
"Okay, please take us there, please hurry up, we are in a hurry."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

While talking, the car has already driven out.Not long after, the two had arrived at the mission location.

At the same time, the team behind was a little surprised.Especially shn48 who came first, the good thing is that they also completed the task.

"Information task, master of balance. Competitors experience an extreme task of strength and balance in Dixin Lake. There are three sets of 50-meter-long ropes above Dixin Lake. Two players in each group need to go up to the steel wire plank one after another. While balancing, push the plank forward together. If you get the flag at the other end, you will be successful. The referee will give you clues that you will send the next link, as well as a model of the Star Ferry. Note that the contestants did not reach the rope within ten minutes The position of the red line in the middle, or grabbing the rope is a foul."

s should be finished tomorrow.Sorry.

Body 0412: Pass-through Card

"How to play this"

Hearing Wang Likun's question, An Chen took a look and said, "Skills are definitely there, but it also requires the cooperation of strength. Let's go, let's go and listen to my command later."

I have confidence in this Wang Likun, her physical strength is quite good.


An Chen, who was talking, got on the plank first, and he pushed two planks forward, and An Chen pressed the third plank under him.Then An Chen moved a step forward, and then said, "Hold both sides of the wooden board on my feet, remember to listen to my slogan. When I shout, you push the wooden board in front, and when I shout, you Just pull the wooden board behind. Do you hear me?"


It's not difficult, isn't it? At least Wang Likun thinks so at this time.At the beginning, it was indeed as Wang Likun thought, it was very simple, just follow An Chen's rhythm.But after walking more than 5 meters, Wang Likun began to feel a little sore in his hands and feet.But the rhythm of the two is too good.When the two crossed the red line, only [-] minutes had passed.

"Stop, stop, stop, let me take a break, I can't bear it anymore."

Hearing this, An Chen stopped, then turned around and sat down, and said, "It's okay, don't worry, we have passed the red line anyway."

An Chen's words made Wang Likun blame herself a little, and she said in a somewhat disappointed voice, "I always thought my physical strength was pretty good, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. It seems that without me, you would really be number one."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen smiled and stroked Wang Likun's beautiful hair.After finishing a head-to-head kill, he said, "With you, you can be the first. Since there is a reward, then I will definitely not give up easily. Have you had enough rest? Let's go, and I will give you a hand when I go back tonight." Give me a massage, I guarantee that your physical strength will recover very well tomorrow."

Although Wang Likun hasn't rested enough, she also knows that this is definitely not a place to rest, and she also knows that An Chen has ulterior motives.But in order to win, she gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go."

Of course, the reason why Wang Likun chose to set off was because of his good impression of An Chen.Otherwise, she would definitely not cooperate.

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen turned around and moved forward again.At the same time, the second team also came.The second team is shn48. When they saw An Chen and the others approaching the finish line, they hurriedly said, "Let's go, let's start too. Just follow their pace."

When the two were talking, they had already boarded the plank, but it was obviously not as simple as they thought.After a few steps forward, Huang Tingting said in disbelief, "My God, how did they go so fast, I feel a little tired now."

It's no wonder that the two feel tired, because although the movements are the same, they lack coordinated movements.Two working together is simply getting twice the result with half the effort.

When Jian Bingbing and the others arrived by boat, An Chen had already led Wang Likun down the rope bridge.

The moment Jian Bingbing saw An Chen, he was surprised and said, "Are you all finished? Hurry up, Xiao Chen wants to join forces?"

"It's okay to join forces. The trick of this level is to push in front and pull in back. Pull in front and push in back. Refer to shn48 for the movements."

Hearing what An Chen said, Jian Bingbing looked at An Chen who was about to leave, and hurriedly said, "Xiaochen wait a minute."

The moment An Chen stopped in doubt, Ji Bingbing hurriedly said to Xie Yilin, "Yilin, go straight to the card."

"oh oh."

When Xie Yilin took out the pass card, An Chen said, "No need, you can keep it and form an alliance with others. For a strong team like ours, do you need a pass card?"

ask for flowers

At this moment, Wang Likun was so angry that he was about to hit someone.You idiot, don't even want the free pass-through card, what if they can't pass any level?

In the next second, Wang Likun snatched the pass card, put it in the bag in an instant, and said, "Don't listen to this bastard's nonsense, thank you for the pass card. Wait for you to catch up quickly. If we can meet it, we will use our experience Share it with you."

Although the direct card was robbed, Jian Bingbing didn't mind, it was originally for An Chen. "Okay, let's try our best, you go slowly."

"Let's try our best. We wait for you for three minutes at each stop. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, if you can't catch up, you can go your way."

Hearing what Jian Bingbing said, An Chen also said, "Okay, then let's go first."

The next moment, An Chen took Wang Likun into a taxi and headed for the third leg of the stage.

"Information task, go to the Lotus Palace to make Fire Dragon Balls, and complete a short fire dragon dance performance. You can get the next clue and the Star Ferry."

An Chen and the others were the first team to arrive, so they were the first to start trying.Although the first one was a bit of a disadvantage, An Chen didn't care.In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether you have experience or not.The task is to fill Shatian pomelo with [-] sticks of incense sticks and perform a fire dragon dance performance.

Three hundred sticks of incense sticks may seem like a lot, but they are actually not many.Once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy.An Chen said to Wang Likun, "Help me get the incense, put it on the ground first, shake it a little when handing it over, to shake off the dust on it. 510 incense sticks at a time, no problem, right?"


s finally finished the suspension without pay.Good update tomorrow.

Text 0413: The task is unexpectedly simple

Following Wang Likun's opening, the division of labor between the two was finalized, and Wang Likun finally saw An Chen's insertion method, An Chen inserted a small amount at a time.Whether it's 5 or 10.Use the gaps between the fingers to create a gap, and use Wing Chun's Cun Jin to exert force.It was plugged in as soon as I breathed. From this point of view, 300 is really not many.Sure enough, within five minutes, three hundred incense sticks had been inserted.

At this time, the second echelon has not yet arrived.As the fire dragon dance progressed, they got the task card for the fourth level.

"Bypassing the task, Compendium of Materia Medica is still nine chapters of arithmetic. Traditional Chinese medicine beer is gradually becoming popular in Hong Kong, and various traditional Chinese medicines and Western-style beer are perfectly combined. Create a variety of Chinese medicine beer with distinctive personality on May [-]. Contestants who choose Compendium of Materia Medica will go to Head to Ho Lan Ching Bar in Central to discover the mysteries of handcrafted Chinese herbal beer.”

"Nine Chapters of Arithmetic is the first monograph on mathematics in ancient China. It is the earliest book in the world that systematically describes fractional budgeting. Contestants who choose Nine Chapters of Arithmetic will go to Hong Kong's shopping mecca, Moro Street, for an arithmetic challenge. "

When the task came out, An Chen and the others didn't leave in a hurry, but continued to wait with their watches.

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