Before An Chen could make a few moves, Liu Shishi woke up.She was startled at first, and then saw the person on her body.

In the next second, she hurriedly made a block, but could she stop it? She said eagerly, "Honey, please don't be here."

This was the first time Liu Shishi called An Chen's husband, so she was really anxious.An Chen raised his head from the mountain bag where he buried his head, looked at Liu Shishi and said, "Is it a good habit to call you husband, and you must stick to it in the future."

Seeing An Chen get up, Liu Shishi heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Please don't be here, okay? If you want, we can do it when we're alone. Is that okay?"


For a moment, Liu Shishi was taken aback, as if he didn't expect An Chen to say that.But at this moment, An Chen continued to say, "You are best friends, right? Has she seen your body?"

At this moment, Liu Shishi was a little confused by the question, but he still nodded, not knowing what An Chen meant by this.But what An Chen said next made her understand.

"Since she has seen your body and mine, what else can't be seen?"

When Liu Shishi was unable to refute An Chen's fallacies, An Chen continued to cultivate on Liu Shishi.

At this time, Yang Mi also woke up.She giggled, as if she knew the result a long time ago, instead of rescuing Liu Shishi, she messed around with An Chen instead.Not long after, Liu Shishi was gone.The next moment, the whispering call sounded again

The next day, when An Chen woke up, she found that the meal was ready.Of course, this is not due to Reba, Reba will only eat.Then Timo should still be able to eat it, judging by the appearance.

Seeing this, An Chen woke up the two girls.At this time, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi were not in good spirits.Apparently, An Chen followed Reba's orders and tormented the two of them quite hard at night.

Liu Shishi is the kind of person who accepts what comes and goes, except for her special persistence, she is not persistent enough.With An Chen's logic and Yang Mi's help, Liu Shishi was finally lost.

Looking at the breakfast in front of her, Yang Mi said, "Isn't it too rich to eat this early in the morning?"

At this time, there was a stewed fish in brown sauce, a plate of cola chicken wings, and curry stewed beef on the table.With a bowl of rice porridge per person and a few white steamed buns, it is indeed a bit rich.And it's all meat

As soon as Yang Mi finished speaking, Reba hurriedly said, "No, no, I can finish eating."

Foodie, although she has already commented on Reba more than once in her heart, she still can't help but do it again.

The taste of the breakfast is not bad, although it is not as good as Anchen or the restaurant, but the taste is pretty good.

In this way, An Chen and the others lived shamelessly for three days.But the next afternoon Tang Yixin came, and Liu Shishi left.

Because she may not be used to this kind of shameless life, although it is the first time, she still needs to buffer it.As for Yang Mi's act of selling her girlfriends, she didn't say anything.After all, the relationship between the two is not really for sale, it's just a joke.

ask for flowers

On the fourth day, everyone left, and Nuo Da's house became empty again.And two days ago, agent Liu Shujie also called.Tomorrow, the crew will come to the house for filming, and their first recording will be in Beijing.

For this recording, An Chen also had certain expectations.It's just that I don't know what kind of beauty will be arranged again. Is it another sibling relationship?

Forget it, let's go buy a gift first.What is a good gift for a first meeting? It seems that there is nothing to give.Forget it, send a 2b pencil and eraser.After choosing the gift, An Chen bought a special pencil case, wrote a small note and put it in.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, after the filming team got ready, An Chen received the task card.

An Chen looked at the set up camera, and said, "Actually, I didn't expect to be invited to participate in this show. After all, I'm still young, and I've just finished my second year of college, but since I'm here, let's talk about a vigorous love affair." Come on. My gift is ready and waiting for you."

Then he looked at the mission card, and went to his mission location with the crew members.Starbucks Cafe in Xidan Joy City

Well, An Chen, who was fully washed, set off.At this moment, he still doesn't know what kind of surprises will be waiting for him.

At this moment, there was already a person who went to the Starbucks coffee shop earlier than An Chen.If An Chen saw this person, he would be shocked.It turned out that this person was none other than Guan Xiaotong who told him not to come back and asked him to visit the class.

Guan Xiaotong looked enthusiastic and ebullient today, apparently in a good mood. .

Text 0388: It's actually Guan Xiaotong

Guan Xiaotong came to join us in love because of An Chen, because he accidentally heard An Chen say that he would join us in love.She just spared time and came here specially to participate in this.Before coming to participate, she also specifically told the crew that she and An Chen must be grouped together.

Guan Xiaotong is now on the front line, and with An Chen, this is undoubtedly very attractive.Yes, the crew really agreed.But Guan Xiaotong was still asked to pretend not to know as much as possible to create a sense of effect.As long as you can be in the same group as An Chen, everything else doesn't matter.Therefore, Guan Xiaotong readily agreed.

When Guan Xiaotong was sitting in the coffee shop, he found that there was no one there, and he couldn't even order a drink, which was embarrassing.

"Four Eight Seven"

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong thought for a while and stood up.Then he glanced left and right and hid in the bar counter.This hiding lasted for half an hour, just when she couldn't help but want to give up.Starbucks door is pushed open

Hearing this voice, Guan Xiaotong knew that the Lord was coming.Just when he was about to get up, he squatted down again, but his legs were so sore.

"anyone there"

Hearing this voice, Guan Xiaotong couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, it really was that bad guy.After thinking about it, she smiled and stood up.

“Want something to drink”

An Chen turned around abruptly when he heard the voice, and then his eyes seemed to widen.I saw him startled and said, "Xiaotong, why are you here?"

An Chen really didn't know, even Guan Xiaotong never told him.He was still thinking about who he would meet, but he didn't expect it to be his own is this fixed

"What kind of expression do you have? If you don't like to see me, then I'll go home." Guan Xiaotong shook his head and wanted to go out.

"No" yes, before the word fell, An Chen saw Guan Xiaotong frowned and almost fell down.Seeing this, An Chen was really anxious, what's the matter? This is him quickly going backstage.While supporting Guan Xiaotong, he said, "What's the matter, why did it happen all of a sudden?"

An Chen's furrowed brows and caring look made Guan Xiaotong's little emotions disappear long ago.But she still said arrogantly, "It's not you, you came so late, I squatted for half an hour, and my legs are numb."

Hearing this, An Chen was a little amused and at the same time relieved.In the next second, he used all his strength to hug Princess Guan Xiaotong up.

But it seemed to be somewhat different from the expected romance, only Guan Xiaotong let out a howl that was second only to killing a pig.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't move, it's too uncomfortable, let me take it easy, just take it easy."

"Let's go, the person I'm hugging didn't talk, but you, the person being hugged, talk so much. And you're caused by blocking the flow of blood. I'll rub it for you later to make sure it's all right." very fast."

Hearing what An Chen said, Guan Xiaotong didn't say anything, but put his hands on An Chen's neck.

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