"Didn't Teemo tell you about us?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Han Nannan shook her head and said, "She said some, but not all, so I don't know much about your situation."

An Chen smiled when she heard the words, and then said, "Then wait for her to sue you. In fact, you can ask her. If you ask, she should be able to tell."

Han Nannan thought about it seriously, but shook her head, and said, "Forget it, I'd better not mention Tee Mo's sad things."

"You're not her, how do you know it's a sad thing?"

Han Nannan smiled amusedly when she heard this, and then said, "You are not her, how do you know she is not sad? Besides, I don't think any woman can accept her own man, and she loves more than herself."

"Maybe, there is."

Han Nannan didn't say anything more, but her sense of An Chen was a bit weaker, although she wouldn't lose her fans.But not blindly.

Finally, Timo checked the time, and ended the live broadcast, and the three of them started to really relax and play.Of course, relaxation is also relative, because now many people will ask An Chen for autographs.

Therefore, the three returned home quickly.Home is Tang Yixin's home. She has her own house in Chengdu, and the house has already recorded fingerprint information.

Han Nannan said, "Timo, have you bought a house in Chengdu?"

"How is it possible? I bought a house in Chongqing and Shanghai, so I don't have any money left to buy it in Chengdu." While speaking, Feng Timo glanced at his best friend angrily, as if to express that you don't believe me.

Then Han Nannan said, "I just said, how could you not tell me when you bought the house, but whose house is this? It looks so majestic and feminine."

"A sister's, there is a picture of her in the room, you can find out by yourself. Now I'm going to take a shower, I've been running for a day, sweating all day, it stinks."

Feng Timo talked, entered the master bedroom in Tang Yixin's house, and then began to prepare to undress.Seeing this, An Chen smiled and followed in.

At this time, Han Nannan, who was looking for clues about the owner of the house, knew nothing about it.Not long after, she discovered the owner of the villa.At this moment, Han Nannan exclaimed in surprise.She did not expect that the owner of this house was actually Tang Yixin, one of her favorite female artists.Excited, Han Nannan turned around and went to find Feng Timo, not caring that Feng Timo was taking a bath.

Han Nannan who pushed open the door quickly ran to the bathroom door.Although she felt that something was wrong the moment she came in just now, the joy of discovering made her subconsciously ignore this point.

But the moment she reached for the doorknob and was about to open the bathroom door, she froze.

A charming voice came from the bathroom, and she could recognize that it was Teemo's voice, but she didn't expect Teemo to make that kind of voice.The whining and weeping voice was mixed with charm, which made her body hot and dry.

At this moment, Han Nannan should have run away quickly, but that voice stopped her like a spell.She just grabbed the doorknob with one hand, unable to leave it no matter what.

At the same time, Feng Timo and An Chen saw Han Nannan, because the glass in the bathroom was frosted glass, so it was not difficult to see the blurry figure outside.Teemo was a little embarrassed at this moment, but continued with what was happening.Anyway, it's not the first time, it's just that the people outside the door have changed from sisters to best friends. .

Text 0436: Do you mind if I take off your clothes?

In the end, when Timo collapsed again, An Chen shook his head regretfully.Sure enough, it's not good if there are no more than two girls.Hey, An Chen shook his head depressedly, put Timo into the bathtub, and then turned on the surfing massage mode.

Feng Timo seemed to have just returned to reality from the dream at this time. He looked at An Chen apologetically, and then at his best friend who didn't know when he was sitting there paralyzed.Feng Timo suddenly said, "Honey, why don't you eat Nan Nan."

At this moment, Han Nannan outside the door was shocked.He wanted to run away, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up.At this moment, she was a little discouraged.Secretly thought that he was cheated by Timo, but he didn't blame her at all.

But at this moment, An Chen said, "No need, this is not good."

"Why?" In Feng Timo's mind, her husband was a wolf, and she couldn't figure out why An Chen refused.

"I've never forced others since I was 13, and it's not like you don't know."

Hearing this, Feng Timo understood, and then said, "It's okay, Nan Nan has always liked you, and you are her favorite star now, so she will definitely not refuse. And Nan Nan and I The relationship is special, and she will be willing."

At this moment, Han Nannan outside the door couldn't help complaining in his heart to Teemo, how much you want to betray me and why did you tell such a secret.

Especially at this moment, An Chen seemed to understand something.But he still shook his head and said, "Even if you say so, it still won't work."


As Timo asked why again, even Han Nannan became curious, but An Chen said, "Maybe what you said is right, but that was before today. I think she won't like me that much after today."

At this moment, Feng Timo seemed to have noticed something, and only heard her say, "Did something happen that I don't know about during my live broadcast?"

"She asked me why I had to step on two boats, but I didn't answer her."

"Husband, why didn't you say that this is actually our own choice. Although you gave us a difficult choice, husband, you never forced us, everything was voluntary."

"Silly girl, this is the end of the matter. I'll just bear with it. I'll call Xiaotong tomorrow."

Hearing this, Feng Timo was a little unwilling, but agreed.

"All right"

Afterwards, An Chen, who washed himself casually, looked at Han Nannan, who hadn't moved for several minutes outside, a little confused.But he still said to Timo, "You hang out again, I'll go out and have a look, she doesn't seem to be able to get up."

At this moment, Feng Timo was startled, and wanted to get up to see what happened to his best friend.But at this moment, An Chen stopped her.

"It's okay, let me take a look first, you can have a bath first, and I will call you if there is something else."

Hearing this, Feng Timo didn't insist anymore. Anyway, with An Chen around, she wasn't particularly worried.She trusted An Chen even more than herself.And she was so tired that she didn't want to move when she lay down.The most important thing was that An Chen didn't take a change of clothes or a bathrobe when she came in, so she was still looking forward to something happening between her best friend and An Chen.After all, they are girlfriends, so they are always closer than others.

An Chen really walked out as Timo thought.At this time, Han Nannan, who was already prepared, didn't dare to look at An Chen at all, she just wanted to hide herself in her lap.As for what An Chen wants to do, she doesn't care, she just wants to be an ostrich right now, it's so embarrassing.

An Chen looked at Han Nannan, then took out the bathrobe from the closet beside him and put it on, then squatted beside Han Nannan and said, "I'll help you see what's uncomfortable."

Hearing An Chen's question, Han Nannan's face turned even redder, and then said nana, "My legs are numb, I can't get up, and it hurts to move."

It turned out that the legs were numb, An Chen nodded clearly, then picked up Han Nannan, put him on the bed, and said, "You and Timo can sleep here, I'll go to the living room."

After talking about An Chen covered Han Nannan with a quilt, she wanted to leave.But at this moment, Han Nannan suddenly spoke up.

"Well, wait a minute. I, I, I'm a little dirty now, why don't you put me on the ground 513, or it's not good if I dirty sister Yixin's quilt. Besides, I'm not used to being dirty I'm going to sleep, I'll take a shower and then go to bed."

Hearing this, An Chen thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Do you mind if I take your clothes off?"

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