"Su Nvjing can strengthen the body and prolong life. It has excellent genes, which can rejuvenate cells and divide functions. Chinese medicine and any Qi sense skill can be obtained by unlocking the legend at the same time."

"Note, if you want to achieve reverse growth, the cycle will be longer. And you need to practice diligently. In addition, neither the reverse growth medicine nor Su Nvjing can make the bones reverse growth. Therefore, the skeleton will be based on the current size."

Seeing the first one, An Chen couldn't help thinking that it was a money grab.And the second one, the longer cycle is even more depressing, as for practicing hard.Well, he has heard of the Su Nu Jing.

It is rumored that the emperor's maiden ascended to 3000 because of this book brought by the Nine Heavens Xuannv.Although it may not really have that kind of effect, but the system is produced, it is not too bad, at least the functions of strengthening the body and fixing the face will definitely be available.

An Chen's silence made Yu Feihong think that An Chen had listened to her.Although she sighed in her heart, she didn't show any emotion on her face, she was still so gentle.He said, "Okay, go back quickly, it won't be good if you are seen later."

An Chen regained consciousness after hearing the words, then smiled.After sitting up, he kissed Yu Feihong.Then he said, "But I want it, what should I do?"

As early as when An Chen kissed her, Yu Feihong showed a helpless and funny look.She was not surprised when she heard what An Chen said, and said angrily, "You child, why are you so disobedient? Just this time, okay? But I want to ask you something, why did you pretend to be pretending yesterday? It's not like it hasn't happened before"

Hearing this, coupled with the reflection of his thoughts during this period, An Chen seemed to have remembered this too.But it can't be said to be the real life of vr, so he said with some embarrassment, "Well, I actually had a dream. In the dream, I was a canopy, and you were also a fairyland, which is Tianjun. Then, once you Hooked me up, and then I pushed you away." At this point, he looked at Yu Feihong's angry and Nuohao expression, and then asked carefully, "Sister, are you not angry?"

"What do you think, I fell under this sentence. Also, do I look like that kind of woman? You are not allowed to think of me like that in the future."

"Then, Miss Feihong"

Before An Chen finished speaking, Yu Feihong seemed to know what An Chen wanted.That's why she gave An Chen a shy look.He said, "You kid, are you so impatient? Come on, but don't be too anxious, you hurt me last night."

"I'm not talking about this. It's my sister. Be my woman. Be my woman. However, I can't give my sister the title because I have many women."

Body 0381: I have smelled hormones

When An Chen said these words, he had already thought about it. If Yu Feihong really wanted to be with him, then he would spend 8000 points to bring Yu Feihong's body back to the state when he was 26 years old.If Yu Feihong is unwilling, then suppress this passion, just like returning to reality in VR.At the same time, exchange for a 3000-point anti-growth potion as compensation.

Yu Feihong didn't expect An Chen to say this at this time, but she was a little stunned.It took a long time before he said, "You really want me so much"

Hearing this, An Chen was overjoyed, secretly thought there was something going on.

If there is no chance, he is willing to give up, but since there is a chance, how can he let her run away

"Well, I want you to stay with me from now on until I die."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong smiled gently, and then said, "You know, little brother. I was injured once more than 20 years ago. After that time, I decided not to marry again, and 467 not to fall in love. To be honest, I was You are a younger brother and a child, so I dote on you so much. But since you like my sister's body so much, I will give it to you. However, I may not be able to give you the love you want, because I treat you more as a family affection .”

Hearing what Yu Feihong said, An Chen laughed instead. The story of falling in love at once was purely a youthful impulse.This is the right way, and as time goes by, you won't be afraid of getting angry.

Thinking about it this way, An Chen exchanged the anti-growth potion for twenty years, then took out his clothes to cover up, and handed it to Yu Feihong.He said, "Sister, can you eat this?"

"What is this?" Yu Feihong took the pill while speaking.She has already promised An Chen so much, and she doesn't care what she is given.For the closest relatives, there should be unconditional trust.Even if An Chen gave her some pills to cheer her up, she wouldn't be unhappy at all.

"I'm a Chinese medicine student for body conditioning. This is a prescription I got from an ancient book."

Yu Feihong nodded clearly, but looked at An Chen, and said gently, "Then you still want to, little brother, or if you want, you can come by yourself. If you don't want to, then go back quickly."

Hearing this, An Chen shook his head with a smile, and said, "Then I'll go back first, and we'll go back to Beijing together to recognize our family."

"Okay" Although Yu Feihong thought that the identification of the family was a fake, she still smiled gently and agreed.

The reason why An Chen went to the wrong room was entirely because of the two's rooms, one was upstairs and the other was downstairs.And elevator 2 and 3 seem to look alike when drunk.

When An Chen returned to her room, An Chen was stunned.Go out again and check the room number, it's my own.but why is she here

An Chen came back from Yu Feihong very early, because there was no morning exercise, it was only after 6 o'clock in the morning.Well, this is not the point, the point is why this girl is here

That's right, this is his room, but there is an unexpected guest in the room, Zheng Wei.

And because of An Chen's voice, Zheng Min also woke up in a daze. bddi Obviously, if it is not a light sleeper, it is not a solid sleep.

The moment Zheng Min woke up, he saw An Chen's figure preparing to exit.At this moment, Zheng Wei suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called An Chen to stop.

"Stop, if you dare to leave, I'll go to the corridor and call for molestation."

Hearing this, An Chen said helplessly, "Sister, this is my room."

Zheng Min didn't care about An Chen's words, and said directly, "I didn't intend to really scream, just to scare you." Having said this, Zheng Min paused, and asked suspiciously and carefully, "Where did you go last night? Why not?" come back to sleep"

"Uh, I drank too much, and you poured it under the table."

Hearing this, Zheng Wei got out of bed, and carefully walked over to An Chen's side.Suddenly she grabbed An Chen, leaned forward, and sniffed An Chen.

At this moment, An Chen was stunned, screaming in his heart that it was not good, but at the same time, it was already too late.

Sure enough, the worst thing happened.After Zheng Min sniffed him, he showed an affirmative expression, and said, "So you were at Sister Feihong's place last night, no wonder you didn't come back."

An Chen smelled the smell of himself depressedly, but he could only smell the smell of wine.At this moment, An Chen really wondered if Zheng Min was cheating on him.But at this moment, Zheng Min said, "Can I smell myself and my nose is very good."

At this moment, An Chen felt a little helpless, and asked a little depressed, "Are you a dog?"

Hearing this, Zheng Min said with a smug smile, "But it's not, I'm a sheep."

"So why on earth did you spend the night in Sister Feihong's room?"

Hearing this, An Chen said angrily, "It's not you who poured so much on me, but I mistook 2 in the elevator for 3. In the end, I went to Sister Feihong's room."

"Then Sister Feihong let you in."

"Yes, and Sister Feihong took care of me all night."

Hearing this, Zheng Min showed a knowing smile, and then said, "Well, I know. I forgot to say, I'm not a little girl, I've smelled hormones before."

At this moment, An Chen couldn't help making such complaints in his heart.This is really embarrassing.

Main text 0382: Has Zheng Min changed his strategy?

"Then what about you? Why did you appear in my room? My room card is here." An Chen said, raising the room card in his hand.

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