Jing Tian hesitated for a moment, then took a steamed bun and walked up to An Chen. .

Text 0493: Are you afraid of bungee jumping?

Seeing Jing Tian approaching, An Chen pushed half a plate of side dishes over, and then said, "You eat, I'm full."

Jing Tian was not polite to An Chen, but after eating two mouthfuls, he said "why?"

An Chen knew what Jing Tian was asking, so he said, "When people eat, they eat the color and aroma first, and then the mood, because most of the mood is self-contained, and people can't make it more prominent than the food itself. However, the dishes I cook have already made the artistic conception greater than the value of the dishes themselves. This is a kind of progress, but it is also a kind of backwardness. Just like the principle of simplicity, simplicity becomes complex, and complex becomes simple, it’s as simple as that. "

"Well, the truth is really too profound. Forget it, anyway, I will eat whatever you eat in the future."

Hearing this, An Chen said in Jing Tian's ear with a slight tease, "I haven't received yesterday's kiss, and today's kiss, let's go together."

At this moment, Jing Tian blushed, and then said softly, "I'll talk about it later after I finish brushing my teeth."

Seeing this, An Chen stopped urging her and went directly to arrange the next itinerary.When he finished the call, he happened to see Jing Tian coming out of the room.An Chen smiled when he saw this, then opened a guest room and pulled Jing Tian in.

There are no cameras in the rooms, so that's the best part.The two of them went in for an hour before coming out, only to hear An Chen proudly say, "It's only counted once, it seems that the second time will have to find another time."

At this moment, Jing Tian touched some red and swollen lips, secretly said Madan.

She didn't expect that a kiss could be ng several times, and it was all her own problem.A kiss actually lasted for more than an hour, what will happen next? Is my mouth going to be swollen for many days in the future? The most important thing is this ng. She didn't expect that sentence to be mysterious. Qualification is a must have a second time.This seems to be a bit of a loss.

When Jing Tian packed up and went out, he saw that other people were getting ready.Today, An Chen chartered a cruise ship to swim in the lake, where she can also go fishing and rowing.Of course, you can swim if you like.

An Chen has already seen it, and there is no particularly dangerous creature here. Although there are fish, there are no large species with a length of more than three meters, and normal fish will not attack bigger than themselves, or with themselves. About the size of the food.Unless the creature is dead, or a murderous fish.

When everyone arrived at the pier, An Chen said, "Okay, everyone can take a boat tour on the lake. If you like, you can also swim, fish, and row a boat. I have already asked people to prepare the fishing equipment, including bait. There are swimming rings, life jackets, wound medicine, etc. For rowing boats, there are boats over there. I have already negotiated the price, and I will pay later. Okay, everyone go play now, and I will come to you in an hour' .”

An Chen prepared enough for them and had enough fun, but he didn't plan to board the boat himself because he had other things to do.

"Maomao follow me."

"Well, Xiaochen, aren't you coming?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled at Li Xiaolu, and said, "No, I will take her there. Of course, if you want to come and play, I welcome you too."

The next moment, everyone followed An Chen's finger to see what he said.The next moment, several people shook their heads like rattles, only Wang Yuan hesitated slightly.

There is a high platform at the place An Chen pointed out, which is more than 30 meters high, and it looks like 50 meters, which is as high as a 156-story building.That place is none other than one of the ultimate challenges of longing for adrenaline, bungee jumping.Experience man's greatest fears and highest dreams.

"Brother Chen, can I try?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, An Chen replied, "Of course, if you want to dance, you can come together."

At this moment, Maomao said, "But I don't really want to dance, thinking about it makes my legs go weak."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "If you're willing to try, I'll dance with you in my arms. There will also be a special camera for you as a souvenir. I believe it will be a good souvenir."

Hearing what An Chen said, Maomao hesitated.After thinking about it, Maomao said, "An Chen, are you hugging me to dance? I will hug me very tightly and ambiguously. Well, I'm still really scared."

This girl is so sincere, An Chen felt that she was about to be amused.But he still couldn't help smiling, and said seriously, "Of course I'll dance with you in my arms. Of course, if you're really scared, you can choose not to participate. I hope you won't regret it."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yuanyuan boarded the boat and hurriedly shouted, "Moomao, please agree, I promise you a worthwhile trip. If you don't want it, you can let me."

Hearing the support from his friends, Maomao finally settled down and said, "Come as soon as you come, anyway, with you holding me, we will die together."

"If you think too much, you want to die, but I don't want to die yet. There are so many beautiful ladies waiting for me."

At the same time, the lady girl also asked about her best friend, and said, "Yuanyuan, why do you say that? I don't know what happened."

Text 0494: Bungee jumping overboard

What happened? Of course it happened, but Yuanyuan didn't want to say it. In her opinion, it was her and An Chen's secret.

Therefore, Yuanyuan showed a meaningful smile, and said, "You will find out after a while."

Is that so? Although Yuanyuan didn't say anything, Qiqi, who was a sister, didn't say anything more.

In the end, Wang Yuan got off the boat and An Chen left. After more than half an hour, everyone came to a place not close to the shore, and the boat stopped.Started to drift with the current, floating smoothly on the lake.

At this moment, the three of Wang Yuan stood on the bungee jumping bridge and shouted loudly.Although the distance between the two points is more than [-] meters, there is no special problem because of the condescending height.

When everyone's attention was attracted, An Chen and Maomao had already stood face to face and tied the rope.An Chen looked at the nervous and frightened Mao Mao, and showed a bewildered smile. With the power to calm the mind, he said, "Trust me, don't be afraid, I will accompany you. With me, you will not be afraid anymore, see Look into my eyes, you are the best."

Slowly, Maomao calmed down, at this moment, her heart was no longer hesitating, she was no longer nervous, she didn't know what was going on, but undoubtedly she was not so nervous anymore.But she still said, "An Chen, you have to hold me tight."

"Well, hold tight."

When An Chen spoke, he opened his arms generously, then hugged Mao Mao into his arms, and then said, "Hands passed under my armpit and hugged my shoulder."

After Mao Mao was done, An Chen hugged Mao Mao's head, then gently pressed her forehead against Mao Mao's head, and leaned back holding Mao Mao.

The air flow passed by and rang from the ears.While An Chen was enjoying this special feeling, Wang Yuan's exclamation came from beside his ear.At this moment, An Chen's heart tightened, and he quickly adjusted his posture.Then, a few seconds later, there was a "plop".

The impact with the water made An Chen feel bad all over.But simply because of his timely adjustment, he didn't suffer any harm.The water quickly submerged the two of them. At this moment, Mao Mao was knocked out of the state instantly, and he was extremely flustered.As she struggled, mouthfuls of water were poured into her. At the same time, An Chen didn't show any intention of rescue, but quickly untied the two in the water.

Seeing this scene of falling into the water, everyone was stunned, including those who were waiting below to prepare for the rescue.The next moment, the person who responded quickly reacted.In the next second, he jumped into the lake and shouted, "Hurry up and row over here."

After he finished speaking, he already jumped into the water.Not only the boatman was awakened by the man's yell, but also other people in the distance.Jing Tian was the first to shout anxiously, "Come over here, save someone."

At this moment, Jing Tian was so anxious that she almost cried.However, the next moment, her anxious bddb came to an abrupt end.At this moment, An Chen grabbed Maomao and floated out of the water. At this moment, Maomao seemed to have fainted and did not struggle, but An Chen was fine and had nothing to do, and swam towards the corresponding boat with Maomao on his back.

The reunion was only more than ten meters away, so An Chen quickly got Maomao onto the boat.An Chen wasn't very worried about Maomao's life or death.With this kind of drowning, it is very difficult to die under his master-level genius doctor skills.

After boarding the boat, An Chen took Maomao's pulse first, and after looking into Maomao's eyes, his hands started to move.With the help of his martial god ability, and following An Chen's finger movements, Mao Mao spit out the lake water he swallowed while breathing.

To be honest, if An Chen was a beautiful woman, she would have used artificial respiration.But for Maomao, a non-mainstream girl, An Chen was really indifferent.

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