It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when An Chen appeared in Hengdian again.The first thing he did when he rushed to the set was to express his apology, after all he was embarrassed to have so many people wait for him for three days.However, it wasn't An Chen's fault.Therefore, the director expressed his understanding.

In the end, An Chen said that he would invite everyone to dinner tonight, and ended the topic.The next step is to start filming again without a pause because this is already An Chen's life experience, coupled with the relationship between the vr high-smart contact lenses, as long as it is An Chen's film, no one else makes mistakes, it is basically a one-off.

Although it took two hours for everyone to put on makeup, they still quickly finished the evening scene.Although An Chen wanted to treat her to dinner, it was really too late.We can only make an appointment for tomorrow night.

Just when everyone was going back to rest, there was a knock on An Chen's door.At this moment, An Chen was taken aback, wondering who would knock on the door so late.But he opened the door anyway. .

Text 0379: "Biography of the Great Sage" completed

Seeing the people outside the door, An Chen felt a headache.This is a woman, a very beautiful and neat woman.But the most important thing is that she is not An Chen's type.If it's just a vase, it'd be pleasing to the eye.If it's just friends with benefits, it seems to be fine.But are there not enough women at home?

Why come here so late and be seen by others, isn't it good?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Zheng Min said, "If you see it, you will see it. It doesn't matter what it is, I don't care. Why don't you invite me in? Or do you want me to be seen here more?"

Security felt a little headache when he heard the words, but he let the door open.It wasn't until Zheng Min came in that he opened his mouth and said, "Then can you tell me what you are doing here now?"

"Why do you have to talk to me like this? What did I do wrong and you haven't read my twitter? I've changed it and become the Zheng Min you want."

Hearing this, An Chen chuckled, seemingly mocking, and said, "The way you are now, you told me that you have changed to be so aggressive."

"I'm pursuing my own happiness. As long as you agree, I will be a bird in front of you in the future."

"This, do you think I can believe it? It hasn't changed now, how can we expect it in the future?"

Hearing this, Zheng Min said, "Then you agree, anyway, you have nothing to lose, if there is no change, you can break up again."

Hearing what Zheng Min said, An Chen actually thought it was right.But it seems that there is something wrong

Seeing that An Chen didn't speak, Zheng Min didn't answer the topic, but said, "Did you get injured in South Africa this time, can you show me?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I didn't get hurt, but played a cameo role. By the way, I met Zhang Han, and he doesn't seem very friendly to me."

"I'll see you soon, why tell me what he does now has nothing to do with me. Did you make a guest appearance in another movie? Are you a foreigner? Can you talk about it? Come and join us when the time comes."

"Of course, this movie is Wolf Warrior 2 made by Brother Wu Jing. Brother Wu Jing invested in it himself, and mortgaged the house for it."

"Scared, what if you smash it so hard?"

"Probably not. Wu Jing's salary is very low, and the filming and picture must be refined. And we are all fighting for real. Of course, I am fake fighting."

Zheng Min was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in doubt, "Why are you fake beating?"

"I can't help it. I have real kung fu. If I really hit it, I will die. So every move I put in seven points when it is approaching."

Speaking of filming, the two of them seemed to have a common topic, and for a while An Chen didn't feel that Zheng Min made him irritated.

The two chatted casually like this for a long time.Besides filming, they also chatted a lot.Only then did An Chen realize that he really didn't know this girl very well.Zheng Min is more knowledgeable than he thought, and has unique insights on many things.

But when An Chen realized that it was already very late, he let Zheng Min go back.And Zheng Min was not too eager for success, she believed that An Chen would be conquered by her charm.

The play on the second day was already in daytime.At night, the director looked at the reshoots again and shouted out what everyone had been looking forward to.

"Ka kill green."

After the director said the words, everyone cheered.After several months, the filming of The Legend of the Great Sage was finally finished, and the only thing left was post-production.Most of the post-production has also been completed, and the finished film will be ready in one month at most.Then it's time to report and publicize.

Of course, there must be a finale banquet. After everyone took off their makeup, they came to the largest restaurant in the area.At the same time, the crew and director rushed over after packing up the equipment and samples.

As everyone arrived, they began to exchange glasses for a while. Everyone was toasted with a lot of wine, especially An Chen.I don't know if it's because of the rescue or what, everyone wants to have a drink with him.The worst thing was Zheng Min, 470 used various names to drink a lot of An Chen.Fortunately, An Chen's drinking capacity is not bad, but even so, he drank a little too much.

Not only him, everyone drank too much.When An Chen returned to the hotel in a daze, he found that the front door couldn't be opened.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and then a woman appeared.Seeing this woman, An Chen's thoughts were still a little chaotic.Then he said softly, "Tianjun."

Yu Feihong also drank too much at this time, although slightly better than the others, but also similar to An Chen.Hearing An Chen's shout, Yu Feihong, who didn't have much drama in the first place, naturally continued, "Tianpeng, what do you have to report?"

Speaking of Yu Feihong, entering the room, the queen's aura was clearly evident.Seeing this, An Chen followed Yu Feihong into the room naturally, and closed the door behind him.

The moment Yu Feihong walked to the bed, turned around and sat down.An Chen threw Yu Feihong onto the bed. .

Text 0380: What to pretend!

For a moment, Yu Feihong was a little angry, and reprimanded, "Tianpeng, do you know what you are doing?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "What are you pretending to be, it's not like you haven't done it before."

Yu Feihong was thinking dully, and even An Chen subconsciously ignored her.But at this moment, she trembled all over, and the pain in her lower body suddenly brought her back to her senses for a moment.

But things have come to this point, how should it end? Thinking about being single for so long, and An Chen's pitifulness, Yu Feihong sighed and let herself get lost in her desire.

Early the next morning, An Chen still didn't wake up from the hangover.But when he woke up, he felt the softness in his hand.Subconsciously squeezed, it seems that this touch has never been felt.At this moment, An Chen, who was a little slow to react, was a little dazed, and then looked at the room that was not his own.

But following An Chen's actions, Yu Feihong also woke up.Turning around and looking at An Chen, she also shook her hangover head.There was no exclamation, no noise, no scolding, she got up slightly, leaned against the edge of the bed, smiled gently, and said, "I know that was not your intention, we all drank too much yesterday. Get out of here later You are still my good brother, don't have too much psychological burden."

Hearing this, An Chen felt a little warm, but isn't this kind of thing something you just wiped out and refused to admit it? And can you go back to the past? Yu Feihong has really been closer to him than his own sister these days, how could he be willing to lose? .

"Although I'm still not awake, I don't know exactly what happened. But seeing you like this, sister, I'm afraid we won't be able to act as if nothing happened in the future." An Chen looked at the girl who pinched Yu Feihong just now. He raised his hand, put it on his nose and smelled it.

Seeing An Chen's appearance, Yu Feihong's heart skipped a beat, and then she blushed and reprimanded, "Boy, what are you doing?"

An Chen sighed after hearing the words, and said, "Seeing you like this, sister, I'm afraid I will see you in the future without clothes. How can I have no thoughts about you like this."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong also sighed, and said, "We are too different. If I have a child, I am afraid that it will be younger than you, not much younger. A beauty is fleeting, and my sister is already old. Let this be a memory." Is it bad?"

Hearing this, An Chen asked the system in his head, "System, is there a solution to the aging problem?"


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