Sun Honglei's search really did.And there are quite a few. Sun Honglei knew it was true when he saw the title on it.

Sun Honglei pointed his mobile phone at the camera, and said, "It really is. Fortunately, I was not impulsive just now, otherwise I will be the one who will be embarrassed. The young people nowadays are really amazing." Sun Honglei who was talking turned and walked out of the teaching room.

At the same time, the little pig trio finally found the kung fu point that An Chen failed to find, and learned the only martial arts that An Chen failed to master.Of course, An Chen was not without gains.Because he found a mysterious master who sold martial arts cheats.

"Master, you are the legendary mysterious master, right? I want to learn martial arts with you."

"Welcome, welcome, but if you want to learn cheats from me, you must let me see your pure heart."

At this moment of innocence, An Chen seemed to realize something.Is there a pure yogurt over there just now? This is really full of routines.But what could An Chen say, he smiled and said, "Master, please wait a moment."

In the next second, he quickly ran towards the place where pure yogurt was being promoted.Looking at the girl, he stepped forward and said, "Sister, can you give me two bottles of pure yogurt?"

"Why our pure yogurt?"

"Chun Zhen yogurt tastes good, old and young love to drink it. More importantly, a sip of Chun Zhen will bring you back to the pure and the real."

"This is our custom version"

This little girl talked a lot, but An Chen looked over and suddenly smiled.Does it suit me too.

"This fox, bring me two bottles."

Speaking of this, An Chen was holding two bottles of fox pure yogurt, and said to the camera while walking, "Although I am suitable for IQ and strength here, I still prefer the representative fox of IQ. Have you ever seen such a handsome fox fairy?"

An Chen, who had said a few words, came to the master with the cheat books again, and said, "This is my innocence."

"Very well, that's what I was looking for."

"Then let's take a look at the secret book you want. This secret book is not easy. You need to find six bottles, suck them on your body, and open up your blood."

This is cupping. Fortunately, I didn't ask for a glass bottle.

"Six plastic bottles are enough"


It's very simple.Thinking of this, An Chen looked aside and suddenly smiled.He walked up to the little girls, and said, "Can I borrow your bottle and please help me, and I'll give each of you a bottle of pure yogurt."

"Ok, Ok."

For things like being able to help celebrities and be on camera, there really is no one who can refuse.Of course, except for men and women who are having an affair.

After returning with 6 girls with bottles.An Chen lifted up his shirt to reveal his back, and said, "Suck it on your back, the front is too strong.

This is the first time An Chen has exposed his abdominal muscles to the camera, and the hard edges and corners look really unsuitable for sucking a bottle.Of course, if you suck it, you can still suck it, but An Chen is not stupid.

A curious girl took a peek at An Chen's abs, and in the next second, screams attracted the attention of other girls.At this moment, the screams couldn't stop.

An Chen said helplessly, "Okay, okay, stop shouting, let's do the task."

Hearing An Chen's shout, the screaming stopped.

When the six bottles were attached to An Chen's back, An Chen said to the master, "Master, I did it."

Hearing what An Chen said, the master looked at it and said, "Congratulations, you have opened up the blood vessels in your whole body and learned the great method of absorbing stars."

"The great method of absorbing stars and even the supernatural power can abolish a kind of martial arts of the opponent and turn it into one's own."

Seeing this martial art, An Chen was stunned.Fuck me, how can the opponent play with such a strong opponent? This is the strongest martial art, right? There is no nemesis.However, it seems that this can't win.

"Master, I have an entrustment, please don't shirk it."

"Oh you said."

"I still have two books on martial arts. I hope you can find someone who is destined for you. The requirements are not high. Whoever can suck twelve bottles on himself will get a copy of martial arts. Each person can only get it once."

This can be regarded as the easiest task in An Chen's mission, but with twelve bottles, someone needs help no matter what.Maybe even undress.

An Chen, who was thinking this way, was already walking leisurely on the street, aimlessly.At the same time, others also obtained the martial arts left by An Chen.

Of course, the reason was definitely not that they had completed An Chen's tasks. In fact, only the tasks of drinking water, patting pears, and turning around were lucky enough to be completed.For other tasks, the director really can't stand it, and the difficulty of the task is reduced for them.For example, five apples and five pears become five peaches and five pears.

However, the legendary competition arena has not yet opened. It seems that they are all looking for An Chen.

When An Chen saw Zhang Yixing and the others, he said, "Look at the smiles on your faces, have you mastered martial arts? Congratulations."

But as soon as An Chen finished speaking, he realized that he was surrounded.

"Did the situation offend you?"

This is not surrounded on one side, but on all sides, even with people blocking the road behind. .

Text 0403: Martial arts competition

"We think you have a lot of books on you, so we want to borrow two."

Hearing what Xiao Zhu said, An Chen understood.

"But I only have 6 copies, and there are 15 copies outside, why do you have to keep an eye on me?"

"Because it's easier to find you than those perverted missions."

Is it perverted? I can do it easily.While An Chen was silent, the four of them had already stepped forward.Seeing the actions of the four of them, although An Chen was able to break out of the encirclement, but after thinking about it, he forgot it. He first pasted the challenge letter on Sun Honglei, and said, "If I can send one person out, I'll choose Brother Honglei. "

At this moment, Sun Honglei was very depressed.He "[-]" didn't leave either, he just looked at An Chen like that, and then said unhappily, "Xiao Chen, what do you mean, you've been teasing me since today, why am I sorry for you or Did it hurt you?"

"No, mainly because compared with the three of them, you are more like a bad guy."

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