Hearing this, the Daijun who came over said, "Didn't you just receive the first wave of guests after you all finished eating?"

"Well, Brother Chen has a habit of hiding money from his own house, so we bought some food."

"Oh my god, you guys are so rambunctious."

After Daijun's words fell, An Chen said, "Brother Jun, I originally planned to ask you to bring some food back home, but when you said that, I suddenly felt a great pain in my heart. Otherwise, forget it."

Hearing this, Dai Jun hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Don't, don't, I was joking just now, but I didn't expect to have this kind of operation. I knew that I would also hide thousands of dollars from him. But are you full? If you’re not full, I can make some more for you.”

"Don't stop, Brother Jun. We're all full, and it's a waste of ingredients if you do it again."

Hearing what Li Xiaolu said, Dai Jun said in disbelief, "Don't lie to me, there is no one who cooks just enough to eat."

"Isn't it just enough to eat? It's because we are all full. Didn't you see that our stomachs are all bulging?"

At this moment, Dai Jun couldn't help complaining in his heart, I was so bored to pay attention to your stomach.

“is it delicious”

"Delicious to explode."

Hearing this, Dai Jun was unconvinced, and said, "I'll give you a taste of my cooking later, my cooking is also delicious."

Facing the challenge, An Chen said, "There is a chance." After saying this, An Chen turned to the riding trio and said, "Three, let's talk about the specifications of our meals first. We eat here, If you eat meals cooked by me, there are 8888 people a day, and the accommodation is free. If you eat meals cooked by our store manager, you only pay the accommodation fee, and the food is free.”

"8888 My God, are you stealing money?" Dai Jun said, and said to the three of them, "Go and live with us, our food is free."

Hearing what Dai Jun said, the three of them didn't say anything immediately, but one of the men said, "What's the difference?"

After all, people are curious, and it doesn't cost money to ask.

"Of course there is a difference. How can I say that I am also a chef at the state banquet level. Even if I come to make a show, it can't be too cheap. And they have all eaten my meals. You can ask them if they are worth it. Of course, you may I said, they are all inside of you, don’t believe me. But the three of you are here to travel like you, and they have already booked 8888 meals for one day, you can ask them. For our internal people, I priced them at 16888. "

Hearing what An Chen said, Mao Mao, who was the liveliest, spoke.

"Yeah, this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious thing. Not only is it delicious, but it also has artistic conception. This is really a food that can make people happy. You have seen the Chinese Xiaodangjia, and you will know it just like that food Makes people feel happy.”

"Is this too exaggerated?"

"Of course not, I was crying with happiness."

Because of Mao Mao's words, the three of them looked at each other for a while, but 8888 was too expensive.Although their car costs tens of thousands of yuan, they are still reluctant to use the car money for a meal.

The woman among the three couldn't help but said, "Then can we try eating a meal first, 8888 a day, 3000 a meal is okay, and we only need one person's meal."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Sorry, a meal is 6666, no discount. And only one person is allowed to eat, you can eat as much as you want. If you want to try the dishes, it's 666 per bite."

A 470 mouth 666, black, too dark.After the three of them looked at each other, they said to Dai Jun, "Why don't we go over there first and have a look."

"Okay, let's go first then."

Following Dai Jun's words, Wang Yuan did not give up and said, "Let's go together, let's see both sides."

Along the way, Wang Yuan talked about how nice the room was, and the food was well prepared. Although it might not be that delicious, it should not be worse than the average one.

At the same time, Li Xiaolu complained and said, "Xiaochen, your pricing and rules are too harsh. It's good to let them try it."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "I'm here for vacation, to enjoy life, not to be a cook. With fewer people, I can spend less effort and spend more time. And we earn The money is not that much, except for your credit, which will be included in the hotel operation. Think about it, you only need more than 20 yuan a day for a room. Now the income of a day is equal to [-] days for a room Income, what else do you say."

Body 0490: Pre-dinner dishes

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Xiaolu stopped talking, now An Chen is the trump card.If you offend the trump card, do you want to do it yourself in the future? It won't be too exhausting

"Okay, what you say is what you say, so what are we going to do now?"

"Of course it's the start of the concert, but in addition to dinner, I plan to have a barbecue. Remember to string sticks for me later, and we will go to the top of the mountain to watch the stars at night."

"Barbecue, it's great, I love this, and I'll make two cans of beer, it's super exciting."

Hearing what Jing Tian said, An Chen smiled.Then he said, "Don't worry, the beer is full. In addition, the barbecue money is also included in your meal price, and you will not be charged."


When An Chen first talked about the barbecue, the three Mao Mao girls were still wondering if they would have their share of the night.How could they be unhappy when they heard An Chen say that?

"Okay, let's play, I'm going to marinate the ingredients first. Delicious barbecue is marinated"

"Okay, you can go quickly, I can just leave it to me to hod the audience."

While An Chen was busy, another guest came.An Chen who heard the voice just looked around, and then prepared again, without caring about what was going on ahead.

Not long after, it seemed that someone was coming.It seems that there are quite a few people.At this time, An Chen had finished marinating all the ingredients, so he also washed his hands and came out.

When An Chen came out, Zhao Yingjun said, "Then ask, are you going to eat with us?"

"That must be eaten."

Hearing this, Zhao Yingjun said with some embarrassment, "I'm very embarrassed to tell you that we have two standards for meals. One is that I cook, and then it is free. The other is our state banquet level big The kitchen cooks, but it costs 8888 people. Of course, this is a day’s meal fee, and the room fee will be free.”

At this moment, Chen Jinhong, who is a businessman, said, "Don't lie to me at the state banquet level, that kind of chef is hard to hire."

Hearing this, An Chen said confidently: "Don't worry, what I made is absolutely beyond your imagination."

Hearing An Chen's interface, Chen Jinhong looked at An Chen, and said amusedly, "I have eaten meals cooked by state-level chefs, you can't fool me."

Chen Jinhong is busy with business every day, so she doesn't know who An Chen is, but her wife does.As a stay-at-home girl who only takes care of children, her biggest hobby is watching TV.

"Honey, it might be true. This is An Chen. He has competed with many chefs and is very good."

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