At this moment, Tang Yixin replied.

"I'm recording a show now, it may take a day or two. Have fun."

Following Tang Yixin's reply, Guan Xiaotong also responded.

"I've been busy recently, and I really can't leave. I won't go back this time. You can come to visit the class later, remember to vent my share on them. Don't come here with a dissatisfied look. I can not stand you."

Only the little girl Guan Xiaotong dared to say so.

"Okay, I'll go visit the set after I finish filming this part." After thinking for a while, An Chen added another sentence, "I don't know the address of the set you are going to film later, send it to me later."

Seeing this message, Guan Xiaotong smiled mysteriously, showing a complacent expression, and replied, "You will know when the time comes."

Girl, are you playing mystery or romance with me?

"Well anyway, if I don't know the address, then I can't go."

"Yeah. Alright, I'm off to film. See you later"

This girl, is this really okay?

After eating, An Chen conveniently booked two air tickets back to Beijing, and then rang Yu Feihong's room again.After Yu Feihong opened the door, she still smiled gently and said, "Why are you here again?"

"I booked an afternoon flight, so we had an hour to pack and an hour to drive, and an hour to go through security and get on the plane."

Of course, An Chen has reservations about the time, but what if there is a traffic jam? What if the line to pass the security check is relatively long?

Yu Feihong frowned, and then asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I can't help it. My manager just informed me that I'm going to shoot a show on Monday. But my women haven't seen each other for a long time. They are worried about things in South Africa this time, so I go back early and have a honeymoon. You introduce it to everyone."

Yu Feihong paused while she was arranging her clothes, and then said, "No, I won't get involved with them."

"But sister, you are already my woman."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong smiled and stroked An Chen's cheeks, and said, "I just said that I don't want to get involved with them anymore. A bunch of little girls, you call me who can be their aunt, how can I be in front of them? Sister has already promised you I can't run away, of course. As long as you don't dislike my sister's old age and fading, you can call me or come find me when there is no one else, or when you miss her."

Saying that, Yu Feihong kissed the corner of An Chen's mouth fondly.It seems to be telling him in this way that I am yours.

But when she saw this, An Chen turned her mouth away, and after a long time of French kisses, Yu Feihong broke free from An Chen. Although she suffered from lack of oxygen, she still never blamed An Chen, but she was a little charming and gentle An Chen gave An Chen a blank look.

Yu Feihong has never been a person who likes to move fast in her life. She likes to be leisurely and quiet.But this time, she was really anxious for An Chen for a while.

After packing the luggage, Yu Feihong said, "You know, this is the most urgent time I have been in the past ten years. Don't be so anxious next time."

"Okay, sister. Then let's go, my sis."


When An Chen and the others were going out, they happened to see a person, and that person was Zheng Wei, and she looked at the two of them in confusion and said, "You guys are going back."

"Well, Xiaochen has a temporary mission, so we will go back together. Xiaochen, when will you leave?"

"Coincidentally, I am also flying in the afternoon, which flight and seat number are you on?"

Why is this girl so haunted? But An Chen watched the two of them chatting, but didn't speak.

"I don't know, the plane ticket is booked by Xiaochen. Xiaochen, which plane are we on and what are the seats?"

Hearing this, 40 An Chen had no choice but to answer, so she replied, "u5148, the seats are a9 and a10."

Zheng Min smiled when he heard the words, and said, "That's really a coincidence, I was also on that plane. Sister Feihong, please wait for me, I will organize my luggage, and take a look at what I have unpacked."

"Okay, then hurry up, we are in a hurry."

"Okay" Zheng Min who entered his room directly called the agent to buy the ticket.And I quickly sorted out the items, but it took only ten minutes, and everything was done.Then, the three set foot on the way home.

s Make up for yesterday's sixth update.

Body 0384: Family Banquet

As soon as he got off the plane, Zheng Min suddenly said, "Xiaochen, we have never been to your house, why don't you invite me and Sister Feihong to have a chat?"

Damn, I knew this girl had a purpose.At this moment, Feng Timo, who was waiting at the exit gate, saw An Chen.The next moment, she happily ran over.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and after hugging Feng Timo, he said, "Are you in a hurry?" Then he said to the two of them, "This is my girlfriend, Feng Timo."

This bastard, do you like such a small mushroom?

Xiaochen shouldn't be a child lover, right? This little girl is 18 years old. It doesn't matter if she is an adult. It's her height. Is she 1 meters?

Feng Timo naturally saw the two girls and said, "Hello, sisters, you used to be my idol, Sister Feihong."

13 Hearing this, Yu Feihong joked, "It doesn't mean now"

At this moment, Feng Timo really wanted to say something embarrassing.But she insisted on taking it back.

"No, it's just that Sister Mi is going to be my boss now, so I have to treat her as an idol."

An Chen smiled when he heard this, secretly thought that you will be able to see your boss at night.

"Okay, just to tease you. Then you go home. Xiao Min and I won't join in the fun."

What Yu Feihong said made Zheng Min a little unhappy.But at this moment, a voice came over.Just heard Reba who just got off the plane said, "Hey, you are all here, why are you chatting here and going home?"

Speaking of this, Reba looked at Yu Feihong and Zheng Min.He opened his mouth again and said, "Sister Feihong, thank you for taking care of Xiaochen. And sister Mi, I heard that you and our family An Chen acted in the same way. Really, thank you for bringing him to your house for dinner. Xiaochen cooks great food”

"Really, that's great, we'd rather be respectful than obedient."

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