"That's right, then you go first"

Following Wang Dalu's words, An Chen and Luo Zhixiang entered the ring.What Luo Zhixiang got was the golden bell cover and qinggong.An Chen still played the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, but Luo Zhixiang seemed to think that the golden bell cover was better than the lightness kung fu, so he chose the golden bell cover.

Martial arts are strong and weak, but not the strongest.In the show, the golden bell cover is the only martial art that restrains the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

Therefore, after the two sides made gestures, the referee shouted: "In the first duel, the red side wins."

At this moment, An Chen was taken aback, and then had a guess.It stands to reason that it is impossible to be too weak to win three rounds in a row with Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, especially one of the seventy-two stunts against Shaolin.So will the golden bell cover be the weakest martial art and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon the strongest?

Thinking of this, An Chen thought of Ha Toad Kung Fu, Seven Injury Fist and Lightness Kung Fu.The cheats I left in the tavern are Ha Toad Kungfu, Golden Bell Jars and Vigorous Foot.Seeing Zhang Yixing's lightness kung fu in the previous game, An Chen guessed that one of Luo Zhixiang and Wang Dalu should have lightness kung fu.Now I don't know who is stronger, lightness kung fu or toad kung fu.If the Golden Bell Shade is really the smallest, then An Chen can definitely try the Ha Toad Kungfu.I'm afraid he guessed wrong

Forget it, it's nothing more than a game, An Chen thought so, and put Ha Mo Gong on the cheat book shelf.He was depressed, is he still going to pretend to be a toad after all?

At the same time, the little pig was excited.Could it be that he is using the strongest martial art? Sure enough, the strongest defense in the world is the strongest attack.

If there is any hesitation in the second round, it must be to put the golden bell.At the order of the referee, when the victory flag was raised, the two began to make a drill posture.

An Chen didn't hop around like Zhang Yixing, but made a toad pose and shouted "Toad Kung Fu".

The next moment, the referee began to pronounce the sentence.

"Blue wins"

At this moment, the little pig who had raised his right hand suddenly froze in his smile.He asked in disbelief: "Referee, isn't my gold bell jar the strongest?"

Before the referee could speak, An Chen had already said, "You're thinking too much, the golden bell cover is the weakest, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is the strongest. Although I don't know how to arrange it later, it's enough to know the strongest and the weakest." "

At this moment Zhang Yixing also opened his mouth and said: "Brother Little Pig, what An Chen said is correct. The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon won the Hama Kung Fu, but the Hama Kung Fu restrained your golden bell jar, and your golden bell jar Can restrain the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon. This means that your golden bell cover is the weakest, because only the weakest can defeat the strongest. Moreover, Hama Gong belongs to the five unique martial arts. If there are no other five unique martial arts, then Hama Gong may be the second strongest , so knowing this relationship, you can admit defeat, Brother Pig. Because you are not the strongest."

Zhang Yixing's mind is very good, An Chen is a little impressed.With such a fast reaction speed, An Chen thought only the old fox Huang Lei could do it.

After Zhang Yixing finished speaking, he turned to Wang Dalu again, and said, "Don't compare, the outcome has already been decided. Let's find the rest of the golden bell jar and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

Sure enough, just as Zhang Yixing guessed, Xiaozhu still lost the third game.Even Luo Zhixiang used lightness kung fu.

When the two left, the other three had already left.Seeing this, An Chen understood but he didn't care, it was just for fun.

An Chen walked a little fast, but did not see the old fox Huang Lei and Sha Yi who came after them.

More than an hour later, only the bell rang, followed by 480 gongs and drums.who is challenging

An Chen, who was thinking this way, froze for a moment, then turned back again.But after a while, the bell rang again

An Chen frowned slightly, thinking who is continuously challenging An Chen suddenly felt a conspiracy.

Sure enough, when An Chen walked to the gate of the arena, another bell rang.And An Chen knew who was challenging the moment the gong sounded.Now the challengers are Sun Honglei and Huang Lei.The two are using their luck, one is the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, and the other is the Seven Injuries Fist.

As the moves of the two fell, the referee declared Huang Lei the winner.But at this moment, an accident seemed to happen.

"Sun Honglei, since this is your second failure, you can only choose to kowtow to your teacher"

"No, shouldn't it be returning to the rivers and lakes? Why is it kowtowing to apprentice?"

Sun Honglei had no choice but to be confused and depressed.If he had known this way earlier, he would not have specifically lost, and would not have competed in martial arts.

s very tired, fell asleep.

Body 0405: Coming to an end!

"Finally I know the consequences of losing. Thank you, Brother Honglei." The moment he knew that he would kneel and kowtow to worship his master after losing, An Chen had already decided to be serious.

After speaking, An Chen turned around and left.But he walked a few steps, disappeared in front of several people, turned around, and returned to the door again.As the time passed by, the three of them approached. When they came out, An Chen stuck a challenge talisman on Huang Lei's body with quick eyesight and quick hands.

In an instant, there was a second of exclamation, and then it stopped abruptly.

"Xiaochen, are you waiting for me?"

"That's right, since you've joined forces, I can't help but act. But how about you bullying me as a newcomer?"

"You can join forces with the little pigs too."

Hehe, how do you unite? You are all in one group, okay?

As the bell rang, the two returned to the duel field again.Following the referee's words, the two put on a duel pose.At this time, Huang Lei had four kinds of martial arts, Eighteen Palms Subduing the Dragon, Toad Kung Fu, Seven Injury Fist and Dali Vajra Foot.It can be said that besides An Chen, he is the second strongest player. If he gets the golden bell cover again, maybe even An Chen may not win.

Therefore, the martial arts An Chen chose for the first time was still Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.In any case, the first game cannot be lost.This time, Huang Lei also chose Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.Apparently he already knew from Wang Dalu that Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is the strongest martial art.Although he knew that there was also a golden bell cover to restrain Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but unfortunately he didn't have one.As for being restrained, he can only gamble, otherwise he will lose no matter what.When the first draw appeared, An Chen glanced at Huang Lei, and smiled when Huang Lei saw him changing books.

The second game started, and after hearing the director's voice, "Please be lucky", the two made corresponding moves.At this moment, several people under the ring already had a bad feeling.What's the situation, why did An Chen still take charge of him and change the book?

At this moment, the victory flag was raised, and An Chen yelled "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

This loud shout turned Huang Lei's "Toad Skill" into a whisper.He thought it might be the Golden Bell Shade, it might be the Toad Kungfu, but he didn't expect it to be the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

"Referee, it's really Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms"

"Yes, the blue side is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon."

Huang Lei shrugged his shoulders, and said, "That's over, I lost. But I don't understand why I saw that he changed his book, how could he still be the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon?"

Only then did An Chen say, "Sometimes the eyes are the most deceiving. Before you came, I had already picked up the first book below, and when you arrived, I got the next book." On it, you mistake it for other books like the Golden Bell Jar. And the Golden Bell Jar happens to be the book that restrains the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, so you must not dare to put the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms on it."

"Heh, at this stage of calculation, I really don't know whether my old fox title should be passed on to you."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, and then said, "Thank you, I have many names in Running Man, one of them is Little Fox."

"Okay, we have met an opponent, then let's continue"

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