Guan Xiaotong rolled his eyes when he heard the words and said, "Otherwise, you think no one can resist your kind a. Although I also want her best friend to come, it's a pity that she didn't get a tourist visa for the UK."

Hearing the words, An Chen suddenly thought of Liu Shishi, maybe that stubborn woman can resist? An Chen thought so, and said, "By the way, I found that you have a very good relationship with Timo recently."

"That's right, as long as she looks weak and easy to bully, I really can't deal with others like this." Wang's

While the two were talking, Timo had already seen Timo get out of the car.After Guan Xiaotong made a gesture, Timo hurried towards here, and Guan Xiaotong also quickly went up to meet him.

After watching the two sisters embrace each other affectionately, An Chen said when the two parted, "I suddenly felt a sour feeling in my heart, I never thought that one day I would be green, and my wife would be green. "

Hearing this, the sloppy Teemo immediately interjected, "Life is not green, how can I get by, husband, just swallow your anger."

At the same time, Guan Xiaotong also rolled his eyes and said, "It's better to be cheated on by your wife than to be cheated on by someone else, and you're not the only one who is happy in the end."

Text 0476: Making money to support a family and being beautiful

After the meal, the three of them directly launched a special three-person activity, and then began to lose jet lag.

Early the next morning, the three of them still got up early, after all, it is impossible to get rid of the jet lag all at once.The three people who got up first went back to their respective rooms, and then turned on the camera and began to get up and wash. Of course, Timo cannot appear in the camera at this time.Fortunately, her room also has a bathroom.

After An Chen and An Chen had breakfast, Timo came out to eat.At this time, An Chen had already taken Guan Xiaotong to ride a bicycle.Cycling in the British countryside is a great pleasure, and the old-fashioned subway here is also quite tasteful.

Although it is an industrial city, Britain has already transformed itself, and the greenery is not bad now, at least it is not a smog day.It's a pity that there is no fog in summer. It is said that Britain is the city of fog. An Chen has always wanted to see Britain in the fog.It must be loomingly beautiful.

After riding a bicycle and driving Guan Xiaotong around 490 degrees talking and laughing along the way, the two returned to the manor again.Next, they will enter the urban area, so it is better to drive.Timo and the rest of the crew went there by car, while An Chen and Guan Xiaotong were in the same car.This feeling was weird, but it was not the first time An Chen had experienced it, so he suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

When they arrived at the first subway station, they got on the subway of this ancient city.The London Underground is the oldest underground railway in the world.The total length exceeds 410 kilometers. Construction began in 1856 and it was officially put into operation on January 1863, 1.Although this is not the first batch of subways, it is still full of retro meaning.The cabin is filled with the smell of wood, the windows can still be opened and closed, and the wooden seats look very bright.It is a grease-like color, showing its long age.

"It's a very special feeling. Although it is not as fast as our Chinese subway, it seems to be good. It has a relaxing feeling and doesn't feel very urgent."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "So this city is quite suitable for tourism. It's a pity that there are too many people in my capital. It's not that there are too many Chinese people. There are so many people, and the rest of the holidays are unified. No matter what the attraction is, it is unbearable."

"Yes, but it's rare to come out to relax. Shall we go swimming later? I see a lake to the north of us. The water in the lake is very clear and suitable for swimming."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly thought of Amazon. To be honest, he was really afraid of water.But he can't let his two girls go into the water, if he is on the shore, he will only be more worried.After thinking about it, An Chen said, "Okay, let's go buy swimsuits later, it just so happens that it's summer, so it's just right for swimming." It's much safer to wear glasses.

"System, can the scanning glasses work underwater?"

An Chen who asked this question was afraid of getting in the water. Although they looked like metal glasses, they looked like electronic products no matter what.

"The host, please feel free to use it. It can be used in several forms, such as flat goggles, swimming goggles, diving goggles and aviation goggles."


Halo, does this function still exist? But hearing this, An Chen was relieved.

As one of the world's four major cities, London has everything you need, not to mention swimsuits, you can buy guns and ammunition even if you want it, of course it still depends on your resident identity information or money.

Of course, this is not what they need.After buying the swimsuits, the two went to see Big Ben, the most famous building in London. By the way, they went to the London Eye to watch the Thames River and Tower Bridge.

Half a day had passed after playing these games, and it was almost dusk when they returned to the manor.The temperature difference between morning and evening in the UK is a bit big, I just heard An Chen say, "How about having a barbecue tonight?"

"Great, but will the two of us be a little monotonous?"

"It's more fun that way."

"Okay, then we'll have barbecue, but for three people."


"Because my best sister is here today. So please, chef."

An Chen knew what was going on when he heard the words, but An Chen felt great about this proposal.Therefore, An Chen couldn't help but jokingly said, "Don't you just want to eat and not work?"

"Are you willing to let such a weak woman like us do these things? And I am in charge of being beautiful and making money to support our family, so you are in charge of working and taking care of us."

After being speechless for a long time, An Chen couldn't help but said, "That's fine, but it's okay to help with the ingredients."

"This can be."

Just when An Chen started to prepare things for the barbecue, Guan Xiaotong walked over with Feng Timo, and introduced him, "You know my sister Timo too. How can you be surprised or surprised?"

Surprise, am I surprised because I ate too much? But An Chen showed a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Timo, long time no see. I didn't expect you and Xiaotong to be sisters. But since you are here, shouldn't you sing Song, raise the mood"

Feng Timo blushed when he heard the words, and secretly thought that sure enough, these people are all drama masters. .

Text 0477: Extreme speed reverse

Timo then smiled, hiding his embarrassment, thinking of the scene where the two met for the first time, and said, "Okay, I just met you and I gave it to you."

As the voice sounded, Timo looked at An Chen with deeper eyes, and the strong affection seemed to reveal his eyes, overflowing with affection.

The three of them are all outstanding talents, even if An Chen is not counted, the two daughters are quite able to bring the atmosphere together. In addition to An Chen's barbecue, the three of them had a great time this night.Of course, including the night is also very fun.

The UK tour was seven days in a row, with each day being different and sugar sprinkled every day until the recording was over.

And at this time, it's time to record the top speed again.

They don't need to go abroad for this stop, but will be carried out in Hefei, Anhui.That's why An Chen returned to China and changed planes to Hefei.When he arrived in Hefei, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and most of the people had gone back to their rooms to rest, including Huang Tingting, but the place where she rested was An Chen and Wang Likun's room.

Of course, this was made by An Chen. After all, it's good to relax before the game.

It was night, another passionate night was going on in An Chen's room.Of course, because of the competition the next day, the three of them were not too late. After one o'clock in the morning, the three of them fell asleep.

The next day, at dawn, the three of them joined Xu Yang Yuzhuo after dinner and went to the production plant of Jianghuai Automobile.I only heard C Wu say, "Welcome to the fifth stage of the fourth season of the race, now you need to get a frame number and a treasure box from here."

"At this station, you must gather all the four treasures of pen, ink, paper, and inkstone to reach the relay station. There are 140 Ruifeng s7 parked outside, and you need to find the corresponding vehicle before you can go to the next location. Next, you will follow the For the ranking of the previous stage, one group started every minute. The first place in the previous stage was still the team of An Chen and Wang Likun."

This time their advantage is not very obvious. One minute, if they walk slowly, they may arrive before the second group.But Wang Likun didn't urge her, but looked at An Chen lovingly.It seems that what he thinks is what it should be.

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