As An Chen spoke, his hand was already on the zipper of Han Nannan's shirt.Han Nannan was startled, but then blushed. She was so embarrassed that she didn't even know what to say.

Seeing that Han Nannan was silent, An Chen directly started to zip the zipper, which was slow enough for Han Nannan to stop him.But Han Nannan didn't do that, and An Chen also stripped Han Nannan.In the end, he picked up Han Nannan and entered the bathroom again, then put her into the bathtub with Timo, and said, "You guys take a bath, call me if you need anything." An Chen said to Han Nannan, "Take a bath, Your leg should be numb, wait a while and try to straighten it a little bit."

After finishing speaking, An Chen went straight out of the bathroom without stopping at all.

s pushed the book A Running Man: Automatic Upgrade.

Text 0437: Feng Timo's Careful Thoughts

After An Chen went out, Feng Timo turned around and teased Han Nannan, "Yo Yo Yo, why did you come in naked? What happened just now that I don't know about?"

Han Nannan was immediately annoyed when she heard the words. After she lightly hammered Feng Timo, she said, "You still said that you betrayed me."

"I don't have"

"I still said no, I heard it all."

"Then you still said that you actually eavesdropped on our corner. Those who didn't know thought you were a chi girl."

"I didn't, I just, just now." At this point, Han Nannan couldn't continue, after all, it was the truth.

Suddenly, Han Nannan said softly, "When did you know that I was eavesdropping?"

"Look there." Feng Timo directly pointed to the direction of the door and asked Han Nannan to look for himself.

Han Nannan immediately understood.Her face became even more rosy, but she asked curiously, "Since you found out that I was eavesdropping from the beginning, why did you continue?"

"what's this"

Feng Timo lay down again, enjoying the impact of the waves, and said nonchalantly, "I lived with other sisters, so it's nothing. But you have to be lucky that you are a woman, otherwise he I know."

This is what I am most puzzled by, Han Nannan thought about it, and at the same time asked out his curiosity.

"Do you not mind if he has another woman? Why do you say it's your choice?"

Feng Timo sighed when he heard the words, and then said, "I used to mind, but the feelings came so suddenly. When I was unprepared, I broke through my defense in an instant. In fact, he didn't pursue Me, but the same as in the old plot, the hero saved the beauty and saved me〃."

"Of course, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be in danger. But, who would care about that. When I found out that I fell in love with him, all the negative news was ignored by me. I didn't want to believe it until I didn't even want to accept what he said, and then I begged him to take me, and I couldn't live without him after that." Having said that, Feng Timo looked at Han Nannan again, and said, "So he That's right, you don't have to blame him, and we are all fine now, and so are the other sisters."

"Okay, I don't understand you, but I was hurt by you. What should I do now?"

Feng Timo smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "Forget what we said in college? If we want to marry, we marry the same person. Although we may have been joking at the time, we can seriously think about it now. "

"You are kidding"

Hearing this, Feng Timo stood up, and then said, "Go on washing, I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy."

As Feng Timo said, she stepped out of the bathtub, but almost fell, and then she stabilized, then looked at the worried Han Nannan, and said, "The legs are a bit weak, be careful when you come out, okay, I want to go to bed."

Speaking of which, Feng Timo put on his pajamas, and returned to the bed with weak legs.Han Nannan who was lost in thought was left behind.

After a long time, Han Nannan returned to the bed, but at this moment.Feng Timo closed his eyes and said, "Your bed should be over there. If you want to join, today is the best chance. Guan Xiaotong will come tomorrow."

Hearing this, Han Nannan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and then she just heard her say angrily, "You are poisonous, I haven't figured it out yet, so I just treat you as a treasure and sleep. But Guan Xiaotong also has this house." Owner"


"Today you really broke my three views, go to sleep."

Hearing what Han Nannan said, Feng Timo sighed in his heart, and then hugged Han Nannan in his arms.

The next day, Guan Xiaotong arrived after Timo finished the live broadcast at noon.The reason Guan Xiaotong was in such a hurry was entirely because of a phone call from An Chen.

Just this morning, An Chen called Guan Xiaotong and asked her to come over today.As for Guan Xiaotong's question, An Chen gave one sentence.

"If you don't come today, I'll help you find another sister, and I happen to have one around."

For sisters, Guan Xiaotong is the most intolerable.If An Chen had already looked for it, then forget it, but since it can be avoided, it must be avoided.But thinking about what happened last time, her legs were weak, so she still asked if Timo was there.Guan Xiaotong felt relieved when he heard that Timo was there.

Guan Xiaotong understood when she saw the little girl beside Feng Timo.She just heard her grinningly say, "You're still preparing your own replacement, it's too rude, I didn't even let my girlfriends participate."

Feng Timo didn't refute when he heard the words, but said calmly while eating, "So are you planning to take advantage of the outsiders? Anyway, the number of people will only increase, not decrease. Instead of finding some unfamiliar Why don't you find something you know well. This is my best friend, clean, without bad habits, and a proper weak, do you like it?"

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong felt that what little Timo said was extremely reasonable, so what about his best friend?

After thinking about it, Guan Xiaotong realized that he didn't have a suitable girlfriend.While Guan Xiaotong was thinking, the person involved, Han Nannan, couldn't help but speak. .

Text 0438: An Chen's Uneasiness

"Please, I didn't want to come in. We don't even have a foundation now. Even if I really gave myself to Teemo, I still haven't fallen in love with him."

At this moment, An Chen came over with the freshly fried dishes and said, "What are you talking about falling in love with?"

Han Nannan was embarrassed when she heard the words, and stopped talking, but Feng Timo, who was promoting her best friend, helped her and said, "Say I'm in love with you."

Hearing this, An Chen sat down amusedly, and said, "Don't make trouble, let's eat, are you going out to play today, or Xiaotong at home, how are the people in the photography team doing?"

"The person has already been contacted. Our next filming will be for a week. We will go to Mount Emei first, then to Jiuzhaigou, and if we have time, we will go to Mount Qingcheng."

"Ah That's good."

At this time, An Chen didn't realize at all that during this trip to Jiuzhaigou, he would be a witness to the beautiful past of Jiuzhaigou.

On that day, Anchen 457 finally got satisfaction from Guan Xiaotong and Timo, and embarked on the second day's journey contentedly.Their first stop was Mount Emei.

Mount Emei is named because its peaks are relatively similar to Emei. It is the world-famous Samantabhadra Dojo, a famous Buddhist mountain and a tourist attraction. It is known as the most beautiful Emei in the world.It is a national-level mountain-type scenic spot integrating Buddhist culture and natural scenery.

There are several most famous scenery on Mount Emei, but An Chen and the others didn't just come to enjoy the scenery.Therefore, they chose the most romantic sea of ​​clouds, standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the sea of ​​clouds. It can be said that this is one of the most romantic things.Of course, it would be even better if it is romantic and overnight in Mount Emei.The two tents were set up by An Chen within ten minutes.The night on the mountain was a bit cold, so An Chen chose to eat barbecue.

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