Hearing this, An Chen rolled his eyes, and said to the referee again, "It shouldn't be an unlimited challenge, is there any judgment?"

"Challenge players need to pull out the flag in the water within [-] minutes and insert it into the flag insertion point of the stronghold to complete the task. During the task period, they cannot use their hands and feet to complete the task. Only when the chess is inserted. Now the Huang Lei team has five minutes left. "

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said to Huang Lei, "I didn't finish it in 25 minutes. If I want to finish it in the last five minutes, I don't believe it. In this way, we will bet that you can't finish it in five minutes, isn't it two-sided?" Flag, we have ¨."

At this moment, Huang Lei was a little depressed, only to hear Huang Lei say, "Xiao Chen, it's not that I can't finish this, I just don't want to let your sister-in-law down."

An Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he thought of a general idea.Generally speaking, not every task in each stronghold is difficult, so what stumped Huang Lei, known as the old fox, combined with Huang Lei's previous words, it is obvious that they need to be in close contact.

"Then Mr. Huang Lei, you'd better come up, or if you go down again, I'll ask for a lot. As a father, you don't want to play a bad role."

, "You are ruthless, this stronghold is given to you. But we can't give it up for nothing, right? You tell me the stronghold you have, and I will tell you what I have. Let's avoid each other, can you see it?"

Is it an alternative alliance? Sure enough, bugs are everywhere.

"Okay, I have a1, and a2, a3, this is a4, so you understand"

Hearing this, what else does Huang Lei not understand?

"Well, what I need is e1 to a5 slashes, so when you have it, shall we swap lines?"


Hearing this, Huang Lei said to Wen Yongshan beside him, "Then Yongshan, let's withdraw. This task is quite difficult. I think we can go to the next one."

Although Wen Yongshan complained about Huang Lei's old antique in her heart, she still smiled and swam out of the pool during the show.

When Wen Yongshan came out of the water, the thin clothes were tightly attached to her body, and the concave and convex curves made people imagine.Seeing this, An Chen said to Huang Lei, "Mr. Huang is lucky."

Huang Lei heard that, although he was secretly happy, he didn't dare to show his face.Quickly put on a reprimand, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, if your sister-in-law finds out, I should kneel on the washboard."

Just like that, it was An Chen's turn to challenge.And when An Chen and the others went down to the surface of the water, they finally knew the difficulty of this level.

It is true that the flag is underwater, but it is not fixed, and it belongs to the rootless source.Moreover, the flag is very strong, and it is absolutely impossible for a person to get the flag out without using hands and feet.Even if there are two people, there is only one way left, one person bites the flagpole below, and the other clings to the back and rolls down.Although there is water pressure, it may be choked, but as long as you pay attention, this level should be fine.But planting the flag is much simpler, and the same intimate contact can complete the flag planting.

An Chen pointed to the surface of the water with his fingers, and then the two of them surfaced, An Chen then said, "You have seen the situation below, we may need to get closer, are you okay?"

"Don't underestimate my sister, okay? When did you see my sister and dare not play, anyway, I'm still single, I'm afraid you won't dare."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Zhao Zhao followed An Chen's words, and the two sank into the water again.Although the game was rather ambiguous, the two finished the ambiguous game mouth to mouth.When the two floated on the water, they looked at each other and smiled, as if a familiar feeling was brewing in their hearts.

With a4 captured, all that's left is the roll for a5.Of course, when a5 is occupied, they can develop another line, this line of b5, c5, d5, e5.I just don't know if I can occupy that point before others.

At this time, An Chen has received 6 flags from various shops, but he has not paid the flags yet.It can be said that at this time he is considered a big family here.The next step is to see how valuable your flag is. .

Text 0424: The old fox suffers

Point a5 is the highest point in Hong Kong, sky100.When An Chen and the others arrived, they found that there were two groups of people.

"Are we the third group?"

Looking at Luo Zhixiang, Chen Yao, Huang Lei and Wen Yongshan, An Chen asked this sentence.

The good thing is that there is no need to hand over the flag at the public point.

"That's right, but information is needed to get the token in the box. I know the password, so if you're willing to pay two flags, then I'll tell you the password."

Hearing what Xiaozhu said, An Chen smiled, and then said, "You can find the password, but it's impossible for me to not. As long as you know that we are the third group. Be good, let's play."

Hearing what An Chen said, Huang Lei was stunned, and then said to Luo Zhixiang, "Yes, you can find it, but I can't find it for no reason."

While Huang Lei was speaking, An Chen walked up to the service lady, and asked, "Is there still a ticket for points?"

"Yes, there is the last ticket. This is the highest place in Hong Kong. You can see a lot of information outside the window, including the password of this secret box."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled.After looking at the two combination locks on the box, he pulled Jiang Shuying to the window and said, "Let me tell you, it's actually very easy to play games with these ghosts. They rarely leave you What to do, most of what can be left behind is something you can fight for. Of course, this is not absolute, but it is ok if the general direction is right. Come and see what is outside the window, and remember to look for the more prominent ones.”

That's right, it is said that you can see far from standing high, but can you see anything even the car is only the size of a finger cover?

Jiang Shuying looked at An Chen speechlessly, but found that An Chen was looking for something carefully.It's real, it's real, I can see it

At this moment Jiang Shuying was suspicious.But at this moment, An Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he took out his phone in a direction, and the next moment An Chen clicked on the maximum multiplier.At this point, the pixels are already a bit distorted, but it's just right for An Chen.


Seeing this number, Jiang Shuying opened her mouth wide, then quickly took out her mobile phone from her body, and began to search at the maximum multiple.

The task seems simple, but it is actually a bit difficult to see things that far away.In the case of extended distance, what you want to see is longer and wider.But before Jiang Shuying could find her, An Chen patted Jiang Shuying's shoulder and said, "Let's go."

"Yeah..." Jiang Shuying looked at An Chen in confusion, and said in surprise, "But we haven't found everything yet."

"It's over."

Jiang Shuying was surprised at this moment.I saw Jiang Shuying covered her small mouth, and said in disbelief, "I'm done looking."

"That's right, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and leave, what if the fourth group of people comes?"

"oh oh"

Jiang Shuying nodded as if waking up from a dream, and An Chen walked to the password box and entered the password.

It turned out that the reason why An Chen was able to find these two codes so quickly was because the color and size of the two codes were almost the same.Coupled with An Chen's dynamic vision to find the view, supplemented by the camera function of the mobile phone, An Chen was able to find the answer so quickly.

When the two of An Chen got the occupation paper, Huang Lei walked over and said in disbelief, "You got it"

"That's right." An Chen gave Huang Lei a strange look, and suddenly his eyes lit up.Then he said, "It turns out that you haven't got it yet, so I wish you luck, we're leaving first."

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