
Hearing this, An Chen kept the two cheat books, and said to Sha Yi and Wang Xun who were dumbfounded, "I wish you good luck."

Wang Xun was really dumbfounded at this moment, neither of these two is simple, okay?

"Xiaochen, do you want to play so hard?" Sha Yi looked at An Chen's back and asked this sentence, then turned to Wang Xun and said, "Fortunately, I already have Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. I wish you good luck, Brother Xun." Saying that, Sha Yi gloated and left.He didn't have much hope for either of these anyway.Maybe a pear would do, but that's stressful too.

At the same time, the three people at the tavern almost threw up.The three of them challenged together, the same challenge.But the seemingly simple game is actually not that simple.Not to mention anything else, after turning 50 times, they feel that the world is turning in circles, how could they get the brand within three minutes? It was a bit sore and limp, and when they gritted their teeth and persisted to 70, they no longer wanted to lift their feet.As for the amount of water in two drafts of beer, the water of two drafts of beer can be wiped out in one go, unless you are extremely thirsty.

The three of them were about to cry, and it seemed that they were only a little short of success, but it seemed so far away.Especially for the task of drinking water, the three of them looked at the less than half a glass of water, feeling extremely speechless.

"Let's find another cheat book first, and challenge this one after we regain our strength."

"Okay, let's stop drinking water and go to the toilet more. After draining, I don't believe that I can't drink two drafts of water at a time."

Following the words of Zhang Yixing and Xiaozhu, Wang Dalu nodded in agreement.

At this moment, An Chen had already found the location of the sixth cheat book.This is the place for the lion dance, the moment An Chen saw the camera nearby, he knew there was a mission.

"Which one is the master, I'm here to learn martial arts."

While An Chen was learning qinggong, Wang Xun 750 was patting the pear, but the pear was much harder than he thought.And Sun Honglei and Huang Lei also got the Qishangquan cheat book as they wished, and returned to the fruit stand.Looking at Wang Xun, Huang Lei asked suspiciously, "Why are you here, Xiaochen and Sha Yi are missing?"

Mentioning An Chen Wang Xun made him angry, and he said angrily, "What's more, Xiao Chen won both cheat books. Then he released another mission, so now the mission rules have changed."

Speaking of this, Wang Xun suddenly remembered something, and said again, "In addition to the two cheat books left here, Xiaochen still has 6 cheat books, and two of them are the same. Go and challenge him."

"He has six copies." Hearing this, Sun Honglei hurriedly said again, "Go, go, go, go and grab him."

But Huang Lei was unmoved when he heard the words. He looked at Wang Xun and said, "What are the two books he left here? What is the mission?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Text 0400: The Magical Use of Chuan Gong Fang

This is purely Wang Xun talking nonsense with his eyes open. It can be seen that he has learned to be dishonest after so many seasons.Hearing what Wang Xun said, Huang Lei smiled, and said to the fruit seller beside him, "Master, what are the books and tasks left here?"

Fruit Master will not hide it, the more people come to challenge the better, maybe he is still popular. "The book is Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Hama Kungfu. The task is Hama Kungfu smashing ten pears, and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms smashing five apples and five pears."

At this moment, Huang Lei frowned and said to himself, "It's so difficult that no one can complete it."

At this moment, Wang Xun finally spoke the truth.

"Xiao Chen finished it. He smashed ten apples, so he got two cheat books."

It turned out to be so, Huang Lei nodded, and then said, "Master, I want to challenge ten pears."

Ten pears is not enough.

When Wang Xun and Huang Lei were arguing, An Chen had already started the lion dance, with the lion's head up and down, dancing from left to right.An Chen took the opportunity to look at the road ahead, and when there were only two steps left, An Chen stopped.Then, through the mouth of the lion's head, he looked at the green on the head.

At the moment when he was optimistic about the position, An Chen took a sudden step forward and then jumped up. At the same time, he rolled over and then bit Qing in the air, biting Qing into the lion's mouth.When An Chen took off, he was still two and a half meters away from Qing. This jump was full of splendor and thrill.Seeing this, even the camera couldn't help but sweat.But when An Chen landed safely, all the audience couldn't help applauding.

"Very good, as expected, the dance is not bad, I will leave these three qinggong cheats to you〃."

Hearing this, An Chen accepted it with a smile, and said, "Master, please help me to be a witness and supervisor. I will leave a copy of the Powerful Vajra Foot and Lightness Kung Fu. If someone comes to challenge me later, I must live in Qing Dynasty in the air." Only pass the test, and those who pass the test can be given a secret book, master, can you see it?"

"Okay, the boy just has an idea."

After getting an affirmative answer, An Chen left again.

"Master, farewell."

An Chen walked aimlessly, looking for the last martial art.Except for Qishangquan, who is too badass, he already has five kinds of martial arts and seven secret books.

At this moment, An Chen suddenly saw a room, the teaching room and the young lady standing at the door, An Chen quickly discovered the problem here.

"Miss, what is this room for?"

"It's mutual transmission, but it cannot be interrupted during the transmission. If it is interrupted, then the transmission has failed."

Is that so? Then how did his cheat books count as teaching skills? Thinking of this, An Chen smiled at the girl and walked out, at this moment his ears twitched.Then he quickly thought and flashed aside.

Just when An Chen hid behind the corner.Sun Honglei and Sha Yi walked over.At this moment, Sun Honglei's voice came over.

"Isn't this the teaching room?"

"Two, if someone interrupts during the process, the transmission of the skill will fail, and the skill will be abolished."

Following the young lady's voice, Sun Honglei hesitated.

"Can't get in"

"Come in, and let me be fully human."

At this moment, An Chen, who was eavesdropping, was a little confused.How can you not be perfect?

Just when An Chen was in a daze, Sun Honglei walked in and said, "You first teach me the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."


The sound is already very low here.Hearing this, An Chen knew that the two had gone in.The next second, after a pause, he walked out, letting the camera stick to him and walking towards the door.

Just when he walked to the door, there came a "Yiyi acridine" that came from inside.Hearing this, An Chen smiled, then walked in, and said, "Hi, you're teaching the exercises?"

Following An Chen's words, the young lady who was looking at the time said, "You failed to teach the exercises, and your Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms have been abolished."

At this moment, the two were stunned, especially Sha Yi, who was sitting on the ice at a loss.It's Sun Honglei who just disappeared. Although it's a pity that he didn't cheat martial arts, it's nothing.And there is such a big fat sheep.

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