"Abolish your brother, this is my request. I hope that from now on, he will not have the ability to harm girls again."

Hearing this, Kajie breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect it to be because of that useless brother.If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have lost a lot of money, and I would rub chrysanthemums for him every time.Even if An Chen didn't say anything, he would break his brother's legs to make him happy.Just, the fifth limb

"Can't it be changed? I can break his limbs and compensate you 100 as compensation."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't even reply, but shook her lightly.

Seeing this, Kajie felt ruthless, and shouted at a person holding an ak, "Kun Sai, break Kapa's five limbs."

Capa didn't faint. Although the pain was dying, he was still awake.Hearing the conversation between the two, at this moment, he was trembling all over, and was scared to pee.

But the fifth limb, you can’t lose it if you kill it, I just heard him shouting tremblingly, “Brother, don’t, I’m your younger brother. Help, help me.”

"You still have the face to say, Kun Sai, do it."

Text 0518: Obviously drunk

The Kunsai people have come to Capa's side.Hearing this, he raised the AK in his hand, and after hitting burst mode, five "bang bang" gunshots accompanied by screams rang out.

Seeing this, Kajie said to An Chen, "Are you satisfied?"

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then said, "Xingyue, let's go."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyue hurriedly stood out from the crowd, and then walked carefully to An Chen's side.At this moment, Kajie didn't have any accidents, and his younger brother knew it himself.It seems that this is because this woman is really good-looking.

And the reason why he called out the last hole card was not to counterbalance An Chen, but to threaten An Chen, so it went smoothly.

After the two left, Kajie looked at Kapa, ​​and then said to Kun Sai, "Kun Sai, send everyone to Lao Chen, and pay more for medical expenses."

"Okay, it's just that your brother's injury may not be cured by Lao Chen."

Hearing this, Kajie sighed, and then said angrily, "It's good that everyone can live, and the rest depends on fate."

When Kun Sai was going to do something, Kajie glanced at the direction of the gate, turned and left.He dared not take revenge at all.

Let's talk about An Chen and Zhang Xingyue at this time.After the two came out, Zhang Xingyue was extremely excited, chatting non-stop, as if seeing a fan of his idol.But the two were not far from the hotel, so they arrived soon.When An Chen sent Zhang Xingyue to the door of the room, Zhang Xingyue suddenly slumped on An Chen's shoulder, and then whispered to himself, "I'm so dizzy. I might be drunk. I knew I wouldn't drink so much."

A moment ago, he opened the door normally, but he pretended to be drunk when he opened the door. This is no one, but An Chen curled his mouth and did not refuse.Although the beautiful woman An Chen would not deliberately pursue her anymore, he still would not refuse the beautiful woman who came to her door.

The next moment, An Chen picked up Zhang Xingyue in a princess's arms, and then entered her room.

Early the next morning, a group of people boarded a flight back to the city.No one wants to stop in Vietnam, let alone have a job.An Chen was caught between Huang Tingting and Wang Likun, Zhang Xingyue didn't join in the fun.This stage is the knockout stage, and I am afraid that we will have to make another appointment to see you later.

At dinner time, An Chen finally returned to the youth hostel again, but he was told that he was no longer in building a but in building b when he came back.What the hell is this three days away? What happened? The most important thing is that the person warming the bed is still there, right? Thinking about the money he earned in Building A, An Chen suddenly felt that life was so hopeless.

Helpless, An Chen had no choice but to go to Building B, even the luggage was moved there.But when An Chen arrived at Building B, he heard good news.

There are quite a few houses in building b, and after they separated, he actually received a single double bed room.

"Hello, I'm back, do you miss me?"

Just seeing An Chen, Jing Tian who was a little happy heard the words and said, "I don't want your people, I miss your cooking even more. Oh, I can't think about it, my mouth is watering when I think about it."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Then I'll cook two dishes today, it's a happy housewarming."

"Really that's great."

Jing Tian couldn't help being unhappy, it had been too long since she had eaten An Chen's meal, and now she drools just thinking of the taste.

"Whatever you want to cook is almost ready now."

So, then we can only do simple and convenient.After thinking about it, An Chen said, "Then let's have two home-cooked stir-fries. Sweet and sour pork, home-cooked stir-fried pork. If you have something you want to eat, you can tell me."

ask for flowers

"Okay, whatever, I'll eat whatever you do."

As An Chen was pushed into the kitchen by Jing Tian, ​​An Chen said, "Is Teacher Qiu ready? Come and help me when you're done."

"Alright..." Di Qianyi was very happy to help An Chen.

An Chen walked to the kitchen and said, "Give me two pieces of our tenderloin, and one piece of lard."

The next moment, An Chen began to adjust the ingredients, such as the powder for fried tenderloin, such as sweet and sour sauce, such as green onions and peppers, and so on.Because it was just a home-cooked stir-fry, An Chen's cooking speed was very fast. It took less than 10 minutes from cooking to finishing.

At this moment, Wang Yuan walked in, and he was stunned for a second, and then he said, "Brother Chen, are you cooking? My God, I am so happy. Well, are there any dishes? If there are no more, I will call them." time to eat."

Seeing Wang Yuan's excited expression, An Chen smiled and said, "I'm gone. If Teacher Qiu didn't want to add anything, it should be gone."

Hearing this, Teacher Qiu said, "Just fry another vegetable."

After Wang Yuan heard the words and nodded, he said, "Okay, then I'll get someone to eat." After Wang Yuan finished speaking, he had already run out, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to eat something.

Within a few minutes, everyone arrived one after another. After everyone was seated, Wang Yuan said, "Grandpa and grandma are blessed. Today, our chef, Brother An, made two dishes. You have to try them well. In this way, I will I'll grab some food for you, so you don't have to worry about not being able to grab it later."

Body 0519: Late Night Traveler

At this moment, the old couple were bluffed, and saw the old man staring at Wang Yuan, and said, "Do you all need to grab your food?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan hurriedly explained, "No, but Brother An Chen's dishes are definitely the best. If this table is all cooked by Brother An Chen, I won't say anything. But if there are only two dishes, I will definitely cook them right away." It's bottomed out. So give the two old people some pinch first."

Hearing this, the old man smiled, and then said movedly, "Yuan Yuan is really a good boy."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan did not refute, but looked at the other people who were staring at him and said, "As our first meal after moving, let's roll up our sleeves and start grabbing "[-]"."

Following Wang Yuan's order, Jing Tian, ​​who had been waiting for the battle, immediately stretched out his chopsticks.

It's delicious, and this one is delicious too, no more, hurry up, or there will be no more.At this moment, several other people moved their chopsticks quickly, and both Zhao Yingjun and Wang Ziru stood up.The two old men looked dumbfounded by this posture.

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