Hearing this, the policeman said again, "In this way, you should hand over the gun to me and let me protect them. Guns are not toys for your children."

Main text 0370: Still killed!

At this moment, An Chen really wanted to say something to him, sb.But he just smiled, and then asked Yang Mi, "Will you shoot?"

Yang Mi smiled when she heard the words, and said, "Yes, have you forgotten that we have participated in real men? And for this scene, I have also practiced. I dare not say too much. Simpler aiming and shooting is still fine. of."

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then handed a gun to Yang Mi, and said, "I don't ask you how good you are, but I ask you to ensure your own safety."

After finishing speaking, An Chen suddenly had a flash of light in his mind.He turned around suddenly, and said "[-]" to the policeman, "You can really guarantee their safety. If you can guarantee their safety, then I am willing to give you a gun."

Hearing this, the person who claimed to be a policeman finally showed joy, and then said, "Of course, I will definitely ensure their safety."

Following the policeman's words, An Chen handed a gun upside down to the so-called policeman.

The moment the policeman took the gun, the next second, he laughed out loud.Afterwards, while still pointing the gun at An Chen, he said, "Aren't you very arrogant just now, show me how arrogant you are again. Damn it, you're the only one who can pretend, and you're still following a big star, Yang Mi. I It just so happens that you haven’t played star yet, but you’ve satisfied me. Come on, Yang Mi, you’d better come here obediently now. As long as you let the uncle have a good time, the uncle promises to take you back to China. Of course, you have to let the uncle have a good time, play Let’s talk when we’re tired.”


At the moment when Yang Mi was dejected and decided to compromise and save An Chen, An Chen let out a mocking laugh.The laughter was so piercing, then An Chen raised his gun, not giving the clown a chance to speak.

The sounds of "click, click, click" sounded one after another, but they were all empty.

Just when the policeman seemed to realize something, there was a "bang" gunshot, and everything seemed to be over.

Looking at the fallen corpse, An Chen said, "I knew you were a bad embryo, and you pretended to be the people's police with me. If the people's police are like this, then you should be punished to death."

As the gunshots sounded, all the onlookers retreated a few steps.At the same time, another group of people who came down looked at An Chen carefully.An Chen looked at them, very confused.Finally, he said, "I don't know who will be waiting. All I can do for you is to leave a gun. I hope it will allow you to persist until the rescue of China and Thailand. Now that we have landed, you Can call for help, but I can't promise how it will turn out. Well, we're going, good luck and bye."

As An Chen spoke, he threw back the unloaded shuttle of ammunition, counting the gun in the fake policeman's hand, and kept a good pistol.

This time, when An Chen took Yang Mi and the three of them away again, no one stopped them, and some had to give way.Because both the natives and the people on the plane knew that An Chen would kill people.

After walking out for a while, Yang Mi suddenly asked, "Where are we going?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I don't know our current situation yet, but this is not the time to talk, let's find a place to stop and talk now. The plane made too much noise just now."

"it is good."

After hearing this, Yang Mi followed An Chen's pace again after she said a word. There are not many people now, even if it's because of the plane, it won't make people wake up completely in a short while.

After seeing the back foot of a house, An Chen finally stopped.At this moment, when he turned on the phone, he said, "Take a rest first, carefully observe your surroundings, and don't let anyone see you."

Although not all mobile phones abroad have signal and Internet access functions, but An Chen's mobile phone is different.With his super live broadcast mobile phone, he can easily obtain enough signal sources in any corner of the world.In the next second, their location was revealed.An Chen didn't expect that they were in Bloemfontein, South Africa.South Africa only quelled a reactionary riot last year, and I don't know how it is now.

After thinking about it, he searched for news about the current situation in South Africa.Not too good, as he expected, but it doesn't seem particularly bad either.Xenophobia is still common in South Africa, but they are okay with the Chinese.Well, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that a crew is filming in South Africa.

Seeing the information about Wu Jing and Zhan Lang's filming, as well as the filming location of the crew on 27, An Chen smiled.

"Let's go, I don't think we can die. There just happens to be a film crew here, and the current situation in South Africa is not too serious."

Hearing what An Chen said, the three women all smiled, but Yang Mi was a little shy afterwards.When everything started to fall to the ground, she couldn't help but think of the agreement between the two.For a moment Yang Mi blushed a little, but she reminded herself suggestively that all this was God's will.

As luck would have it, there was a car just outside.Well, with even better luck this owner seems to have just come down and is about to drive him away. .

Text 0371: Overgrown branches

Seeing this, An Chen stepped forward and negotiated, "Hello, brother in South Africa, we are here for a trip and missed the bus home. So we want to buy your car, do you think it's okay? As long as it can run, we Willing to pay your new car price for it. How about $5000"

The outside of this car is full of bumps and pits, and it is obvious that it has been hit by people. Although the inside looks good, it is the most basic standard configuration.Saying $5000 is not a lot at all.

But after hearing An Chen's words, the African boy disagreed. This is a rare opportunity to slaughter a pig.

"7000 dollars, no less."

Hearing this, An Chen frowned, and then asked Yang Mi, "Xiao Mi, did you bring any money? I only have $5000."

Hearing this, Yang Mi shook her head helplessly.

"We came from Thailand, and all I brought were Thai coins, but I think he might not know 13."

Hearing this, An Chen was a little helpless, then took out his gun, and said to his African buddy again, "It's only 5000 US dollars, or you are willing to be robbed by us once."

The moment he saw the gun, the buddy panicked.He just heard him say, "No, no, no, everything is negotiable, just $5000. OK, I mean I sold it."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed.Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, which is very good.Besides, it's not that my brother didn't give me the money. After giving the money to the South African brother, An Chen took the key and dragged the three girls away.

I have to say that although this car looks broken, the accessories inside are not bad, at least the air conditioner is very comfortable.An Chen originally thought that the journey would go smoothly all the way to Soweto, but unexpectedly, there was an accident, and the accident came from the one who escaped.

It turned out that the other party did not run away directly, but stared at An Chen, and even stared at An Chen from 200 meters away.Because the distance was too far, and the scanning distance set by An Chen was within 50 meters, An Chen couldn't find him.And the other party was just observing him with a telescope, and did not aim at him with a weapon.

Seeing that An Chen was about to drive away, No. [-] named Pajie looked at the side of the road and snatched a decent car.The car window was broken, and then the door was opened, and the ignition wire of the engine was connected. The whole process was done in one go. Obviously, this was not the first time.At the same time, his phone call went out.

"Nandu, hurry up, he's already driving towards Soweto. Has anything special happened there recently?"

At the same time, Nandu on the other end of the phone said cursingly, "You said that five of your brothers defected to me. I thought I had taken five generals, but four of them died before they arrived. You are the only one left who wants me." Send troops to avenge you. I really don't know if it's worth it"

After Pajie was silent for a moment, he suddenly said, "I still have knowledge, and I can help you train soldiers. I even don't charge you a penny of commission for ten years. As long as you avenge my brothers."

Hearing what Pajie said, Nandu smiled with satisfaction.Then he said, "Don't worry, we are all friends. My soldiers are already on their way, and they will never reach Soweto. Just keep your mobile phone unblocked."

Hearing this, Pajie responded, and then hung up the phone.Looking at An Chen who was a hundred meters away in front of him, he showed hatred.I said to myself that although I don't know who you are, let my brothers be buried with me.

If it is said that one kilometer may not be felt, but five kilometers is far away in a foreign country, and it is far more sensitive than in China.When a car follows you at a constant speed on the same road, no matter how stupid you are, you should know that there is a problem.

"Sit down."

The next moment, An Chen started to accelerate, and the car soared from 80 mph to 140 mph in an instant.It's a pity that this is already the maximum speed of this car. Even if An Chen's driving skills are at the full level, he can't surpass the physical setting of this car.Because he didn't study mechanics.

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