When An Chen saw that the car started to speed up like that, he showed a look like that.It's a pity that the other party's car was better than his, and it seemed to be a bit faster. After noticing An Chen's speed up, he accelerated to catch up.And An Chen couldn't get rid of the other party at all.Because the opponent has always kept a distance of about 7080 meters from him.

Why did the other party do this for 493? An Chen felt a bad atmosphere for a while.At the same time, Yang Mi also said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

While no one expects things to happen, sometimes they do.

"Well, the car in the back came in a bad manner. He has been following us at a constant speed. Now that we have discovered him, he has been hanging us. It seems that the other party is probably waiting for his accomplices or ambush."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was helpless, while the mother behind her hugged the little girl tightly.It seems so scared, so afraid that it will end like this.

After walking like this for two hours, Soweto was less than an hour's drive away. An Chen thought luck was on their side.But what should come will still come.

Four combat jeeps appeared wildly on the road, and then began a duel of speed and combat.Since Paje wanted only dead people, four combat jeeps at a distance started shooting. .

Text 0372: All the minions are dead

The flames of the machine gun sent out streaks of sparks and smoke.But not a single bullet caused casualties.

At the moment when the jeep appeared, An Chen had already made the three girls lie down, so there were no casualties at this moment.At the same time, An Chen drove the car with one hand and prepared to fight back with a gun in the other.

The driving wheel of foreign cars is on the right hand side, so it is more convenient for An Chen to attack.All of a sudden, the old car made a sound of distance friction, drawing a huge drift arc that was almost tactful.Immediately afterwards, three gunshots rang out in succession.

With the first shot, An Chen accurately hit the driver of a jeep next to his right hand while drifting.The second shot was aimed at the co-pilot, even though the co-pilot had already started to dodge at this time.The third shot was fired at a machine gunner who was aiming at him.

Except for the second shot, the two shots hit the eyebrows of the two firmly and accurately.And because of the second shot, the co-pilot had no time to grasp the steering wheel.The steering wheel that lost control was tilted by the body of the main driver, and the next moment it drew a serious arc and crashed into a rock.

With a bang of "boom", a car was scrapped like this.What An Chen didn't see was that an aerial camera was clearly capturing this scene.It was attracted by the sound of machine guns.The reason was that Wu Jing's movie happened to be filming the scene where he escaped from the hospital, and the place where An Chen was located was exactly where the vehicle passed by.

This distance and angle are just right for shooting distance pictures, but I didn't expect to hear the sound of heavy machine guns.Hearing this sound is of course to investigate 1 and 2.But I didn't expect to capture such a burning picture.But now is not the time to talk about that.

"Director, director, don't go any further, there's a shootout ¨‖ one kilometer ahead of you."

Needless to say, Wu Jing has already heard it.Such a loud explosion can only be heard by the deaf.After thinking for a while, he looked at Lu Jingshan beside him, and said, "The front is more dangerous. Let's go to the side hillside to see the situation. If you think it's dangerous, we'll go back the same way. Our base has some space." If you want to play tanks, the opponent will not dare to mess around."

Wu Jing originally thought that Lu Jingshan would say it back, but Lu Jingshan said, "Go and see, what's going on, and better have a coping strategy. Look at it."

Hearing this, Wu was startled, this is what he wanted to do the most.In the next second, the car turned suddenly and drove towards a slightly higher hillside.Not long after, they also saw An Chen and the others.

At this time, An Chen was still dealing with the two parties.At this time, there were only two jeeps left, and the three cars were running around Nuo Da's land, and no one dared to stop first.Although An Chen didn't shoot much, and even only had a pistol, they had already seen how powerful that pistol was.

At the same time, Pajie watched silently from a hundred meters away, watching the trajectory of Anchen's car.His gun was always in his hand, but he couldn't make a move.Shooting indiscriminately can't solve the enemy, only a fatal blow can.

At the same time, when they saw the two jeeps shooting fiercely below and a car of unknown brand that was drifting at a high speed, Wu Jing and the two were severely shocked.Who didn't run away but used this method to consume the enemy's bullets? Did they shoot it wrong? Seeing this, Wu Jing doubted his own film, and at the same time looked at the stationary car in the distance.He couldn't see the details of the other party clearly at this distance, but he could clearly feel that he was a bad guy with a gun in his hand.

"Be careful, there are guns on all three sides. Although we seem to be safe, no one knows what will happen next moment."


While the two were talking, the battle on the field changed again.An Chen stuck the gun on the door in an instant, and then constantly adjusted the position of the car. When the trajectory of the gun track formed a line with the tire front line of a jeep behind him, An Chen fired.

The three shots of "bang bang bang" almost formed a line.There was a bang, and the off-road vehicle behind him seemed to be lifted up.I saw the person in the car behind fell out of the car in an instant, and the car suddenly rushed to the side, and at this time, there was another chasing car there.The other car that couldn't dodge was instantly hit, and at the same time, An Chen stopped the car.

"Lie down in the car, hide as tightly as you can. Remember, don't come out."

The next second, An Chen stepped out of the car.Before they had time to recover from the shock of being hit by Qian Zhao, a series of "bang bang bang" gunshots rang out.

The blossoming blood flowers were particularly eye-catching at this moment, but at this moment An Chen hid to the side.The earth flowers of the soil appeared.

An Chen didn't expect that the opponent's bullet could be so powerful at a distance of 70 meters. It seemed that it must be a special gun.At this moment, he finally felt a little pity, but unfortunately he didn't get a good gun.

The next second, "bang bang bang" gunshots reappeared, both from An Chen and from the opponent.But none of the opponent's shots could hit An Chen. At this moment, An Chen seemed to be walking on the scythe of death, every step and every movement seemed so thrilling. .

Text 0373: If you don’t die, you won’t die

Seeing this, Wu Jing couldn't help but muttered to himself, "Is this the legendary soldier king?"

The king of soldiers, as the name suggests, is the king of special forces.Only when he is strong to a certain extent, will he be recognized as the King of Soldiers, which is a kind of honor and strength.

It seems that his knowledge is still shallow. If he came to play Wolf Warrior, would he be stronger? Thinking of this, Wu Jing was actually a little happy to see Lie.Just hope he survives.Wu Jing thought so, but he had incomparable confidence in his heart.Wait a minute, he wants to meet that person.

At this time, An Chen had already killed the people in the two cars. Under the scanning glasses, no one could pretend to be dead in his eyes.With fantastic steps, he came to the side of the jeep and pulled off an AK.But at this moment, the sound of "touch" sounded again, but it was not facing him.

Following the shattering sound of glass, An Chen looked dazedly at the place where the sound came from.A smear of blood stained the rear window.A crying voice followed.

Seeing this, An Chen was relieved, but also a little angry.Angrily, the woman raised her head on her own initiative, angrily, this gangster actually caused the little girl to lose her close relative.

The next moment, the moment An Chen felt the ballistic trajectory, he stood up from the side instantly.At this moment, although Pajie tried his best to move the gun to An Chen's side, how could he catch up with An Chen's speed?

He had already prepared for it, and hid behind the opened car door in an instant.But that's enough, isn't it so naive? Of course, An Chen also saw the two on the hillside, not only him, but also Pajie.But at this moment, An Chen shot at him without revealing the curve? The next second, An Chen shot.Although it was an ak, it was used by him as a burst shot.

The sound of gunshots again and again formed a broken thread.During one breath, Paje felt a pain in his temple, and the last thought in his mind was, how did I die?

Although the door panel of a car can defend against most bullets, even AK bullets can also carry out single bullet defense, but it still cannot withstand point penetration damage. When a point is hit many times, it will inevitably form penetration damage like armor-piercing bullets.

An Chen who dropped the gun hurriedly ran towards the car, wanting to see if it was possible to rescue the disobedient woman.

However, when An Chen arrived, he couldn't help shaking his head.The bullet hit her heart, and she could only try to say a few last words at this time.

Seeing An Chen, the woman said in a flash of light, "Please, please take my daughter out of Africa."

One sentence seemed to exhaust all the woman's strength, but she still tried her best to say, "Yaya knows where my home is, and also knows where I keep my valuables. Are all the passwords of my bank cards yes?" Yaya’s birthday, plus 11, please help Yaya take care of it, and hand it over to her when Yaya turns 18.”

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Yang Mi, but Yang Mi nodded.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Don't worry, we will do a good job. She is Yang Mi, and I am also a star. We will not covet your little money. You can leave with confidence."

Hearing what An Chen said, she didn't show any surprise, as if she knew the result a long time ago.She looked at bdda to Yaya who had been crying bitterly, and said again, "Yayaya, you must listen to what my brother and sister say in the future. Know"

Having said that, the last two words can no longer be uttered.A mouthful of blood surged back, blocking her trachea.At this moment, she showed a crying expression, as if she felt death, and she seemed to be tortured unbearably.Seeing this, An Chen sighed, turned and looked out the window.

In just a few breaths, the life of this unknown mother has come to an end.

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