When the girl named Yuanyuan sat in the car, An Chen kicked the car.Feeling the slow speed, Yuanyuan asked curiously, "Why don't we ride motorcycles? I see there are motorcycles there."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Of course it's to breathe fresh air, and such a beautiful scenery, shouldn't you appreciate it? I'm in charge of pedaling, and you are in charge of watching the scenery, isn't it good?"

Hearing An Chen's words, Yuanyuan looked around, then smiled, and said, "Yes, the scenery here is really nice, especially this bamboo forest, with the fragrance of bamboo, it's simply amazing. People can’t stop.”

"Let's go. Although it may be late to reach the top of the mountain by bike, the lake is not far away."

"Are we going to the lake?"


An Chen rode very slowly. When the two arrived at the lake, it was already an hour later. The lake was still the same lake, and the blue water was crystal clear.But there are dozens of colorful hydrogen balloons on the shore.

"Why are there so many balloons? Is it someone asking for a marriage or taking wedding photos?"



"You'll know in a while, let's go and take pictures first."


Text 0492: The best taste in the world is joy

Yuanyuan didn't expect that An Chen would take intimate photos with her. Just looking at the photos, some people might think they are a couple.At this moment, An Chen said, "Do you want to know what those balloons are for?"

"It's okay, but it seems that no one has come yet."

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then said with a smile, "Come with me and you'll find out."

When the two came to the balloons, An Chen said, "Choose one."

She was taken aback by choosing a Yuanyuan, a little confused, but obediently chose a balloon.

"That's it."

An Chen heard the words and cut the balloon's string.After the rope was cut, the balloon slowly lifted into the air, but when it reached more than ten meters, the balloon suddenly exploded.

At this moment, strips of white paper were seen falling from the balloon, forming strips of white ribbons.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Aren't you curious about what those notes are?"

Yuanyuan thought that these were all, but she didn't expect that there was another mystery in the note, so she took a note that just happened to float with curiosity.I saw that there are many kinds of scenery written on it, and one of the most beautiful scenes is to accompany Yuanyuan to do the scenery.

At this moment, Yuanyuan covered her mouth instantly, she looked very excited, her eyes were moist.But she asked curiously, "Is every note different?"

The corners of An Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he said helplessly, "Sister, I thought of all this, and I wrote and copied all the words, how could it be possible that there are so many of the same? But although every balloon is different, But the contents of the balloons are the same."

There are dozens of balloons here, even if there is a sentence in one, it is really hard work.Hearing this, Yuanyuan couldn't help but said, "Can I let them fly?"

"Of course, this book is for you."

Hearing this, Yuanyuan couldn't help throwing herself into An Chen's arms, and murmured, "Thank you, this is the best trip I've ever experienced. Thank you, thank you for keeping me warm."

"Do you like it? You like it is the greatest affirmation for me."

"Thank you, love it. Very, very much."

"That's good."

An Chen thought the conversation was over, but Yuanyuan suddenly said, "Well, can I take these notes home?"

Looking at Yuanyuan eyes expectantly, An Chen naturally said, "Okay, if you like you, just take one back."

"Yhe, you are so kind. An Chen, you are such a good person."

At this moment, An Chen froze.Paralyzed, have you been issued a good person card like this?

"Okay, you'd better go and pick up your note. I ordered someone to clean it. If you don't pick it up again, it will be gone when the cleaner comes."

At this moment, Yuanyuan suddenly pushed An Chen away and shouted, "Don't touch my note."

Before this scene, no one would have thought that such a cute girl would do such a thing.

An hour later, the two returned to the hotel again. At this time, people were already getting up one after another.Seeing An Chen, Li Xiaolu said first, "Xiaochen, let's cook, I'm hungry."

At this moment, An Chen was taken aback, and said, "You haven't eaten yet? The food is in the kitchen. It's already ready, and I left a note."

"Uh, I didn't see it, is it ready? I'll go serve the meal."

Although Li Xiaolu is active, everyone is very active. When it comes to food, no one is slow.

ask for flowers

"Okay, take it away and eat."

Speaking of which, An Chen took out a small plate from the side and started eating.There was a stack of side dishes on the plate and a steamed bun in his hand, so An Chen started to eat like this.

Well, Jing Tian, ​​who was serving the dishes, saw An Chen's breakfast, and couldn't help but asked in puzzlement, "Are you going to eat this? Isn't it too monotonous? You obviously cooked a lot of delicious food."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "You don't understand. Only after you have tasted all kinds of delicacies, do you realize that the best taste in the world is pure joy."

Jing Tian shrugged his shoulders, expressing his incomprehension.But she was ready to start eating with her own bowl.But Jing Tian, ​​who was passing by An Chen's side, suddenly had a thought, and kept his mind on it, and then when An Chen was unprepared, he suddenly took a bite of the side dish.

When she started chewing, she showed a look that was so true.The fragrant bamboo flavor, the crispy bamboo shoots with the crunchy cabbage, combined with the hot and sour taste, this dish is so appetizing.The dish made by An Chen doesn't have any artistic conception, it's just the ultimate taste, but Jing Tian just thinks it's so different.

But it seems that Jing Tian also thinks that An Chen's cooking is not the best, so she went to their dinner table anyway.At this time, An Chen seemed to twitch the corner of his mouth.He seemed to have expected the result, silently watching while eating, waiting for Jing Tian's arrival.

Jing Tian felt that he was not well at this time, obviously he was still touched, obviously the same extreme deliciousness, but why his mind was full of the taste of that dish of dishes? Is the best taste in the world really Qinghuan? Overshadowed by the side dish

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