"Neither of them, at least they are not lovers. They can be regarded as good friends."

"That means they are all interested in you."

"Well, yes. But I haven't seen them recently. We are busy as artists, maybe it will fade after a long time. Actually, I think it's pretty good now. To be honest, apart from the physical Carnality is nothing else. Although I appreciate them too"

What An Chen said was the truth, it seemed that Wang Likun also saw it.So after she smiled, she said, "If this is the case, it's better not to develop too much, otherwise, one party will always be hurt."

An Chen nodded, and then suddenly said, "I suddenly found out that you don't have any special opinion about my having many girlfriends. Why?"

"How can you think that you are as outstanding as you? It is normal to be liked by several girls at the same time. And they are all very outstanding, even if you step on several boats, it is normal. I just don't know who will be happy in the end, pain who."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen said strangely, "Why can't everyone be happy when you say that?"

"China's law does not allow polygamy. If you are polygamous, your future acting career may be full of ups and downs. Didn't you see that when Hawick Lau cheated, Wang Xiaocong also spoke? A proud girl is stared at What's more, you have taken over a bunch of them. That is, you are very popular now, and they have not been fully exposed. If they all become bright faces, it is inevitable that admirers will suppress you."

"That's okay, I'm just a person who resists suppression. And I didn't expect myself to be so hot, and it was inexplicable even to become a star. I am an easy-to-satisfy person. I have a little income, and I am very satisfied with a few wives." .”

Wang Likun smiled upon hearing this.

"Pfft, you are the funniest joke I have ever heard. There are so many celebrity girlfriends, and they still say that they are easy to satisfy. I think you are the one who is most dissatisfied."

Hearing this, An Chen wasn't embarrassed, just smiled, changed the subject, and said, "Your 450 outfits today are really beautiful, have you considered joining my girlfriend ranks?"

Indeed, Wang Likun looks super beautiful and super fairy today.A pure white dress, smooth beautiful legs, short shoulder-length hair, and a pair of pure white high heels.It really makes people feel better when they see it.

Wang Likun shook her hands repeatedly when she heard the words, and said, "Forget it, forget it. I am also a person who is easily satisfied. It would be nice to have someone who loves me wholeheartedly and who I love very much. You love too much, although I am also very satisfied. You are very fond of it, but you still don't participate."

"Your request is really not high. Then there is no task today? If not, shall we go out and eat some authentic Hong Kong food?"

"You're really a foodie like Reba, let's go. Shoot a VCR, and we'll go eat."

"So there are VCRs."

"Then you think."

s These two days are being suspended without pay, and will be updated when it is over. .

Body 0410: Speeding Forward

The next morning, An Chen got up early.Although they went shopping with Wang Likun until 10 pm yesterday, they also rested for 8 hours.

"Likun, are you up? We're leaving."

"Okay, wait for me for a minute."

A minute later, An Chen, who was standing at Wang Likun's door, saw someone.

"It's too thick to wear sunscreen and you won't be able to wear it like this."

"Otherwise, what should I do if I get tanned? I'm a goddess without makeup, and I don't want to be a beauty."

"Okay, let's go to eat first, and then go."

Breakfast is very rich, shrimp dumplings, chicken feet, money belly, rice rolls, bamboo shoots, steamed ribs.Although there are only two people, there are still many delicious breakfasts.

After eating, the two arrived at the departure station by car.

"Welcome everyone to the clear fat drink Black Black Milk Speeding Forward. You are the starting team of the fourth season. The people standing by your side are the only partners who can fight side by side with you in this challenging journey." .”

Following C's opening, Jian Bingbing looked at Xie Yilin who was beside him with distaste, and said, "How could it be you? Shouldn't it be An Chen?"

After Jian Bingbing’s words fell, c continued to say, “Today’s Hong Kong stage still has two pass cards. The difference is that the pass cards no longer belong to the champion of this stage, but are won by luck. One of the pass cards is used by oneself, and the other must be given to another team before the end of the sixth stage."

"Every time you complete a task, you will get a treasure. Now you have to get the first clue card of the black and black milk speeding forward, and the fund of the first stage'."

"Take your backpacks, I believe the first mission will make your blood boil. Are you ready?"

"All right"

With everyone's uniform voice. c shouted "3, 2, 1," again

As soon as the shouting of c was over, everyone rushed to grab their backpacks, but An Chen walked over slowly, and said to the anxious Wang Likun, "Don't worry, it's wrong to rush to exercise just after eating. And trust me Strength"

"Come on, it's speeding, not running bro."

An Chen smiled and did not refute.Then the task card was opened.

"The first task of this stage is to go to Central Pier [-] to participate in the Dragon Boat Invitational Race."

"Let's go, the first link has nothing to do with speed."

Seeing this, Wang Likun naturally couldn't say anything more, and then got on the bus.

After getting in the car, Wang Likun looked at An Chen with a relaxed face, as if on vacation, and couldn't help but say, "I really don't know if it's right or wrong for me to come to you. I hope I won't be eliminated in the first round."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled confidently, and said, "I think too much about you, no matter what game you play, it leads to the same goal. Strength, speed, and intelligence, just happen to be the three things I don't lack."

Hearing this, Wang Likun rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, you don't need it, but you just don't need it."

"It's not yet time, don't worry. Maybe you haven't really understood the extreme speed. Here, physical strength is also very important."

At this moment, Wang Likun felt that it made sense after thinking about it.

"You are right. If I lose, I will settle the score with you. If nothing else, I will eat you for three days and three nights."

An Chen, who has been eating me for three days and three nights, is inexplicably thinking again.At this moment, An Chen wanted to ask if he could lose on purpose, so let's eat now.

Not long after, Central Pier [-] arrived.

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