"Who knows, maybe the next level is a confrontation mission."

"I hope so."

Listening to An Chen and Huang Tingting's words, Wang Likun rolled his eyes and could only hope that An Chen was not a crow's mouth.

"Go to Skansen Park for the next clue. Let's go, Likun."

After Wang Likun walked out of this place following An Chen's footsteps, she said, "If you are a crow's mouth, I will bite you to death."

"Is that so"

After hearing the words, An Chen thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled.He only heard him say, "Then you bite me to death."

Hearing this, 13 Wang Likun blushed and said shyly, "It's a beautiful thought."

When they went to Skansen Park, they saw the mission point.This task is a roadblock task, and the task name is who is a skilled craftsman.

Players need to complete the process of making crystals in the crystal workshop.The contestants need to use all the rough crystals obtained in the previous missions as raw materials, and then complete a crystal ball that is the same as the sample under the guidance of the craftsman. If the boss agrees, the contestants in this group can get the next clue.

Seeing this, An Chen thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Why don't you come and try and always have me come to play, so it's no fun."

"Here, can I do it?"

"What can I say, I can do it, you can do it, anyway, we are the first group, and we have enough time for you to do it well."

"Okay, then I'll do it."

When Wang Likun started doing it, he regretted not letting An Chen come.The task was harder than she thought, especially when it came to balance and skill.In half an hour, Wang Likun failed 4 times, and it was only at this time that she found the task skills.

At this moment, Huang Tingting and the others from the second group finally arrived, and Huang Tingting said, "Now I finally know how fast you are, we waited there for half an hour before we saw the third group arrive. But it’s great to see you here, how are you doing, do you have any tricks?”

Hearing this, An Chen said, "There are skills, but it's still very difficult to do. The ball has to keep spinning, and when blowing, blow slowly. It's best to start blowing when the ball becomes round. If the next team comes more, if you feel that it is not good, put it in and burn it again, and then go to the mold to finalize the shape. In this way, you can persist until you can’t make it well. If you still lose, then I have nothing to do gone."

At this moment, Wang Likun made another one. The ball looked very round and the color was even. Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and Wang Likun also had a bottom line in his heart at this time.Sure enough, the boss smiled after checking, and then took out the crystal ball.

Seeing this, An Chen said to Huang Tingting, "We're going first, you guys work hard."

"Okay, I'm sure I won't be eliminated."

"Well, come on."

The relay station of this station is at the statue of Iris in Behaili Park. The undisputed An Chen and his team won the first place again.4 stations in a row, standing first, only to hear c Wu say, "An Chen, Wang Likun won the first place again, do you have anything to say?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said again, "The game is too weak, you can strengthen it next time."

Wang Likun rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and hurriedly said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. I tried a roadblock today, oh my god, it was too difficult. If it weren't for An Chen, maybe I would have been eliminated."

c Wu Wenyan immediately interjected, "Then do you have anything to say to your partner An Chen?"

After thinking about it, Wang Likun said, "He's just a pervert."

c Wu was very satisfied with this answer, and only heard him say, "It's a very vivid metaphor, then I'll see you at the next stop."

An Chen and Wang Likun went back to the hotel and began to wash up. When Wang Likun lay there feeling refreshed, An Chen smiled.In the next second, he squeezed onto Wang Likun's bed forcibly, and after Wang Likun exclaimed 463, he kissed Wang Likun domineeringly on the mouth.Afterwards, An Chen did not let Wang Likun go, and directly began to attack the city.

Before An Chen did these things, Wang Likun fell into a state of contradiction. Whether to resist or obey, Wang Likun's mind was blank. When he was thinking about the choice between the two, he suddenly felt a pain in his body and let go of what he was thinking.This time there is no choice, so just accept it.

When Wang Likun was being cultivated, Huang Tingting and the others also came back. After the two of them washed up after a tiring day, Huang Tingting thought about it and planned to chat with An Chen.

The moment she knocked on the door of An Chen's room, An Chen was looking at Wang Likun, who was in a state of torture, shaking her head helplessly.Hearing the knock on the door, An Chen was taken aback, then walked to the door and looked at Maoyan.The moment An Chen saw Huang Tingting, an evil smile appeared on the corner of An Chen's mouth, and then he opened the door, pulling her into the room with Huang Tingting's bewildered expression, and An Chen kissed her in the next second. On Huang Tingting's mouth. .

Text 0475: Life is not green, how can I get by?

At this moment Huang Tingting was in a daze, but when she realized it, she didn't push An Chen away, but endured it silently.The room was filled with the smell of hormones, implying what An Chen was doing before.But Huang Tingting already knew that An Chen had many girlfriends, so she could accept it.

Then a heart-pounding voice sounded, and after Huang Tingting groaned, he also began to transform from a girl into a woman.But Wang Likun was really sleepy, and had already passed out when Huang Tingting knocked on the door.So I didn't see any embarrassing scene.

The next day, everyone boarded the flight back to China, and because of An Chen's reasons, Deng Bin and his team were eliminated this time.There are not many teams left, and the road ahead will be more and more full of battles.

After returning to China, An Chen took Wang Likun and Huang Tingting to experience the gentle hometown for two days, and then embarked on the road of acting again.This time it’s Let’s Love, in fact, Let’s Love This episode should be over after filming.This time, the place they will go to is England.

Britain is a country with ancient heritage. Although it occupies a small area, it has the most famous British industry ever.It is the first industrialized country in the world, the first to complete the industrial revolution, and its national strength has grown rapidly. From the 18th century to the early 20th century, the territory ruled by Britain spanned the seven continents of the world. It was the most powerful country in the world at that time, known as the empire on which the sun never sets.Although its national strength was later damaged, it is still one of the four most influential countries in the world.

When An Chen knew that they were going to England, An Chen smiled. He has seen the Three Musketeers, how could he have no idea about England? The special was also filmed in the UK, which makes people yearn for the UK even more.

When they arrived in England, they froze for a moment.Most of the buildings here are in a classical style, and the skyscrapers are out of sight.Of course, there are not many tall buildings, but they lack the modern atmosphere and have more ancient charm.Seeing this, An Chen felt a little emotional. If there hadn't been aggression back then, then the ancient charm of China would have been more complete.

"Wow, here, people will fall in love with it just by looking at it, but unfortunately I still prefer Chinese people. So where are we going now¨"

"The crew said that they have set up a small manor for us in the outskirts. The size is not bad and the location is also very good. I think we should go there first and take a look at it. By the way, the jet lag will be relieved, and the rest will start tomorrow."

"Okay, listen to you. If you don't tell me, I don't feel it yet. When you tell me, I suddenly feel very tired. Let's go back and rest."

The manor is not far from here, only 20 minutes away from ten kilometers away.When An Chen and the others arrived at the manor, they looked at the manor and Guan Xiaotong suddenly said, "Our crew is very rich, so there are only two of us living in such a big place."

"Do you think this is China? Although houses are expensive here, this manor may not be as expensive as a 5-square-meter house within the 3th Ring Road in Beijing. As for the [-]rd Ring Road, you can buy at least two such manors."

"It's so cheap, are you kidding me?"

Hearing Guan Xiaotong's surprised voice, An Chen sighed and said, "The house price is out of our control, okay, let's go in. I don't know if there is any task waiting for us."

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong hurriedly said, "Don't be crowed, I don't want to have tasks when I'm sleepy."

After entering the room, there was no mission, seeing this, Guan Xiaotong smiled.Then he said to the camera, "Now we are jet lagged and ready to go to bed, so see you tomorrow."

After Guan Xiaotong finished speaking, he covered the camera with a towel, then turned off the camera and said to An Chen, "Let's go, pick up little Timo first, she must be bored in the car alone."

"By the way, why did you bring Timo here again? We're abroad, so it's inconvenient for her to be alone. If she follows us all the way, she'll be bored by herself, right?"

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