"Okay" I dare not say anything else, is he afraid of learning martial arts?

Following An Chen's words, the master of the martial arts gym took a Wing Chun posture.

"See clearly?"

An Chen didn't speak, and in the next second, he raised his fist and dropped it.Break the platoon, sink the bridge, and stick to it.

Seeing this, the master understood, and only heard him say, "Okay, I have practiced. Play Wing Chun once, and I will give you the cheat book."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the stake, then patted it again.He opened his mouth and said, "Master, can I just use any martial arts to knock down this wooden stake, and you can give me all three books?"

Hearing this, the master smiled.He has been playing this pile for several years. He wants to knock down such a solid wooden pile. Who do you think you are?

"Okay, I will not only give you the three cheat books in my hand, but also the three books my apprentice got. Not only that, but I will also teach you a secret."

Hearing this, An Chen made a move.He first used Wing Chun to invigorate Qi and blood, and when he hit a certain level and his blood was boiling, he suddenly exhaled and made a sound.

"Drink" Tie Shankao

As the most explosive Tie Shan Kao in Baji, the power of this blow is astonishing.Just hearing a "boom", the ground seemed to shake.The stake snapped with a "click".

Seeing this, the owner of the museum seemed to have a duck egg in his mouth, and couldn't close it no matter what.If I rely on this, if it is carried on someone's body, the ribs will be completely broken.

"Master, can you give me the secret book now?"

Hearing this, the corner of the master's mouth twitched, but he still fulfilled his contract.Handed over to An Chen the three golden bell jars and the powerful vajra feet in charge of the apprentice.At the same time, he said, "There is news that there is a super mysterious master who will sell cheat books in Lingnan Tiandi."

After saying this, the martial arts master started to make his own stakes.It seems that I can only replace it with a new one, which is really self-inflicted.Unexpectedly, this kid actually practiced the most explosive Baji, and he was quite hot.lost sight

Not long after An Chen left, two more people came to the martial arts hall, although there was no one outside the martial arts hall.But those two wooden stakes were still standing there, together with the bright lights, so Wang Dalu and the little pig Luo Zhixiang found them.

"Hello, can I learn martial arts here?"

Hearing this, the martial arts master sighed, and said, "Young man, you are a step late, my apprentice and I have already taken away the cheat books."

"Who is so good at taking all of them, can you tell me how many books he took away from you?"

"I don't know. It's a kid who knows martial arts. He took a total of 6 secret books from me. The secret books are the golden bell cover and the powerful vajra feet."

Hearing this, Little Pig hurriedly said, "Let's go, let's chase, maybe we can catch up.".

Text 0397: Praying Mantises and Cicadas

At the same time, An Chen on the other side came to a tavern and began to learn the second martial arts.

"Master, it's okay to soak in water, but can you give me all three books, or I can hold my breath for three minutes at a time, and you can give me all of them"

Hearing this, the brewing master did not believe it just like the martial arts master just now.Therefore, he said, "Okay, if you hold your breath for more than three minutes at a time, it means that you have mastered the essence of Ha Toad Kung Fu, so it is not uncommon for Ha Toad Kung Fu to be your unique secret book."

With the promise of the brewer, An Chen stepped into the water tank.He didn't even wear glasses, he just closed his eyes, looking at his nose with his eyes, and his nose with his mind in meditation.

Unknowingly, there was a panic outside, two minutes passed, and An Chen still didn't change at all.Every second after that everyone was a little bit tormented.But looking at An Chen who was motionless, he could only hope that he could hold his breath like a synchronized swimmer.

Three minutes passed quickly between the camera and the brewmaster.

The brewer hurriedly knocked on the glass jar to see An Chen's reaction. If An Chen didn't respond, they would go hunting for someone.But as soon as the sound of him knocking on the glass fell, An Chen stood up from the water the next second.After wiping his face, he said, "The time is up, then give me the secret."

You really have a big heart, open your mouth and ask for the secret book.

But up to here, what else could he say? He handed the three secret books to An Chen, and said, "Congratulations, apprentice, you have obtained the secret book of Toad Kung Fu. With this martial art, you can sweep the martial arts world."

Stunning, this is the strongest martial art. It's so simple, but since there is a toad skill, it should also have a yang finger, no matter how powerful the martial arts is, it's useless if you don't learn how to crack it.At this moment, Zhang Yixing, Luo Zhixiang and Wang Dalu walked in.Seeing An Chen, Luo Zhixiang said instantly, "Don't say you took all the cheat books away again."

Hearing Luo Zhixiang's words, An Chen showed a harmless smile, and said, "Yes, I didn't expect the level here to be so simple. It's so easy to get nine copies. What kind of martial arts cheats did you get?"

"We got ghosts. You took nine books by yourself, and there are only 21 books in total, okay? You can't use that much by yourself. Why don't you share two copies with us and we can test the strength of martial arts for you?"

Following Luo Zhixiang's words, An Chen said without hesitation, "Okay, but it's not easy for me to get the cheat book. In this way, you choose a martial art, and I will issue a task for you. If you complete it, I will give you a cheat book. As for how you experiment in the future, it’s up to you, you can see if it’s okay.”

At present, the one who has the cheats is the uncle, and nearly half of the cheats are in An Chen, so they can't help but choose.

"OK, we accept the challenge"

Seeing the high-spirited three people, An Chen said, "I now have the golden bell cover, the toad kung fu and the powerful vajra feet. You can choose the same one, you can't repeat it, choose now."

The three looked at each other, and Luo Zhixiang said, "Then I will choose the golden bell cover. Obviously, Luo Zhixiang seems to prefer this name that seems to be invincible in defense."

As Luo Zhixiang's words fell, Wang Dalu hurriedly said, "Then I will practice the vajra feet."

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing could only choose the last one.

"Then I'll use the Toad Technique."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, looked at the three of them and said, "The first time I come up with a question, I'll keep it simple. Turn the golden bell cover 50 times, and then touch the woodwork with flower carvings on the opposite wall." The card counts as winning. Dali Vajra kicks three hundred times on the spot. Well, it must be kicked straight, no matter which direction or angle is acceptable. Hama Gong, okay, but unfortunately there is no beer. Then drink water and drink two drafts of beer at once The water is considered a win. The above content, all pauses, the interval should not exceed three minutes."

ask for flowers

Speaking of this, An Chen's mind suddenly brightened, then he looked at the brewer, and said, "Master, I have to trouble you. You help to be a witness, whoever has done what I said, you will give them the secret book. All Anyone, including those who have not yet come, can participate in this challenge. Do you think it will work?" In the end, An Chen changed the selection rules so that everyone can participate.

"The apprentice's method is open, and as a teacher, I will help you bear witness."

Seeing this, An Chen turned around with a smile and left.At this moment, the three of them panicked.What should I do? Chase or win these three cheat books? If you chase them, what should you do if these three books are taken away? If you don’t chase them, what should you do if the other cheat books are taken away by An Chen?

Luo Zhixiang brushed his hair, and said irritably, "Never mind, never mind, let's get the current one first. Even if he has all the cheats, he will let us learn them, otherwise he won't know the order."

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "Since he doesn't know the order, we can learn his kung fu and challenge him. Anyway, he doesn't know the order. If we challenge him, if we win, we will Can win all his martial arts."

Zhang Yixing's words brightened the eyes of both of them, and the little pig Luo Zhixiang said excitedly, "Yes, maybe we will be lucky enough to learn all the martial arts by then.".

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