"Sign first, two flags, and then I will tell you the answer.".

Main body 0422: What happened to the tennis match?

Hearing this answer, An Chen couldn't believe it.

"So simple"

"That's right, it's that simple. This point is mainly based on luck."

"Come on, speed up, and then we'll go to a3."

While speaking, An Chen and Jiang Shuying quickly signed their names.

"Okay, now I will tell you the answer. Congratulations, you have become the occupants of this site."


Hearing Jiang Shuying's shout, An Chen celebrated with Jiang Shuying out of face.The next moment, the two immediately set off for a3.The two came very quickly, so An Chen and the others got the mission content first.

"Hi everyone, first of all welcome to the activity center. Secondly, you need to complete 13 tasks to get this site. Since it is the activity center, the tasks of this site are naturally related to the event. So please come to the activity center now In some entertainment projects, choose a two-person event to challenge. If you win the game, this site belongs to you. If you fail the challenge, you need to pay two flags.”

This may be difficult for others, but it is difficult for An Chen? An Chen showed a confident smile, and then said, "Okay, what's the project?"

"plz follow me."

Following the words of the person in charge of the site, the two of An Chen followed each other and began to visit the project of the activity center.

"This is table tennis doubles, this is badminton doubles, this is tennis doubles, you can choose one here."

Hearing this, An Chen turned to Jiang Shuying and said, "You can choose whichever you like."

Jiang Shuying also seemed to know An Chen's strength.Therefore, Jiang Shuying was not polite, and said directly, "Let's play tennis, I'm pretty good at this."

"No problem, then tennis."

As Jiang Shuying believed, it doesn't matter what kind of ball An Chen plays.Regardless of strength, he is one-on-one in response, and it is not difficult to add the angle.

Hearing An Chen and the others choose this way, the referee smiled, and then said, "Now, please choose the combination for the challenge first."

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying looked at An Chen, then at the two groups of tennis players, pointed to the group on the right, and said, "We will choose them."

When speaking, Jiang Shuying pointed to a group of contestants, obviously because they were not tall enough to be bullied.But at this moment, the referee said, "You two are very good. They found the tennis doubles of our Hong Kong sports team in no time."

At this moment, Jiang Shuying was silent for a while, and then said, "Referee, can we change?"

"This is not acceptable. To be a person, you must be honest, so you can only be what you are."

When Jiang Shuying wanted to say something but stopped, An Chen cut off Jiang Shuying's words, and said, "It's okay, that's all, it's not good if there's no challenge."

Following An Chen's words, Jiang Shuying's heart sank. She had this sense of trust in An Chen.As long as An Chen thinks about it, then all problems will be fine.

"Referee, let's challenge this group."

Hearing Jiang Shuying's confident voice, An Chen smiled.Then, after choosing a racket with Jiang Shuying, they walked to the venue in the same direction.

"let's start."

The two are worthy of being the representatives of Hong Kong tennis doubles, and An Chen and the others lost consecutively as soon as they got started.But the good thing is that after five ball adjustments, An Chen has roughly mastered his hitting skills.So he turned around and said to the depressed Jiang Shuying, "Go to the back, I'll come from the front."

Hearing An Chen finally spoke, Jiang Shuying seemed to know that An Chen was going to show off.I saw Jiang Shuying patted the front of her body and said, "OK, leave it to me later."

Hearing what Jiang Shuying said, An Chen just smiled. He didn't intend to let Jiang Shuying make a move, but planned to fight two.

When the opponent served the ball, An Chen quickly hit the net, and instantly cut the flying tennis ball with an unreasonable oblique cut.At this moment, the flying tennis ball was slightly deformed on the racket in An Chen's hand, and then it drew an arc, and hit the opponent's female player's feet heavily, and then quickly flew to the court with a lower ejection arc. outside.

At this moment, the other party was taken aback, and then gave An Chen a 580 thumbs up.Regardless of whether the ball belonged to An Chenmeng or not, at this moment, no one could deny his goodness.

Is it fooled? Of course not, it is not difficult after you understand how to exert force.He can even play differently if he wants to.for example

When the opponent's second ball came in with a smash, An Chen, who has dynamic vision, instantly slammed. An Chen didn't use the ball, but the frame of the racket.

With a "bang", the ball hit the corner line, then hit the boundary wall, and bounced back to An Chen and the others again.

There was only one quick word for this blow, so fast that there was no chance for the opponent to make a move.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuying smiled, walked over and patted An Chen on the shoulder, raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, I didn't realize that you are so strong."

"Must, let's go."

The following competition undoubtedly entered the rubbish stage. Under An Chen's strong attack, they won this stronghold in just a few rounds.

"Go, let's go to the next stronghold."

Text 0423: Huang Lei who dare not eat tender grass

The next stronghold Anchen and the others will arrive at is a4, which is a rooftop swimming pool of a hotel. Anchen and the others are not the first to arrive here.Instead, Huang Lei and Wen Yongshan are doing tasks here.

"Xiaochen, you have stepped into my territory, and you need to pay two flags."

Seeing Huang Lei's serious nonsense, An Chen said, "Okay, you can show me the evidence of your occupation of the stronghold, and I will give you the chess pieces. But what are you doing in the swimming pool and what is the mission?"

"Okay, you're smart. The task is very simple, so you will have to draw the flag soon. If you don't want to draw the flag, you should hurry up."

Hearing what Huang Lei said, An Chen directly ignored the other party, and said to the referee, "Hello, what is the mission, can we work together or wait for them to fail?"

"Wait until they fail or give up before continuing to challenge."

"Xiaochen, you're out of luck now, why don't you give me a flag and let's give up the challenge, do you think it's okay?"

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