"Let me tell you, Xiaochen, you will die miserably like this. You are making an enemy of us men and everyone."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Sun Honglei, and said, "Brother Hong Lei, don't make trouble, haven't you already been excluded by them?"

"Yes, even if you are an enemy, you are with us, and it must have nothing to do with you."

At this moment, Sun Honglei was hit hard.He couldn't help but say, "Brothers, this is not a civil war. We have been provoked, provoked."

Hearing what Sun Honglei said, everyone only gave a hehe as an answer.

At this moment, the director said, "Okay, now please explain."

Hearing this, Huang Lei was the first to say, "I'm always old, but I'm really strong. So this is my honesty〃¨."

After Huang Lei's words fell, Zhang Yixing also said, "Mine is about hard work. In fact, I want to write about strength, but strength belongs to people who work hard. So I wrote about strength."

At this time, An Chen also said, "Mine is invincible. Because if it is 1vs1, it is difficult for me to find an opponent, so I use this word to define it."

After An Chen's words fell, it was Wang Xun's turn next. Wang Xun wrote about reliability, Xiaozhu wrote about bigness, Sun Honglei wrote about happiness, and Huang Bo wrote about trust.

After several people finished their introductions, the director said, "We have prepared 7 lounges upstairs for 7 people. Each person chooses a room and puts your keywords on the house number."

Followed a few people upstairs to their room.There are also six girls here, Jiang Yiyan, Yao Chen, Wang Luodan, Zhang Xinyi, Lin Zhiling and Di Lieba.

Di Lieba came here entirely because of An Chen, because she knew An Chen was here.So when she saw the invincible sign on the sign, her eyes lit up.At this moment, Jiang Yiyan also said, "Invincible is good, I like it."

Hearing this, Di Lieba had already picked up the sign first, and said with a smile in his eyes, "No, this is mine."

Hearing this, Wang Luodan's heart moved.Looking at Di Lieba, his eyes were full of censorship and he said, "Reba, tell me the truth, do you know who this person is?"

"Yes, I'm afraid he is the only one who can write like that. I think this partner is very suitable for me."

"Who are you talking about?" Jiang Yiyan couldn't help asking when she heard this.

Di Lieba, who heard this, still smiled and said, "Sorry, I can't tell you."

Di Lieba failed to make Jiang Yiyan give up, but instead aroused her curiosity.She, Jiang Yiyan, is also a competitive person.After Jiang Yiyan showed a triumphant smile, she didn't say anything else.

At this moment, the director said, "The other is our new guest c."

"An Chen?"

An Chen and Jiang Yiyan only know about this person, but they don't know who An Chen is.Although Jiang Yiyan already knew who Wang Luodan said, it didn't stop her curiosity.

At the same time, Wang Luodan, who had guessed the result, also knew why Reba was so active.The all-rounder among running men, the word invincible really counts.But do you think it's yours? At this moment Wang Luodan thought so.

"Xiao Chen is here? I want this brother too, what should I do?"

Is there another competitor? At this moment, Dili is very helpless, and he blames the director in his heart.

Then everyone chose a brand one after another, and Jiang Yiyan also chose a brand.The female contestants had to enter one by one to choose the room, and Wang Luodan was lucky to be the first one to choose.

Wang Luodan's goal at this time is the same as Jiang Yiyan, the invincible person, but when she went in and looked around, she was stunned.No yes, no.

The next moment, Wang Luodan thought about it carefully and understood that it was probably these people who messed it up and erased the three signs in front.

"Since we want to play, let's be fair." Wang Luodan, talking to himself, quickly ran to the door of the fourth room, and wiped all the signs behind.

At this moment, the director issued a urging.After Wang Luodan looked at the three rooms in front, he chose the third one.

Wang Xun smiled instantly when he heard the door of his room was opened. He didn't expect to win ahead of time.

The second one is Yao Chen, she didn't intend to join in the fun of Invincible.But she couldn't find her own efforts.But apparently she has her wits too.Looking at the sign in front, she compared every detail carefully.Not long after, she saw the closest clue with only three dots.The next second, she walked in. .

Body 0455: The popular Anchen

Lin Zhiling came in next. She looked at the sign with nothing on it and showed a surprised expression.

Invincible, invincible, well, this is really hard to find.Unable to find the invincible Lin Zhiling, he looked at the sign in his hand again, hoping to find the person on the drawing board.

Suddenly, Lin Zhiling's eyes lit up, looked at one of the signs, and said to the camera, "It should be this one, you can still see a small flower."

After Lin Zhiling finished speaking, she tidied herself up and walked in.

After Lin Zhiling finished, it was finally Jiang Yiyan's turn.When Jiang Yiyan saw the drawing board full of whiteboards, she sighed helplessly.After thinking about Wang Luodan, she secretly said: "She should have been chosen by her."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yiyan hesitated for a moment, and decided to choose the one she likes.At this moment, there was a cough, once, twice, and after a while, An Chen's door was knocked.Then a woman came in.

While An Chen and the others were waiting, they knew who the female guests would be.So he wasn't worried that no one would choose him, especially when Dili Reba was among the girls who came.

An Chen originally thought that this person was Di Lieba, but he didn't expect his brand name to be wiped clean.So this person is not Di Lieba, but Jiang Yiyan who has no choice but to choose her favorite.

At this moment, Dilijieba walked in.When she saw the white board, she was in a bad mood.At this moment, she thought of Wang Luodan, Jiang Yiyan, and even Lin Zhiling.

In the end, she was stunned for a long time and finally thought of her own way.At this moment, Dilireba Fox walked to the first door with a smile, and said, "Xiaochen, is that you?"

That's right, the way she thought of was to ask.I have to say that her method was very good. With An Chen's hearing ability, she heard Di Lieba outside the door very easily.At this moment, Jiang Yiyan's eyes moved and a smirk appeared inside the door.

She didn't know that this was An Chen, but her thought was, I can't get bdej, and I won't let you get it.Therefore, she rolled her eyes and said, "An Chen is not here, Reba, you can go to another place to see."

Hearing this, Reba hesitated.Jiang Yiyan, so An Chen isn't there, why didn't he hear An Chen's voice? Didn't he let the man answer? Reba, who was thinking so, spoke again and asked, "Is An Chen really not in there?"

An Chen, who heard the conversation between the two, smiled when he heard the words. He also knew that the first person who came in was not Dilly.An Chen then knocked on the door beside him, and the door made one long and two short sounds.Because it is a one-piece door panel, it is not difficult for Reba and Jiang Shuying to hear this.Not only him, but other people also faintly heard the voice, Wang Luodan and Huang Lei, who were next door to An Chen, had a flash of light in their minds, and they started to make trouble.But after all, the two were half a beat behind An Chen.Therefore, Di Lieba entered An Chen's room with a smile in his eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyan also reacted, and said in disbelief, "This is really An Chen's room."

Hearing Jiang Yiyan's question, Di Lieba asked back, "Don't you know?"

Jiang Yiyan was really wronged, okay? She really relied on luck.

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