"Sha Yi, I'm sorry. This deal didn't go through, so it doesn't count."

Speaking of which, Sun Honglei walked towards An Chen. Seeing this, An Chen took a cautious step and said, "Brother Hong Lei should stay there, or I will run away."


"Because you are a robber in the limit, and you like to do shameless robbery the most."

"Xiao Chen, you're hurting me too much by saying that. Let me tell you, people? The main thing between Qian Zhao and others is trust. I've changed my past. Isn't it because the prodigal son turns back and doesn't change his money?"

"Hehe Sha Yi, how did you come to teach the exercises? I don't believe that you came to teach the exercises for no reason."

Sha Yi was still in a daze at this time, he said loudly, "Brother Hong Lei said he would trade martial arts with me. He said he would exchange three books for one."

Hearing what Sha Yi said, Sun Honglei said secretly.

"Yeah, look at my authenticity, three books for one book. I said I have become a good person."

Hearing what Sun Honglei said, An Chen smiled and said again, "Then how did he switch with you?"

Hearing this, Sun Honglei was startled, then turned his head and winked at Sha Yi. .

Text 0401: The promise of trust!

Seeing this, Sha Yi didn't understand anything, so he hurriedly said, "Ah, ah, I voluntarily did this. I saw that Brother Hong Lei had three copies of Qishangquan in his hand, so I wanted him to teach me one. But Hong Lei Brother said that it must be exchanged. I said, I will suffer from the exchange, I am eighteen, and you are seven. Brother Hong Lei said, three copies can be exchanged for one."

When Sha Yi said this, he didn't mean it against his will, he was really depressed that An Chen interrupted their teaching.That's why I spoke for Sun Honglei.

"It turned out to be like this, well, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry Brother Hong Lei"

"Is this something that can be solved with a word of apology? You hurt me, and you must make up for it."

Sun Honglei wants to play tricks, but who is An Chen?

"Oh, then I take back my apology."

"Xiaochen, you don't play your cards according to the routine."

"Well, I still have two more books, Golden Bell Jar and Lightness Kung Fu. Since your three books are the same, let's exchange two for two. By the way, since Sha Yi lost the Seven Injury Fist just now, then Make up for your seven 470 wounded punches."

"It's really mine." Sha Yi was pleasantly surprised this time, secretly thinking that An Chen is a good friend.

"Well, Brother Hong Lei, can you change it? Anyway, it's impossible for you to ask me to give it to you for nothing."

"Okay, let's change."

"Well, Brother Hong Lei, please pass on Sha Yi first. I'll help you guys watch outside the door, so don't let anyone disturb you."

"That won't work, you pass it on to me first, and I'll pass it on to you." Sun Honglei is not stupid, so it is naturally impossible for me to do this kind of thing first.Even following him, he was ready to cheat.

"Brother Hong Lei, that's meaningless. I asked you to pass it on to Sha Yi first, not to me. You pass one to him, I pass to you, then you pass to me, and I pass to you again. Said good trust

Hearing this, Sha Yi also said, "Yes, Brother Hong Lei, don't hesitate, the trust you promised and you are passing it on to me, our trust."

With two attacks, Sun Honglei couldn't hold back anymore. If he wanted to gain, it seemed that he would have to lose at least one copy.And brother is not stupid, he can fight close friends at a distance

"Then change it. I will pass on one copy to Sha Yi, and you will pass on two copies to me. Otherwise, if you pass on one less copy to me, how can it be considered good trust, right?"

Hearing this, An Chen seemed to hesitate for a moment.Seeing this, Sha Yi said, "Don't hesitate, I will testify for you."

Sha Yi can be said to be the most anxious now, but he has no martial arts.

"Okay, then you teach the exercises to Brother Sha Yi first, and I will go outside to guard the gate."

Hearing this, Sha Yi smiled, and Sun Honglei also smiled sinisterly.I, Sun Honglei, will lose one and exchange you two, and see if you will cry or not.

Not long after, Sun Honglei shouted, "Xiaochen, I've finished the teaching, let's teach the exercises too."

Hearing this, An Chen walked to the door and said, "Sha Yi, it's done."

"Well, Xiaochen, hurry up and teach Brother Honglei, I'll go and guard the door."

An Chen nodded, and said, "That's good, I'm leaving, bye."

Hearing this, the two of them were dumbfounded, and only bdfj heard Sun Honglei say, "Xiaochen, did you forget something?"

"I forgot what I can't remember"

"Xiaochen, you haven't taught brother Honglei yet."

Hearing that Sha Yi helped Sun Honglei speak, An Chen said, "Sha Yi, are you stupid? You were cheated and still counting the money?"

Confused, at this moment Sha Yi felt that his brain circuit was not enough.At this time, Sun Honglei also wanted to speak, but before Sun Honglei could speak, An Chen continued to speak, "I told Hong Lei and Huang Lei the information about the Qishangquan at the same time, but all three books are here. So what does it mean that Brother Huang Lei was either cheated or robbed."

"And you, Sha Yi. Did you lose your mind or were you kicked by a donkey? You said that martial arts is based on the strength of the weak, and you use one book. Who told you that three books are better than one book. Really, I simply think you are more stupid than kindergarten children, and kindergarten children know how to beware of bad guys."

Is it like this? Sha Yi's brain seemed to be enlightened after being told by An Chen.He watched Sun Honglei retreat a little warily.

Seeing this, Sun Honglei thought so, but he hasn't done that yet.So he retorted and said, "Sha Yi, you agreed to change it, didn't I force you? And do you believe me or him? I just taught you martial arts. And Xiao Chen, you are so unnatural, don't you? I don’t know that I’m the pit king in the team, believe it or not, I stole you”

"Hehe, do you know why I got all the golden bell jars and Viking feet? It's because I made a bet with the master and broke his practice pile. By the way, you must have never seen the video of my fighting. If you If you had seen it, you wouldn't have said that."

Hearing this, Sun Honglei didn't believe it, but he was much more cautious.

Seeing that Sun Honglei didn't speak, An Chen turned and left, and disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.by the door

Seeing this, Sha Yi also walked towards the door.But Sun Honglei didn't care at all. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and searched for the video of An Chen beating someone. .

Text 0402: An Chen under siege

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