Text 0398: A heartbroken song, where to find a bosom friend at the end of the world

Just when the three of them were full of excitement, An Chen had already found the place where the fourth cheat book appeared.Looking at the sad man playing the erhu, An Chen said, "Master, I want to learn martial arts."

Hearing what An Chen said, the erhu master said, "If you want to learn my kung fu, you must shed tears of sadness after listening to my music."

Hearing this, An Chen frowned, and then asked, "Master, what is your secret book? You still need tears of sadness."

"The most affectionate, the seven-injury boxing."

Hearing this, An Chen turned around and left. I don't know how powerful the seven-injury "four-seven-zero" fist that can't be broken in the novel can't be broken.Well, these are all excuses, in fact, he doesn't want to cry at all.

Forget it, let them.An Chen, who was thinking this way, walked two steps, and heard the lively voices outside.Then he walked over and saw Sha Yi, Huang Lei, Sun Honglei and Wang Xun.

"Hi, they are all here"

"Xiaochen is here too, have you seen Yixing and the others?"

Hearing Huang Lei's question, An Chen said naturally, "See, I'm learning cheats in a tavern. When I passed by here just now, there was another student not far away. It's a pity that I can't learn it." Yes, why don't you try it"

Hearing this, Huang Lei became curious, and asked, "What kind of secret book? I can't learn it yet. Is it difficult?"

Hearing this, An Chen said with some embarrassment, "It's not too difficult. He said he would make me cry after listening to his music. Isn't that embarrassing me? I am such an idol, how can I cry so easily, brother?" say yes"

Hearing this, Sun Honglei and Huang Lei's eyes lit up. If An Chen can't do it, they can do it. They are serious actors, and they haven't seen any crying scenes.Huang Lei stood up in an instant, and said, "Xiaochen, take me there."

"Xiaochen, don't take him there, this old fox is a thief. You take me there, the two of us form an alliance, if I get more cheat books, I will give you a copy."

Hearing what Sun Honglei said, Huang Lei said, "Don't say that, Hong Lei, you are the most treacherous and betrayal here. Xiao Chen, you have to be careful of Hong Lei, if you have seen our extreme challenge You know, Sun Honglei is the best at betrayal, don't be fooled by him."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "You two go get it together. You can get three cheat books in one place. If you have extra, you can give me one."

"Xiaochen, why don't you come with us? What if we can't find a place?"

When An Chen heard this, he instantly understood what the old fox meant.He smiled and said, "When you go to the alley and look to the left, you can see the old man playing the erhu. He played a sad song that seems to be Erquan Yinyue. If you can't see anyone, come back Well, it’s not too far anyway.”

Hearing what An Chen said, Huang Lei was finally relieved, and then took Sun Honglei, and said, "Come on, Hong Lei, let's go and look at the cheats over there first. By the way, there will be extra cheats later. Chen, after all, this is the clue he gave us."

An Chen didn't believe Huang Lei's words at all.So he just smiled, and then looked at Sha Yi.At this time, Sha Yi had already started the last shot, seeing this, An Chen walked up.When Sha Yi got the cheat book, An Chen said first, "Master, I want to learn Kung Fu."

At this moment, Wang Xun was a little confused, and said, "Wait, master, wait for master, don't we come first, first come first?"

At the same time, the master was also taken aback, and then said, "No, the priority is whoever wants to learn Kung Fu, and then it's the young man's turn to challenge."

"Can it still be like this?"

"Brother Xun, I didn't expect you to be so weak after so many seasons. Well, I'm sorry, I will learn it for you. By the way, if you wait fast enough, maybe you can learn it too."

At this moment, the master said, "Okay, now choose ten fruits."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly said, "Master, if I choose ten apples and smash them all, can you give me both of the cheat books?"

Ten apples is a bit difficult.While the master was thinking, Sha Yi looked at Wang Xun and said, "Xun, I sympathize with you, please give me a loving hug."

Saying that, Sha Yi hugged Wang Xun with a sad face and sympathy.At the same time, the master also thought about it.

"If you can smash all ten apples, then I will give you the remaining two cheat books. If you can't smash them, then you will be disqualified from the challenge. Do you think it's okay?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked back at Wang Xun with a bewildered smile.At this moment, Wang Xun quit, and only heard him say, "No, no, how can one person get two cheat books?"

After Wang Xun finished speaking, An Chen took out six cheat books and said, "Look, there are two copies of the same book. If you can do it, remember to break it, or you will lose your qualification."

Hearing this, Wang Xun faltered.

"I'm not that stupid if you want to deceive me. I don't believe you can smash ten apples. Sha Yi's smashing into the air doesn't count. You must smash them."

Text 0399: Secret Manual Supplier, An Chen

Hearing Wang Xun's words, the master agreed, "Yes."

An Chen smiled and said, "Well, let's start then."

Cun Jin is involved in various kung fu styles, but Cun Zhang is more suitable for Wing Chun's exertion technique.An Chen bowed slightly, and patted down on the ten apples placed in sequence.The apples were not placed upright, which would undoubtedly require more strength, so An Chen placed them sideways.

"Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa" ten consecutive sounds without pause.At this time, Wang Xun and Sha Yi couldn't close their mouths.Especially Sha Yi, he almost suspected that what he just photographed was a fake apple.

"Brother, don't you feel pain? Are you an iron sand palm? Or is it that the apples are of different varieties and placed differently? Would it be good to take pictures? Or let me try."

"This angle is really easy, definitely easier than you think, why don't you try"

Hearing this, Sha Yiran turned 13, and eagerly said, "Master, give me an apple."

Only then did the fruit seller react, but he was also happy to see this scene.Therefore, he put an apple on the case, exactly the same as An Chen's arrangement just now.

The next moment, Sha Yi sank into his dantian, breathed out and slapped it loudly.

"Ha ah ah"

Except for the first sound which was slightly higher, the other sounds became weaker and weaker.

"It hurts"

Seeing this, Wang Xun hurriedly came up and said, "Xiaochen, it's useless for you to ask for two copies, or you can share one with me. If I find it, I will share it with you. Do you like it?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then showed a harmless smile, and said, "Brother Xun, you are overthinking. But to give you a chance, I plan to leave a way for you." An Chen looked at the fruit seller Master, said, "Master, can I ask you to do me a favor."

"Disciple, please tell me."

"It's like this. I want to ask the master to be a witness and supervisor. I will leave two secret books, one is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and the other is the Hama Kung Fu. These two are the most rigid and powerful kung fu, so it is natural to be the most powerful. Only those who are strong can be worthy of it. Someone will come to accept the test soon, shoot ten pears, and give Hama Kung Fu. Shoot five apples, and five pears will be given to the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong. Master, do you think it is okay?"

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