Hearing what his wife said, Chen Jinhong was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Okay, then let's try the state banquet."

Hearing what Chen Jinhong said, An Chen also laughed, and then said, "8888 for adults, 6666 for children, and how many people can live in the house for free. Can you please ask about the situation of the two of you? I think they rarely come out It looks like you haven't traveled together for a long time?"

At this moment, Chen Jinhong asked in surprise, "How did you see that?"

"Because you are not very curious about everything, it can be seen that you often stay in hotels. As for your wife, she seems to be very curious about hotels. She will visit them from time to time to see if there are any differences from home or special places."

"I have to say that your eyesight is very good. We haven't traveled together for ten years. So what is the meaning of your question?"

"Because I felt something, I plan to give you a special dish."

"oh what"

"You'll know then."

Hearing this, Chen Jinhong stopped talking, but said, "Then I am looking forward to your cooking."

The dish An Chen was going to cook was specially made for the two of them, and it was a pre-dinner dish called Chuxin.The reason why it is called a pre-dinner dish is because this delicacy is a little bit hurtful, and it needs to be filled with follow-up happiness.

Looking at the sky, An Chen put the marinated ingredients on the table in front of several people, and said, "Wang Yuan, let's play with the children, and the rest of you will skewer. Vegetarian dishes must be skewered first, and the meat dishes must be tasty." .”

After An Chen finished speaking, he entered the kitchen again. It was getting late, and there was still a pre-dinner dish to prepare.More than half an hour later, An Chen came to Chen Jinhong and his wife with a plate of special pastries, and said, "Try it, I made it for you."

"Does this have a name?"

Following Chen Jinhong's questioning, An Chen said, "If you have tasted Li Zhaohao, you will naturally know its name."

Hearing this, the curious couple took a sip, but they were stunned by this one sip.The women's faces seemed to be filled with happiness and bitterness, while the men's faces showed bewilderment and guilt.

Over 10 years later, everything seems to have changed.The original passion is gone, and the original love has also become a family relationship.There are too many people around him now, but doesn't she make his heart move as much as when he did? Chen Jinhong looked at his wife, and saw the look in her eyes.

Neither of them spoke, and they ate the pastries one bite at a time, as if a little bit of memory had been awakened.When the pastry was finished, the woman said again, "Can you tell us its name?"

Text 0491: A Surprise for Yuanyuan

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Don't you already have the answer in your heart? Its name is Chuxin. Don't lose the original intention of Chuxin."

Hearing this, Chen Jinhong said, "The name is very good, just like its name."

Everyone at dinner was still shocked by An Chen's cooking skills, but this time, there was only happiness.The happiness of being filled with delicious food, the happiness of being filled in the heart, the happiness of finding memories.

When the meal was finished, Chen Jinhong said, "This is really far beyond the level of a state banquet master. If I can describe it in one word, it would be the God of Cookery."

After Chen Jinhong's words fell, several people resonated, and An Chen also said at this time, "Everyone is congratulated, the meal is already eaten, but it's still a bit early to go up the mountain, let's have a pool party first."

However, there was an unforeseen situation, and just when they were about to start, it rained.Seeing this, the three girls were extremely disappointed, and said, "Is this the end of our barbecue and pool party 487?"

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly laughed, and said, "You know, I really like to enjoy the scenery on rainy days. Although this weather is not suitable for going out, it is still possible to go out on the roof. If you are not afraid of the rain, shall we have a rainy night party?" "

Hearing this, the three girls exploded in an instant, youth is about wanton squandering.What is sick, I will think about tomorrow's things tomorrow, and they spent a lot of money, okay? Although it is worth the money, who doesn't want more shows

On the contrary, the parents of the two children were a little worried about their children, and said, "Then we won't participate, you just have to have fun."

"Dad, do I want to play? I want to play."

"Yeah, Dad, it's rare to come out once, let us play."

After hearing the desire of the two children, Chen Jinhong hesitated, secretly thinking that An Chen would really give him a problem.

Just when Chen Jinhong was a little embarrassed, An Chen said, "It's okay, I'll just prepare a bowl of ginger soup for them, they won't get sick."

Is that so? Chen Jinhong was still convinced by An Chen, so he said, "Please."

"You're welcome." After saying this, An Chen said to Wang Ziru and the three men, "Zi Ru, you and Brother Yingjun, go get the sun umbrella, and Wang Yuan help me get the barbecue grill. Jing Tian, ​​you and Xiaolu go get it." Have a meal."

"Then we, we, we can also help."

Looking at the diligent three girls, An Chen said, "Then you all go serve the dishes together."


The bonfire party started soon, but the people from Building B did not come, maybe it was because of the rain, or other reasons.

Holding a sun umbrella, eating barbecue, drinking wine, and singing songs in the rain, who said that rainy days can’t be fun

It was night, and they kept making noise until almost 12 o'clock before going to bed.Of course, the main reason why they played so late was because they didn't work much.Let's just say, An Chen even bought the dishes, so they were in charge of picking up the guests.

The next morning, An Chen woke up very early. After making breakfast, she waited for Yuanyuan, who had already agreed.Yuanyuan is the tallest girl among the three girls, and neither she nor Mao Mao has a date.Therefore, in order to compensate them, An Chen specially prepared a special program for Yuanyuan and Maomao.

Although it was morning, Yuanyuan still wore a long skirt, because it could better set off her figure.

"An Chen, what are we going to do now?"

An Chen looked at the bicycle at the door, and said, "Let's go for a ride, let's go."

At this moment, Yuanyuan was stunned, and then said, "It's the skirt I'm wearing."

"Is it cold?"

"It's okay." Yuanyuan was a little confused, but returned like this.

"That's good, you sit on the bar in my arms, are you willing?"

At this moment, Yuanyuan finally understood the meaning of An Chen's words.

"I am willing." At this moment, Yuanyuan couldn't wait to say these words.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled, then stepped over the car railing, and said, "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

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