Hearing this, Zheng Min smiled and said, "I told the waiter that I am your girlfriend. If I say this with Zheng Min's face, no one will doubt it. It is not difficult to add an autograph and a group photo. Come in."

Fuck me, celebrities can enter other people's rooms at will, isn't the security too bad?

"Okay, can you tell me what you came to my room for?"

"It's the same as what you and Sister Feihong did, but I didn't expect me to pour you wine so hard, but in the end it made you both happy."

"Oh, you are sincere." Saying this, An Chen still felt that it was really possible.If he regards her as Yue'er, and then cooperates with Zheng Min, then everything will fall into place.It's a pity that he and Yu Feihong were made by accident.

"Otherwise, seeing me appearing here, you already thought so. Instead of being exposed, it's better to tell the truth and win your favor."

At this moment, An Chen felt more and more that Zheng Min had a heart of great wisdom under his seemingly casual appearance.Indeed, as Zheng Min said, even though she clearly knew her purpose, An Chen just couldn't get angry.

An Chen smiled helplessly, and then said, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Oh, what's the matter, tell me. If I can help you, I will never refuse."

Hearing what Zheng Min said, An Chen said, "Help me keep the matter of Sister Feihong a secret, then leave now, I'm going to sleep. The hangover head really hurts."

An Chen originally thought that Zheng Min would make trouble, or retort.But unexpectedly, Zheng Wei smiled sarcasticly, and said, "Okay, don't forget to come down for lunch at noon."

Huh, the script went wrong, this isn't Zheng Min, right? But Zheng Min really went out, but just before disappearing, he blew a kiss to An Chen.

Seeing this, An Chen felt a little lost.It was already noon when I woke up again, the feeling of hangover was much better, and my mind became brighter.Just, still a little dizzy.When An Chen went down to eat, a waiter suddenly brought a bowl of brown soup.

Seeing this, An Chen said in a strange way, "Why didn't I order this, did I send it wrong?"

"That's right. Ms. Zheng Wei said, Mr. An Chen, you are here, let me serve this bowl of hangover soup. The temperature is right now, drink it while it's hot."

This is a change of strategy and a gentle young lady.

Thinking of this, An Chen said, "Okay, let it go."

At this moment, An Chen received a call from his manager Liu Shujie.


"Is the filming of The Legend of the Great Sage finished? Didn't I tell you a while ago, let's fall in love, are you ready to start filming? You have already been selected, so prepare yourself. If the filming is finished, I will give the other party an answer and ask them to arrange a female guest as soon as possible."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "The filming of The Legend of the Great Sage is over, and I'm going back to Beijing today, but it's best to give me a few days, I still need to get in touch with my women."

Ladies, upon hearing this word, Liu Shujie couldn't help complaining.But after all, it's An Chen's private life. Based on what she knows about An Chen, it's better not to worry about it.

"Okay, then next Monday, five days is enough for you to connect with each other."

Do you think you don't need time to go back and forth? But after thinking about it, An Chen still agreed. After all, Liu Shujie did a good job.

"Okay, next Monday. Where to shoot"

"I don't know yet, wait for me to contact the crew and ask."

ask for flowers


An Chen didn't expect to start a new filming so soon.Thinking that my sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, and this accident really worried them.Therefore, An Chen pulled all the women except Yu Feihong into a group and sent a message.

"There is a shooting plan next Monday. I will fly to Beijing in the afternoon and wait for you at home. If you can't come, wait for my free time to visit your class."

After An Chen's message was sent out, within a short time of eating, the wechat group had already begun to respond.First up is Teemo.She is the happiest when she is not live broadcasting, and it is noon now, so she is the first to reply.

"The flight ticket has been booked. It's 4 pm. Are you waiting for me or I'm waiting for you"

Seeing this, An Chen put down his chopsticks and went back.

"I'll be there at 5 o'clock. If you're fine, just wait for me."

Before Timo could reply, a message came first.

"It's 5:15, please wait for me." This message came from Reba, obviously Reba also missed An Chen very much.

"I'm resting these two days and I'm at home." This is Liu Shishi, obviously she doesn't want to get involved in these women's affairs.

But at this moment, a person Liu Shishi did not expect suddenly spoke.

"Master, shall we go together? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

At this moment, Liu Shishi was taken aback, and looked at the familiar screen name again.Then he replied in disbelief, "Mimi, why are you waiting, your Weibo two days ago was because of Xiaochen"

Seeing Liu Shishi's reply, Yang Mi sighed.Then reply to.

"It's very complicated. I'll talk to you when you come."

s caught a cold and that's all for today.I went to bed first.My head hurts so much.

Body 0383: Zheng Min's Coincidence

At this moment, Di Lieba, who saw Yang Mi bubbling, also recovered from the shock.Then he smiled helplessly, but he wasn't too surprised.It seemed that when An Chen asked her if Yang Mi was divorced for the first time, she had already seen the result.

Di Lieba posted a tongue-sticking emoji and replied, "Boss, I asked for leave only after I did a good job. You won't deduct my wages, will you?"

Seeing this, Yang Mi showed a funny expression.This girl dared to tease herself, she is getting fatter and fatter.

"I can't tell. It depends on whether you are good or not. Well, go to work quickly and see you tonight."

Seeing this, Reba replied again, "Husband, I'm going to eat first, see you at noon on August [-]."

Eat, plus catch a flight, security check.Well, did this damn girl tell me I'm not working today? Yang Mi was a little speechless, but didn't say anything else.

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