"Of course, the drawing boards were all wiped clean when I came, and they were all coughing. I prefer to be quiet, so I chose this room."

Di Lieba shrugged and didn't care, but said, "Then you are lucky."

At this moment, the last Zhang Xinyi was also chosen.Only the director's voice sounded.

"The brand words each of you choose represent a member of the Men's Gang. So which one do you think you choose to represent the Men's Gang? Please write his name on the question board."

An Chen's name appeared in Reba's hands without any dispute. After Jiang Yiyan hesitated, she wrote An Chen's name on her writing board.

When everyone's names appeared on the question board, the director said, "Please light up the question board in your hand."

As An Chen raised the question board, the partition in the middle fell down in an instant.An Chen looked at the two without any surprises, and said, "Hi, you two beauties. It's a pity we can only write one person, otherwise I will definitely write your name, Yiyan."

Jiang Yiyan smiled and said, "I guessed the result a long time ago, and it's also a pleasure to meet you, Jiang Yiyan."

"An Chen."

"Reba, long time no see, unexpectedly you still remember our password."

"That is necessary, the revolutionary friendship must not be forgotten."

Just as the three greeted each other, the director's voice sounded again.

"Next, please go to the lobby on the first floor."

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other and walked out of the room one after another.

"Everyone, you have already obtained the initial honor points when you entered the room. Girls can see boys', and boys can see girls'. Next, we will conduct some tests to help everyone get more honor points."

After An Chen looked at the girl, she felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Yiyan, it was too little, only fifteen points.Is this unfair? But after thinking about it, extreme challenges are like this, and there will definitely be opportunities and more opportunities to come back later. .

Text 0456: Titanic of An Chen and Reba

"For the first question, please write down the name of a person you don't want to partner with on the question board. Men's gangs can only choose female guests, and female guests can only choose men's gangs. You can choose to write or not, but please pay attention Those who write will add ten points, and those who do not write will lose ten points."

Hearing this, everyone fell into entanglement one after another, but there were a few people who were not entangled.When the curtain was drawn, An Chen wrote Yao Chen's name without hesitation.At this moment, Zhang Yixing's voice came.

"An Chen, did you write?"

"No more." An Chen was not lying, because he had already finished writing.

"Then master, do you write?"

At this moment, Huang Lei also said, "I won't write."

"Then let's say we won't write it. Don't lie to me."

As the curtain opened, the director said, "Now, everyone, please show the question board."

When An Chen's question board came out, Yao Chen couldn't help but said, "An Chen, thank you we all brought a morning, you wrote me very much for this"

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing also said, "Didn't you say An Chen?"

Hearing Zhang Yixing's 590 question, An Chen said, "I want to explain this. What I said just now was not to write, not to stop writing. When you asked me, I had already put down my pen and stopped writing. Looking back, there are cameras to testify for me.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing said, "Xiaochen, you are so good at playing word games. Count me as loser, count me as loser, you are even more picky than me now."

An Chen didn't refute the words but accepted it with a smile.

Those who choose to write people, there are three in the men's gang, An Chen, Xiaozhu and Sun Honglei.The opponents are Wang Luodan and Reba.

"Reba, why did you write it? Didn't you say that you should stop writing?"

"But Xiaochen gave me a wink and asked me to write it, and I wrote it before you said it, and I really didn't write it again afterwards."

At this moment, no matter who it was, there was a feeling in their hearts that they were married.

At this moment, the director's voice came again. "For the second question, who is the cutest person in your heart among the people on the opposite side?

Hearing this, An Chen and Reba didn't hesitate at all. For them, this kind of question was rewarding points.

In the end, 6 girls and 7 boys completed 4 pairs, and everyone's final score came out.

Huang Lei, 65

Zhang Yixing, 20

Wang Xun, 25

piggy, 95

Red Thunder, 55

An Chen, 50

Huang Bo, 40

Jiang Yiyan, 0

Wang Luodan, 85

Delijah, 60

Lin Zhiling, 25

Zhang Xinyi, 5

Yao Chen, 45

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