With the slogans of several people, the extreme challenge of this issue finally came to an end.

"It's finally over, you can go back to sleep well."

At this moment, An Chen seemed to express everyone's feelings.

"Go, go, go back to sleep."


Body 0407: Invitation from Wang Likun

At night, before An Chen woke up, he received a call.The caller was someone he didn't expect

"Hey, who is it?"

Hearing An Chen's lazy answer, the person on the other end of the phone paused for a while.Then he hesitated and said, "I'm already asleep, sorry, I don't know."

"It's okay, it's just that I didn't sleep last night, so I went to bed earlier. It's Li Kun, what's the matter, tell me."

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep. That's it. There is a variety show I want to ask you to participate in. The show team said that they hope to find a partner to participate. They contacted me and I thought of you. If you don't have time, I can watch it again other's."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen thought for a while, and said, "Can you tell me about some programs? I still have time. I'm currently participating in two variety shows. It would be bad if there was a conflict."

"Well, I know, the program is advancing at a very fast pace. It is recorded once in 10 days, one day at a time, including the flight time, there are about seven days in between." At this point, Wang Likun paused and asked, "Can you tell me about your What variety show did you shoot?"

"Well, one is We Are in Love with Guan Xiaotong, and the other is Extreme Challenge."

Hearing this, Wang Likun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and she said, "That should be okay. We will find time to shoot when both men and women have time when we are in love. The extreme challenge seems to be similar to ours. The only thing I worry about is that it will Conflict time, if not, I will keep it."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen suddenly laughed, and said, "I'll go if you think so much. You said no, are you honest?" Before Wang Likun could refute, An Chen immediately said, "Okay, I agree. When to go, let me know."

An Chen's words made Wang Likun swallow the words on his lips, and changed his words, "Okay, the time is 4 days later, do you have time?"


The Extreme Challenge has just finished, let's fall in love and don't worry, we can even start recording tomorrow, so An Chen still has plenty of time.

"That's good, see you in Hong Kong in four days."

Coincidentally, the next stop of Extreme Challenge is also Hong Kong. It seems that I can shoot Extreme Challenge just after finishing it.

"Okay, see you in Hong Kong."

"Then go to sleep. Remember to mute the phone this time, otherwise someone may disturb you."

An Chen smiled and said, "I never put my phone on silent because I'm afraid of missing someone in need."

"Good night then."

"Good night."

Early the next morning, An Chen went to Shanghai.Although Timo didn't say he wanted An Chen to come, he hadn't seen that little oi for a long time.

After getting off the plane, An Chen directly called Feng Timo.


"Yeah." The next second, Timo had already reflected, and shouted excitedly, "Where are you coming to Shanghai? I'll pick you up."

"I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect you to be away."

"Are you at home? Wait for me, go home immediately." Feng Timo, who hung up the phone, said to the friends who had already expected something bad in the live broadcast room, "Sorry, he is back, I have to go home. "

"Teemo, you will never grow taller like this."

"No, no, it's obviously a show of affection, so let's break it up quickly."

"It's enough. I asked for leave to find you, but you actually want to go home. I don't have any love anymore. Cancel it, cancel it."

With a burst of wailing in the live broadcast room of Timo, Teemo thought for a while and then said, "Then let him cook for you in the live broadcast, and then I will go to the nearest supermarket. Katsuo, help me find the nearest supermarket. Where is the supermarket."

ask for flowers

As soon as Feng Shengnan's reply arrived, Timo quickly said, "I'll be at the Wal-Mart supermarket in Lujiabang later. Those who want to take a group photo will wait at the door, but friends who take more than an hour are not allowed to come. Sorry to trouble everyone, now you I have to follow Teemo to the supermarket. Oh, Teemo is hungry."

While Timo took care of the fans, An Chen took a shower.But he froze for a moment when he came out.It's so embarrassing

"Hi, Katsuo why are you here?"

An Chen was stunned for a moment, isn't this Timo's room? Why did the little girl appear here? One must know that An Chen was not wearing anything at this time, and he didn't have the habit of taking clothes to the bathroom.

The expected scream did not happen, only Feng Shengnan blushed and said shyly, "Brother-in-law, go in quickly, why don't you come out without any clothes on. I'll get you some clothes"

Um, something seems wrong.But An Chen still turned around and went into the bathroom. After a while, Feng Shengnan knocked on the bathroom door and said softly, "Brother-in-law, here are your clothes."

Hearing this, An Chen opened the door of the bathroom a crack, and then took the clothes.When he changed his clothes and came out, he was surprised to find that Feng Shengnan was still in the room.

"Is Katsuo okay?"

Feng Shengnan blushed a little upon hearing this, and said, "Brother-in-law, can you take a photo with me?"

Halo, fangirl?

"Okay, why do you want to take a photo with your brother-in-law? I didn't see you asking for it before."

"Recently, I told my friends that I knew you, but they didn't believe me. Take a photo together, and I'm so envious of them."

Text 0408: Strange sister-in-law

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