Hearing this, Yang Mi seemed unmoved, and said, "I'll help you pay for your logistics. Bags, clothes, and cosmetics are all sponsored by manufacturers. In addition, as for snacks you want to eat, you can ask your assistant to buy them. I will help her later." Reimbursement. But you are not afraid that you will get fat, Xiaochen doesn't want you?"

"he dares"

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly interjected, "Don't worry, Xiao Di won't get fat. If she gets fat, I'll pull her to do morning exercises for a month, two hours a day. Guaranteed that after a month, the place where she should be big will be big and small." The place is small."

Reba was embarrassed when he heard the words, frowned and stomped his feet.Jiaochen said, "Don't eat, does my husband have a new one?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi and An Chen looked at each other and smiled.Then I heard Yang Mi say, "That's great, I know that Xiaochen will come back at night and have no lunch at noon. I think I can eat a set of seafood big coffee by myself."

Hearing this, An Chen seemed a little depressed and said, "Then the rest may be just enough for the rest of us. Fortunately, there is a big eater who doesn't eat, otherwise I have to add more food."

As the two sang together, Di Lieba's expression changed.She changed her face in an instant, sat down at the table with a full smile on her face, and said, "Who said just now that you don't want to eat it, give me her share. I think I can eat the whole plate of seafood by myself." coffee".

Text 0386: Mu Di with a particularly long reflex arc

Seeing Reba's thick-skinned appearance, the two laughed again.At this moment, Feng Timo was dumbfounded the moment he came out of the bathroom.

"Boss, why are you here?"

"You also said that you fell in love before the company praised you. Do you know how much resources will be lost? I'm here to arrest people. Let's go, let's make up a contract that can't fall in love for three years."

Hearing this, Feng Timo's expression changed, and he suddenly said in frustration, "I'm sorry, Sister Mi, if this is the case, I really can only refuse. I have been single for so many years to know how unreasonable it is to meet the right person." Easy. I don't want to lose him"

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled.Looking at An Chen, he said, "You have a good eye." Then he said to Feng Timo, "Just kidding, we're just here for a family dinner, and we'll be sisters from now on."

"Huh..." Feng Timo breathed a sigh of relief until now, he really struggled and entangled for a long time just now.It's just why the boss becomes a sister? This backyard is bigger again

At this moment, An 473 Chen came to finish.

"Okay, wash your hands and eat. Reba, help serve the meal."

Finally, after the meal, several people were lying on the sofa and touching their round stomachs, not wanting to move.

At the same time, they still feel a little pity.It's a pity that An Chen cooked too few dishes, which only made them [-]% full, including the rice.

An Chen smiled when he saw this, and after throwing the dishes into the dishwasher, he recorded Yu Feihong's fingerprints.Seeing this, Zheng Min quit.

"Why didn't you log in for me"

Hearing this, An Chen said angrily, "She's my sister, who are you? What if my house loses something?"

Zheng Min did this on purpose, right? He knows that he has an unusual relationship with Yu Feihong.Did she think this could threaten herself?

"If your family loses something, I will pay for all the losses. She is your sister, and I can bded be your sister. If there is something to do, the sister will do it, and you will understand if it is nothing."

Zheng Min's voice was quite loud. Hearing her remarks, Reba asked in confusion, "Why does it feel a bit wrong?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled, and said, "The little fool hasn't noticed yet, that girl is chasing our men. By the way, didn't you read the Weibo exchanges some time ago? This is the only one here, and the other one didn't." Come on, if you come, it will be lively."

"Who is the other one?"

"Don't you read Weibo?"

"Look, wait, are you saying that Naja is with Zhang Han?"

Mu Di, what year did you hear the news?

Seeing Yang Mi stroke her forehead, she said with a headache, "Xiao Di, your news is too late. Ever since that scoundrel joined Hua'er. After Na Zha came back, she sent a message to break up."

"Oh." After a long while, Di Lieba suddenly reacted and said, "So, I have led the wolf into the house."

At this moment, Yang Mi and the others were powerless to complain.Girl, is your reflex arc too long?

At the same time, An Chen on the other side was left speechless by Zheng Min.

"Well, you can do whatever you say. If you lose something in my house, you will be compensated. In addition, I advise you not to come in at will, because my girlfriend and I will do some shameful things. If you see it, then your fingerprints will I will remove it. Do you hear me?"

"Got it, Rory is talking too much."

Seeing the way Zheng Min rolled his eyes, An Chen felt that he should be the one who should roll his eyes more.It's the first time I've seen such a cheeky girl.

In the end, Zheng Min, who had achieved his goal, left, and Yu Feihong also left.In her words, that is not to delay the rest of these young people.

At night, the four girls were divided into two groups to sleep, one group slept in Anchen's room, and the other group slept in the female guest room.Reba and Timo had already lived a shameless life when they were in Shanghai, so they didn't feel embarrassed.As for Yang Mi and Liu Shishi

Although Liu Shishi repeatedly warned An Chen not to do shameful things here, Yang Mi still gave An Chen a knowing look.Then when Liu Shishi turned around, he left a gap in the door for An Chen.

An Chen had seen Yang Mi's wink a long time ago, so he smiled and thought about things in the night.Although it should be late at night to go to Yang Mi's place.But he also needs to exercise in the first half of the night.

After resolutely returning to the room, An Chen jumped at the two little lambs amid the exclamations of Little Timo and Reba.Although the soft shouting and singing began to sound from this moment, the sound insulation of the room was supposed to be good, so that the two women on the other side of the room could not hear anything.

I don't know how long it took before the voice stopped, and Reba said with a hoarse voice, "Go over there and find Sister Mi, I saw her winking at you. Don't give me face, play with them for a while .Well, then no need to come back, we're too sleepy."

Timo was already sound asleep at this time, and he didn't know whether he was fainted or fell asleep.

An Chen nodded, kissed Reba on the forehead, and walked out of the room.

Although it was his own guest room for female guests, in fact he rarely came here himself.When he entered, his focus was only on the two bodies on the bed.

At this time, the two were covered with thin towels, and the cool air-conditioning wind surrounded the room. .

Body 0387: Let's fall in love!

When An Chen walked over, he was a little tangled, there was no need to choose who to ask first, it must be Liu Shishi.But it seems that no matter what he does, Liu Shishi will wake up in the process.

It doesn't matter, what Liu Shishi said, he just needs to be tough. Thinking about it this way, An Chen lifted the towel blanket from Liu Shishi's side.The two women under the towel were wearing only underwear.

Seeing this, An Chen leaned over and started.

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