At this moment, Yang Mi sniffled, and happily said, "Ah, what's delicious? It's so fragrant."

When Yang Mi rushed to the dinner table, she was moved by An Chen's care again.At this time, a stool was covered with a clean white bath towel, and it could be seen that it was clean.But Yang Mi blushed when she saw this bdde.

An Chen didn't cook too complicated dishes, but only made two simple home-cooked dishes, which is why it was so fast.Nothing special, just pepper shredded pork, spicy fried potato shreds, sweet and sour pork, and an egg drop soup.But with An Chen's current cooking skills, even this kind of home-cooked food tastes very good.

Sure enough, when Yang Mi finished eating, she stroked her slightly round belly, as if she felt a little uncomfortable.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Let me rub it for you. If you eat so much at one time, it may cause indigestion based on your usual appetite."

Yang Mi didn't speak, but she was lying on the sofa, as if telling An Chen, come on.

Seeing this, An Chen sat beside Yang Mi.Then she put her hand in from the side of Yang Mi's bathrobe.

Feeling An Chen's movements, Yang Mi couldn't help rolling her eyes.But she still blushed and suffered, and didn't say anything.At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the little girl back then and became shy.

After rubbing and rubbing, An Chen felt it, and said, "Okay, let me give you a massage. Come on, lie down."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yang Mi turned over and lay down without thinking too much.She didn't know An Chen's massage quality, at least An Chen had never given her a massage.Similarly, she didn't know the effect of An Chen's massage.If she knew, she would definitely be ashamed.

At the beginning, An Chen gave Yang Mi a regular massage, but with his massage, Yang Mi's clothes disappeared little by little.When An Chen massaged Yang Mi's legs, Yang Mi's clothes were gone.

Take off the clothes little by little by means of massage, which seems to be a technique unique to a certain Japanese way.At this moment, Yang Mi was only shy, lying on the sofa with a blushing face, not daring to look at An Chen.

At the same time, An Chen began to massage Yang Mi's hidden acupoints, using Yang Mi's acupoints to stimulate Yang Mi's desire.Following his massage from light to heavy, Yang Mi let out a suppressed hum.

Within ten minutes, Yang Mi couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Don't torture me anymore, you scoundrel. Anyway, you have planned for a long time and I can't run away, and I don't want to run away."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't have any hesitation, so he took off his clothes and pressed Yang Mi under his body.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Mi lay flat, breathing intensely.It seemed that the exercise just now turned her into a drowning fish, and she needed too much oxygen to alleviate the hypoxic state of her brain.

After calming down for a while, she heard her say, "Bad guy, aren't you afraid of killing me? I really wonder how Reba and the others can stand you."

Hearing this, An Chen let out a slightly smug chuckle, and then said, "They used to be brave and insisted on one-on-one. Now they dare not come here alone, even if they are the most physically fit and the most temperamental." Guan Xiaotong, who is wild, has no choice but to prepare to find a companion."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes when she heard the words, she couldn't help but looked at An Chen and said, "Could you use this method to make them compromise your polygamy?"

"Of course not. In fact, except for Reba and Yixin, everyone else wanted to be alone with me at the beginning. Of course, I don't know about Shishi. Because I first learned about her. With her Temperament, once possessed, it is difficult to leave.".

Text 0378: What kind of medicine is this?

"I didn't expect you to be like An Chen, but you are very accurate. Shishi is that kind of woman. What about the others?"

"The other Xiaotong was confused by my heroism. Later, she hooked me on the bed and found out that I actually already had a girlfriend, and there were more than one. Later, she was always hurt until I saved her. Think about it. Timo knew about it first, and I saved her, and after thinking about it, we are together."

"Hey, didn't you mention a few people? I saw the recent Weibo flirting with each other."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled wryly and said, "I have nothing to do with Zheng Min at all. As for Nazha, there is a story, but that's all, I haven't eaten it anyway."

It turned out that, when An Chen said this, Yang Mi believed it.Yang Mi curled up lazily in An Chen's arms, and then said, "It doesn't matter, you are not allowed to forget me anyway. I give you my whole heart now, and if you treat me badly, I will take care of you." At once"

I stayed with Yang Mi for a long time, but I didn't say why.Seeing this, An Chen laughed, and then kissed Yang Mi's mouth, a long kiss.He said, "Silly girl, how come you are such a superb sister Yu, I will be a ghost if I am willing to let go. And you don't know, you have always been one of the goddesses in my dreams. Today I can make the goddess in my dream What you do becomes a reality, full of a sense of accomplishment. Let me tell you, I will dominate you for the rest of my life."

Speaking of this, An Chen paused, and before Yang Mi could speak, he continued, "Is one life enough? If not, then life after life."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yang Mi laughed.She raised her head arrogantly, and said, "Okay, then you can dominate me forever. It's just that in the next life, you must be the first to find me. I hope that I can give my first time to my favorite. you."

"So much for the first time"

"Of course, I'm sorry. Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now."

"Actually, you can have it now." While speaking, An Chen's hand wrapped around Yang Mi's back.

"Well, how do you say you want to make up for something? That's self-deception."

At this moment, Yang Mi's face turned red, feeling An Chen's movements, she was silent.

"Is it ok"

Yang Mi was even more shy when she heard the words, but in the shyness, she nodded and buried her head in An Chen's chest.Then he said in a low voice, "How about the future?"

"No hurry, take a good rest, let's talk when we have time. Let's go back to the house and sleep, the sofa is too crowded."

"Okay, you hug me."

"Well, take a shower first"

"Well, but don't do bad things, I'm exhausted now."

The next day, when they slept until the sun was high, An Chen and Yang Mi woke up and said goodbye.Although he didn't bully Yang Mi while taking a shower yesterday, he still couldn't help bullying her after taking a shower.They didn't sleep until two o'clock in the morning, so the two of them slept until now.

"Remember to call me."

"Okay, you also pay attention to your body, don't be too tired, eat this."

Yang Mi opened her mouth to take the pill that An Chen handed over, and asked in doubt, "What is this?" While speaking, Yang Mi was about to swallow the pill, obviously she believed that An Chen would not harm her.

Seeing this, An Chen approached Yang Mi's ear with a smirk, and said, "Didn't you say you want to tighten it up? This is a tightening medicine."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yang Mi blushed again.She patted An Chen's chest lightly, and couldn't help but coquettishly said, "That's why you lied to me yesterday. I know that when men talk, nine times out of ten they lie."

ask for flowers

"Okay, I'm not kidding you, this medicine is to help you regulate your body. I don't know what you did to make your body so bad. Not to mention the wind-cold bone pain, but also stomach problems and dark wounds. It will be fine after taking this medicine, but be careful in the future, you are mine from now on."

Only then did Yang Mi realize that she had been fooled again. She gave An Chen a blank look, and said angrily, "I'm leaving. You should go get busy too. Don't make the crew wait too long."

"Well, when Yaya comes back, let's pick her up together, shall we?"

"Okay, I'll help you ask about Yaya's upbringing. Leave it to me."

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