"Although you have already lost, let's continue."

This time, An Chen chose the method of attracting stars, and then smiled at Huang Lei.Huang Lei had no hope of winning at this time, after all, the opponent had two goals in hand and was so good at calculating.But we can't let Anchen win steadily, right? What should be fought for must be fought for.This time, he stared at An Chen's book, so he still put Ha Mo Gong on the top.

But something happened that Huang Lei didn't expect.With the raising of the victory flag, before An Chen could speak, Huang Lei had already said, "You are in this posture, you won't tell me, you are the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms again, right? I watched you change it just now."

Hearing what Huang Lei said, An Chen smiled and said, "Of course not, but I also master this kind of kung fu. Star-absorbing Dafa"

After An Chen yelled the last four words, Huang Lei was taken aback.Then he said in a daze, "Do you still have this skill?"

At this moment, the referee said, "Because An Chen used the star-absorbing method, you will lose the moves you used and become An Chen's moves. There is no winner or loser in this competition."

When Huang Lei heard this, he suddenly laughed, and said, "This time you made a mistake, the secret book I used didn't move, it's still Hama Gong."

Did An Chen also laugh when he heard that? But I don’t think it will be used in such an uncertain time, so my goal should have been achieved.”

Huang Lei frowned when he heard this, and then said, "You don't mind how the toad kung fu works."

"Of course, didn't Sha Yi and Brother Hong Lei tell you that I abolished Sha Yi's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

At this moment, Huang Lei understood

"That is to say, you now have three copies of Ha Toad Kungfu, and when you win, take away my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and you will win, right?"

"That's right, that's it."

Text 0406: The end of the second period

Hearing this, Huang Lei understood, but he couldn't crack it.Now the opponent has three big cards, and he only has one, how to play now

In the end, the two put a book behind each other's backs.Huang Lei thought that An Chen would put the Golden Bell Shade, but An Chen put the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon instead.But Huang Lei could only fight, so he chose Qishangquan.Unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

After the referee announced the result, the referee asked again, "Huang Lei, you have two choices now. Do you choose to return to the rivers and lakes to continue practicing, or choose to kowtow to worship the teacher now"

Hearing this, Huang Lei said, "It's better to kowtow to worship the teacher. Now the strongest and the second strongest are all with him. As long as he comes out the second strongest, he will win. It's just a matter of time."

Speaking of which, Huang Lei really bowed down, and after Huang Lei bowed down, An Chen stepped forward to help Huang Lei up.He opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, brother Huang Lei, I don't want to be a teacher, so I can only wrong you."

Huang Lei smiled and said, "It's okay, Feng Shui takes turns, maybe one day you will fall into my 470's hands."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, and thought to himself that maybe one day Duoduo will grow up, there will be such a day, but you'd better wait.

After laughing, An Chen turned to the others and said, "Should you just kowtow to worship the teacher, or struggle for a while?"

Hearing this, after the three people below looked at each other in blank dismay, Wang Dalu knelt down on one knee first, and shouted, "Greetings, master, I wish you master the world."

Hearing Wang Dalu's shout, An Chen hurriedly said, "Disciple, get up."

But Wang Xun, who saw Wang Dalu doing this, thought about it and knelt down, and said, "The disciple pays homage to the master, and wishes the master to ascend to heaven as soon as possible."

"Brother Pu Xun, do you want to be so ruthless?"

"It must be so ruthless. I originally had a copy of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but it turned into a toad skill for me. And those ten pears are really hard to shoot."

bdae Sun Honglei also said at this time, "It's nothing to do with me, I have paid homage to Huang Lei just now."

Huang Lei heard the words and said, "Yes, you just worshiped the master, now it's time to worship the grand master."

"Master, you are really my master, can I beg you?"

Afterwards, Sun Honglei really bowed down, and seeing An Chen like Sun Honglei, he said, "Student Sun, please pray a little longer, I'll look for a red envelope."

Sun Honglei laughed when he heard the words, and saw him standing up straight away, and said, "You think I'm stupid, just worship me and look for red envelopes, do you have a movement to look for red envelopes? You two don't fall into my hands, or I will kill you They both look good."

Hearing what Sun Honglei said, An Chen turned to Huang Lei and said, "Old fox, someone called us two foxes, let him look good next time."

"Okay, let him know the fate of angering the fox."

While the two were talking, the other three also came back, only to hear Little Pig speak first, "Are you forming an alliance?"

Zhang Yixing also said, "No way, how can we play if you form an alliance?"

Hearing what the two said, Huang Lei didn't wait for Sha Yi to speak, and said first, "Don't struggle, we all lost. An Chen has already won all the biggest and second biggest, there is no need for a competition, you just kowtow Appreciate the teacher."

"Really? Did An Chen win?"

"Theoretically yes, there was originally a game of climbing buns. It needed to choose the apprentices of the last two duels. But now only An Chen has apprentices."

Hearing what the referee said, the three of Sha Yi looked at each other.Then Zhang Yixing said, "Brother Little Pig, let me be your apprentice, you challenge me. Just use the vajra feet."

"No, whoever is older should be the master. In this way, Sha Yi and I will challenge and see who is the master. Yixing, you don't want to go. There is no need to become an apprentice."

Sha Yi also agreed very much when he heard the words, Zhang Yixing still has a lightness kung fu, it's hard to say who is weaker. "Okay, then the two of us will come. Yixing, you can watch from the side."

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing couldn't say anything more.The next moment, the two put up challenge stickers for each other.In the end, Sha Yi's Seven Injuries Fist defeated Xiaozhu's Lion's Roar.

Seeing this, the referee said, "Okay, now is the final link, climbing the bun mountain. Now please An Chen to assign apprentices to go to the two grids first."

An Chen finally chose Wang Dalu, because Wang Dalu was younger and had better physical strength.Because of the difference of two grids, the match seems obvious.Therefore, the little pig only symbolically climbed halfway, and then it was over.

"The headmaster of the martial arts competition has been honored. Congratulations to the head of the Daofa Natural An School and all his disciples. At the same time, applause is given to the head of our Shapai and his disciples."

After An Chen handed the dragon-slaying bag to everyone to watch in turn, he only heard the little pig say, "Come on, let's shout together."

"Come on then"

Following Huang Lei's words, Zhang Yixing shouted, "Come on, 1, 2, 3."

"Extreme challenge, this is life."

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