"Victoria Harbor Dragon Boat Race, as the birthplace of modern dragon boat races, Hong Kong holds dragon boat races every year. In this round of competition, contestants must choose one of seven mixed-gender teams to complete a 400-meter dragon boat race together. Everyone needs to work together to paddle the dragon boat to the finish line."

When An Chen and the others arrived, the other groups had already arrived.Seeing this, An Chen smiled and said, "It's not necessarily useful to come early, but this round is purely luck. The team's strength is maximized, and personal strength is minimized, so it depends on fate."

"Hmph, anyway, if I'm eliminated, I'll go to your house to eat for three days."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled lightly and said, "You can come and eat if you are not eliminated. There are many people in the family, so I don't care if you have an extra pair of chopsticks."

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun threw An Chen a good-looking hygienic eye, and said, "It's a good idea, I won't be fooled."

At this moment, the first six teams had already been selected, and finally it was An Chen's turn.

An Chen and the others had no choice. Although the last one left was a lady, An Chen didn't care.Anyway, it is the nature of matching between men and women.And he also likes the clothes of his teammates.

"Let's go, let's go quickly."

Following An Chen's words, the woman nodded and said, "Then let's set off quickly."

On the speedboat, the woman gave An Chen and the others a detailed introduction to the essentials of dragon boat rowing.After An Chen and Wang Likun boarded the dragon boat, An Chen shouted, "Wait a minute, everyone listen to my command. One is to go down, the other is to go up, everyone has followed the rhythm. In addition, the drummer will give me some strength and beat to my rhythm, please." .”

Hearing what An Chen said, the drummer gave an ok gesture, indicating that there was no problem. .

Body 0411: Mission Rewards

As each team got ready, the referee gave an order and the dragon boat race began.At this moment, An Chen also shouted the slogan.

"One, two, one, two,"

Following An Chen's slogan, at this moment the dragon boat began to slide forward rapidly.At the same time, the other teams also began to move forward at a high speed. At this moment, the advantages in the early stage seemed to be negligible, and all the bows were advancing together.

But with the passage of time, the gap is gradually revealed.Wang Likun also said at this time, "Ah, I can't do it, I'm so tired, my arms feel sore."

Looking at the [-]-meter thread, An Chen said, "Close the pulp, don't interrupt the rhythm."

Hearing this, Wang Likun immediately withdrew his idea of ​​insisting on it.

An Chen and their ships were fast, but they were still only slightly behind the shn48 of the First Fleet.These two girls also fought hard, and there were indeed more young and middle-aged people on their boat than other boats, so they couldn't catch up until the boat reached the end, and they could only narrowly rank second.

Seeing this, Wang Likun felt a little pity and blamed himself.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for my lack of energy, 507 might have won the first place."

"What are you talking about? It's okay. Isn't it just the first place? I'll see my brother take you to take the first place later."

Wang Likun rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and her self-blaming mood improved a lot.

"Little brother, don't think I don't know you are 25 this year"

An Chen was not embarrassed when he heard the words, and leaned closer to Wang Likun, whispering in her ear, "At some point, those who are older than me will be willing to call me brother. There are even those who are willing to call me uncle."

At this moment, Wang Likun blushed speechlessly.Fortunately the mission continues.

"Go to the Disney Explorers Lodge and look for elements related to Speeding to get the next clue."

"Go, go, go"

After the clue came out, Wang Likun pulled An Chen, who was still thinking about walking slowly, and ran in an instant.Seeing this, An Chen was a little speechless, but let Wang Likun pull her away.

The two got into the taxi, and Wang Likun immediately said, "Master, Disney."

After finishing speaking, Wang Likun turned to look at An Chen, and said angrily, "Bastard, cheer me up, I want you to look good when I lose."

Hearing this, An Chen lazily yawned, and then said, "But there's no reward, no motivation, hey"

"Who said there are no rewards? If you win the final victory, the rewards will be very generous."


"Asshole, what reward do you want, hurry up."

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "I just haven't felt the charm yet. How about it, if I get the first place later, how about giving me a kiss?"

"You are taking advantage of others."

Hearing this, An Chen looked out the window for a moment, and said lazily, "Then you pretend I didn't say anything."

Hearing such an answer, Wang Likun was a little itchy.But after gritting her teeth for a long time, Wang Likun said, "If it is really the first."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled. With such a reward, he finally felt a little refreshed.

When the car arrived at Disneyland, An Chen didn't use Wang Likun to urge her, but instead said positively, "Go, we are in a hurry now."

Although bdaj An Chen was very active, Wang Likun didn't appreciate it. She blushed and said in her heart that this bastard, if she knew he was a pervert, she wouldn't have called him here.

Of course, An Chen didn't know what Wang Likun was thinking, and even if she knew, she didn't care.For this plain-faced goddess, his view is that it is my luck, my life is my loss, and I will follow the fate.

While Wang Likun was thinking, the two had already entered the Disney Resort Hotel, and shn48 was already completing the task at this time.

When they were in the car, An Chen and Wang Likun had already seen the mission.Therefore, after seeing Mickey, the two came to Mickey.Before Wang Likun could speak, An Chen said, "May I guess?"

Following Mickey's nod, An Chen smiled.

"Is there an end in Brazil?"

As soon as An Chen's words fell, Mickey nodded and pointed to the clue card behind him.Seeing this, An Chen smiled, took the last mission card and dragged Wang Likun to tear it up while running.

"Go to Disney Lake for a contest of strength and balance."

The moment An Chen got into the car, he said to the driver, "Master, do you know Disney Lake?"

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