Of course, the things are not animals in the scenic area, but bought in the supermarket at the foot of the mountain before going up the mountain. In addition, there are a lot of cooked food, and the items are very rich.

When An Chen and Guan Xiaotong were filming, Timo and Han Nannan were suffering in places where the cameras couldn't see.Han Nannan said angrily, "It's too much, let's not let us enter the country, and now we have to watch him eat."

Feng Timo smiled when he heard the words, and after hugging Han Nannan, he said, "I feel sorry for you for a second, but this is their job. Why do you want to make a guest appearance? If so, I can ask for you. As for eating Yes, it doesn’t matter, let him do labor for us later, let him watch us eat.”

Hearing what Timo said, Han Nannan gritted her little white teeth and said, "I must eat for two hours later."

"Don't, I understand what he is. If you are like this, he will pick you up halfway, and maybe stab you at that time. He doesn't care if you are a woman or a beautiful woman. He only accommodates his own woman .Of course, that person is soft but not tough, if you act cute or pitiful, he will have nothing to do with you."

Han Nannan actually meant to say that, in fact, she didn't do that.Although he is not a real foodie, Han Nannan is also powerless to resist food.

bddg If it is said that Ming Dao and Wang Ou are in love, then An Chen and the others are giving sugar all the way, so sweet that it explodes.As for Wilber Pan and Wu Xin, they are almost the same.

The one-day and one-night trip ended here. After admiring the rising sun, they set off again and went to Jiuzhaigou.

In fact, Jiuzhaigou is the key plan for their road, and Mount Emei is just on the way.Take a look at the Emei Golden Summit and the sea of ​​clouds along the way.

It was past noon when they arrived at Jiuzhaigou. After lunch, An Chen took Guan Xiaotong on the road to the destruction of Jiuzhaigou.

The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is famous for everything, among which Rizegou, Shuzhenggou, Zechawagou and Zharugou occupy most of the scenery in Jiuzhaigou.

Among them, Wucai Pool, Jinghai, Changhai, Wuhuahai, Nuorilang Waterfall, Pandahai Waterfall and Pearl Beach Waterfall are the most famous.

Anchen and the others chose Rizegou. The scenery of this scenic route is especially famous, so they chose this place.The total length of Rize Valley is 18 kilometers, among which scenic spots include Mirror Sea, Pearl Beach Waterfall, Pearl Beach, Jinling Sea, Peacock River, Wuhua Lake, High Waterfall, Panda Sea, Arrow Bamboo Sea, Swan Sea, Caohai Sea, etc.

Jinghai is adjacent to the downstream of Konggu, and the lake is long and narrow.The mountain wall on the other side is like a huge stone screen.On the right is the downstream of Mirror Sea, adjacent to the Nuorilang Seas.On the left is the upper reaches of the Mirror Sea, connecting with the Mirror Sea Valley.There are three wonders in the Mirror Sea. When there is no wind on a sunny day, the water surface is as smooth as a mirror.

Today is sunny and windless, with blue sky, white clouds, distant mountains and trees near the sea.The landscape in the sea has clear lines and bright colors, but the waves on the water make An Chen a little uneasy.It's not the same as an introduction

An Chen looked at the scenic spot introduction in his hand, and then asked Guan Xiaotong, "Xiaotong, have you been to Jiuzhaigou before, is it the same as before?"

Guan Xiaotong shook his head when he heard the words, and then said, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

An Chen shook her head, trying to get rid of the uneasiness in her heart, but the feeling of uneasiness could not be lingered.After thinking about it, An Chen waved at Feng Timo. .

Text 0439: Dilong wants to stand up?

At this moment, Feng Timo was taken aback, and then she pointed at herself.After An Chen nodded, Feng Timo hesitated and walked up.

At the same time, the camera crew didn't know what An Chen was up to. This was a two-person show.We are in love, but we are not three people.For a while, the camera was still facing An Chen and the others, but they were looking at the assistant director.

At this moment, An Chen's sudden action caught the assistant director a little off guard.After thinking about it, the assistant director brought Han Nannan over, and said, "Girl, I've given you a task, can you see if you're up to it?"

Han Nannan was taken aback when she heard the words, and wanted to refuse. She can't do this.But before she refused, the assistant director said, "Don't rush to refuse, the task is very simple, and you might get angry because of it."

Hearing this, Han Nannan hesitated for a while and finally did not refuse, but asked, "What can I say about the task? If it is too difficult, I really can't do it."

Hearing Han Nannan's question, the assistant director smiled, then pointed in the direction of the three of them, and said, "Wait a minute before you appear on camera, and then try to make their relationship clearer. There shouldn't be a love triangle in the show we're filming." , so you have to get rid of your relationship."

Hearing this, Han Nannan didn't want to agree.Why, we Teemo and An Chen are in love, why should we let Teemo separate the relationship? But Han Nannan who was thinking this way suddenly remembered what Teemo said, hesitated for a while, and she still agreed.

The next moment, Han Nannan walked into the arena with his equipment on.

While the director was arranging tasks, An Chen was also talking to Timo.After Timo came in, An Chen said, "Teemo, you are from Chongqing, you should come to Jiuzhaigou a lot, so have you seen Jinghu before? Is Jinghu like this under the clear sky?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Feng Timo was taken aback, then hesitated.As An Chen said, she has been to Jiuzhaigou before, but the last time was two or three years ago.Jiuzhaigou is so big, she only visited Jinghu twice.After thinking about it, it seemed that there were indeed some differences, but Feng Timo couldn't find out what was the difference for a while.

"It seems to be a little different, but I don't know exactly where it is different."

Hearing what Timo said, An Chen tentatively asked, "Is the water surface different?"

At this moment, Timo's eyes lit up, he nodded excitedly, and said affirmatively, "That's right, the water surface is different. The water surface of Mirror Lake should be as flat as a mirror in this weather."

Hearing this, An Chen's serious face became even more serious, and he frowned, not knowing what to do.

If An Chen guessed correctly, the fluctuating lake surface should be caused by fish.It can cause such fluctuations on a large scale, which means that it is either rainy and lack of oxygen, or natural disasters are about to occur.Animals are always more sensitive than humans, so they are prepared in advance.

But now that there are no clouds in the sky, how could it be a cloudy and rainy day, so the first assumption does not exist, so the only thing left is the second assumption.Natural disasters are nothing more than volcanoes and earthquakes. Sichuan is a land of abundance. Although there are rumors that it was caused by volcanic eruptions, there is no good evidence so far.But one thing is certain, earthquakes often occur in Sichuan, so this time, will it be a precursor to another earthquake in the future?

Thinking of this, An Chen suddenly turned around, and said to the director who was walking behind Han Nannan, "Director, let's go to the next place."

At this moment, the director finally couldn't help it. After getting up from the stool, he said, "An Chen, what are you doing? We are filming a program, and we didn't ask you to mess around. This is the venue we just finished, okay? If you are really uncomfortable, then everyone can wait for you, but what is this now?"

ask for flowers

Hearing what the director said, An Chen wasn't annoyed. After all, if An Chen didn't have a reasonable explanation for what he did, it would indeed be considered too much.

An Chen smiled helplessly, and then said, "I don't want to either, but I don't think these two days should be a good day."

The director frowned when he heard the words, and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

"Today, the weather is sunny and there is no wind, so Jinghu Lake should not be like this. A wrinkled Jinghu Lake can only mean that it is about to rain and the fish do not have enough oxygen in the water. Or, a natural disaster is likely to occur .And in this place of Sichuan, there is a great possibility that Dilong will stand up."

"In elementary school textbooks, I don't know if you still remember the signs before the earthquake. It's okay, I remember some, although those may not be accurate, but we have to be careful, don't we?"

"This, there will really be an earthquake"

Facing this point, An Chen smiled helplessly again.He said, "No one can be sure that this kind of thing is not true."

"So, we now have three options. One is to withdraw from Jiuzhaigou and plan a new route. The other is to find an open place and wait until everything is normal before starting. The last one is to continue shooting, but no one knows the specifics. Not guaranteed."

Hearing this, the assistant director pondered for a moment, then said, "I'll make a call, you guys wait a minute."

s pushes two books: The Great Witch Clan of the Great Desolation, the Demon Lord Liu Xing of Hokage.

Body 0440: Facing life and death

Speaking of which, the assistant director turned around to make a phone call, but the shooting came to a standstill.After a few minutes, the assistant director came over again and said, "The filming will continue. The above said that we can't give up just because of some speculation."

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