"Light and boiled water are useless, wait a minute, I'll get you some ginger water."

Ginger, warm in nature, its unique "gingerol" can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, make the gastrointestinal congestion, enhance digestion, and can effectively treat abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. caused by eating too much cold food .After eating ginger, people will have a feeling of body heat. This is because it can dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, and promote the opening of pores on the body. This will not only take away excess heat, but also remove germs and cold in the body. Take out together.

Speaking of which, An Chen put on her clothes again and went to the Chinese restaurant.Although they are residential houses, they are not equipped with ginger or anything.The good thing is that the Chinese restaurant is not far from here, there are.Therefore, after a while, An Chen came back with ginger.Then I boiled some ginger in a kettle and poured a glass of water.

In fact, Yang Mi didn't know that An Chen was going out at first, she thought An Chen went to the kitchen.She didn't realize it until An Chen changed her clothes.But before she could speak, An Chen had already left.

Seeing this, Yang Mi was a little moved.Even if her ex-husband chased her, he never treated her like this.However, it was because of the injury that she was even more repelled to have love again.The reason why she kept away from him also meant that she wanted to use this to stay away from harassment.

If it weren't for An Chen's dish, Yang Mi might really have continued like this.But now she has figured it out, and she will announce the divorce when she returns this time.

At this moment, An Chen came over with ginger water and said, "Drink some, unfortunately there is no brown sugar. But it happens that there are honey lemon slices made by Sister Wei, which can help you relieve the smell of ginger."

Looking at the cup in An Chen's hand, Yang Mi felt as if it was overflowing, as if she hadn't felt this way for a long time.Thinking of this, Yang Mi smiled self-deprecatingly, secretly thinking Yang Mi, Yang Mi, are you so lacking in love already?

Suppressing the waves in his heart, he told himself that he was the man under him.Only then did she suppress the throbbing in her heart.

After receiving the water, Yang Mi sipped it lightly around her mouth, the water was a little hot.So Yang Mi was going to put it aside.But at this moment, An Chen said, "Drink it while it's hot."

Yang Mi gave a pause when she was about to put down her hands, but then she obediently picked up the cup and began to drink little by little.

At this moment, An Chen suddenly said, "Why don't I rub it for you, it might make you feel better."

There was silence, and Yang Mi's hand that was drinking water became a little stiff for a moment.But after a long silence, just when An Chen was about to say something, Yang Mi suddenly said, "Okay."

The next moment, Yang Mi lowered her body a little, making herself more comfortable lying on the sofa.Seeing this, An Chen consciously sat beside Yang Mi, and then pressed down on Yang Mi's stomach.The strength he pressed was not light, but it was just within Yang Mi's tolerance.But through a layer of silky pajamas, after all, it can't transmit strength and heat better.

After thinking about it, An Chen put his hand into her pajamas without Yang Mi's permission.Pressing and rubbing gently on her stomach. .

Text 0361: You can stay and sleep if you are tired

The moment An Chen's hand reached into Yang Mi's clothes, Yang Mi froze.An Chen could feel the coagulation of Yang Mi's abdominal muscles, so he said, "Relax, the strength and temperature can't be transmitted better through the silk."

Hearing An Chen's explanation, Yang Mi relaxed a little, but said, "It's good to be here, I don't want you to be sorry for Reba."

She didn't talk about herself, because although she and Reba seem to be sisters, they are actually more of a superior-subordinate relationship.She doesn't owe Reba anything.

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and did not speak.Although he really likes Yang Mi, but there are so many beauties in the family, it's not enough.The most important thing is that Yang Mi is still not interested in him, let alone.Of course, if the atmosphere is up and Yang Mi doesn't object, then An Chen doesn't mind having a friendly match.

With An Chen's massage, Yang Mi became more and more comfortable.The tightly wrinkled brows began to relax, and her breathing became more even.As the body warms up, sleepiness follows.

"I am a little sleepy."

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