An Chen didn't try to grab it, but took Jing Tian's clam steamed egg and started to taste it.Although Jing Tian poured too much soy sauce.But as long as you let the soy sauce spread out evenly after you break it, it's actually okay.

At the same time, after the old man and his wife were dumbfounded, they glanced at the full Xiaodie beside them, and picked up their chopsticks.In the next second, their eyes lit up and they glanced at each other.The next moment it seemed that the past memories were burning, and at this moment they seemed to have returned to that era of love.The two looked at each other affectionately in their eyes, as if they had thought of something beautiful.

"Thank you, this is really a miraculous dish, I seem to have seen our past. Thank you, really thank you, the name of the chef god really lives up."

"The old man is polite, you just appreciate it."

After a meal, the host and guest had a good time, and after dinner, the old couple went back to rest.At the same time, Wang Yuan said, "Brother Chen is not sleepy, if not, let's go to Building A for a walk."

Hearing Wang Yuan's question, An Chen said, "Let's go, my body, not to mention the fatigue from the journey, it's not very difficult to survive for three days."

"That's good. Let's go and have a look. I'm really not used to moving on the first day. I miss that place a bit."

Following Wang Yuan's words, everyone walked out of Building B one after another. Not long after they walked, they saw two people approaching each other.Before approaching, I heard the Daijun shout, "We are here to welcome you."

Seeing everyone's jokes, An Chen just smiled, and then came to building a.

Building a, everyone is sitting in the living room, and they smiled happily when they saw them come in.Then Li Xiaolu said, "Everyone sit down, if you have anything to say, sit down and talk."

After everyone sat down, Li Jing spoke first, telling about the embarrassing thing that happened today.Finally asked, "Are you all awkward today?"

Hearing this, An Chen shook his head. After all, he just came back and didn't know what was going on.As for the feeling of parting, don't be ridiculous, just next door, is it that exaggerated? An Chen doesn't understand at all.Especially when everyone was crying while talking, and Li Jing actually said, "Only Wang Yuan and An Chen didn't cry."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yuan hurriedly explained, "I'm holding back, I'm holding back."

An Chen smiled and said, "I think it's okay. Anyway, it's next door, so there's no difference. If I want to swim, I'll come back. If I want to bask in the sun, I'll be in Building B. If I want to get together, everyone will have a party. So what are you sad about?"

Hearing this, Dai Jun also said, "Yeah, everyone lives not far away, whoever thinks about who, just go and have a look."

At this moment, An Chen suddenly looked at Li Xiaolu, and said hesitantly, "Xiaolu, you see I earned so much for Building A, I'm leaving, can you give me some labor fees?"

At this moment, all the atmosphere of parting was swept away by An Chen.After Li Xiaolu was surprised for a long time, he said angrily, "That's a good idea, why don't you come to Building A and we are very rich? There are still 9 guests staying today."

Hearing what Li Xiaolu said, Jing Tian said anxiously, "Sister Xiaolu, don't bring such a snatcher."

After Jing Tian finished speaking, An Chen opened his mouth and said, "Sister Xiaolu, if I didn't say that there are 9 people in the house, I might consider it, but I don't think about it at all now. It's great that I live in Building B. I sleep alone in a big bed room, and I feel good died."

At this moment, when he was about to refute Li Xiaolu's words, he couldn't say anything. This reason is simply impeccable.

As everyone chatted, time passed quickly without knowing it. At this moment, the sound of new orders suddenly sounded.It was already 1030 in the evening, and everyone was a little confused for a while.

Just when everyone's expressions were different, An Chen suddenly said, "How many rooms do you guys have, Deer?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu said helplessly, "If everyone squeezes together, two rooms will be free."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Okay, if there are more than four people from the other party, we will let them live at our side."

There is nothing to earn, and there is nothing to regret, so Li Xiaolu readily agreed.

s Please support the new book, the title is infinite vr starting from zero ISBN 472004, you can search for the male god whose author name is Cai Timo.The new book is begging for support at five o'clock a day.

Text 0520: Who should I call?

When An Chen saw that there were five people coming from the other party, An Chen didn't wait for others to speak, and said first, "It seems that you can only live on our side, and there are at most two rooms over there, unless one of you is willing." Make the floor. In our case, there are just three rooms left."

Hearing what An Chen said, the other party immediately said, "Then stay here, Wenwen, go and check in."


At this moment, Guo Jinqi said, "Well, since you all love Shenwu 3, then I will give you a Shenwu 3 doll."

Although a peripheral doll is not cheap, it is certainly not expensive.The most important thing is that they don't spend money anyway.

After greeting this group of people back to their room, An Chen and the others took a photo and went to rest.Of course, An Chen stayed in Jing Tian's room.

At 13:3, there are still [-] women left in Building B, Di Qianyi, Cheng Xiaoyue and Jing Tian.Di Qianyi shares a room with Cheng Xiaoyue, while Jing Tian shares a room by herself.

It was night, Jing Tian passed out three times, and the next day she walked a bit awkwardly.Finally, she called An Chen aside early in the morning, and said in a low voice, "Well, do I have any other sisters who are not busy? I can't handle it anymore, can you call me one?"

Seeing Jing Tian's tangled and embarrassed expression, An Chen was amused.Then he said, "You have quite a lot of sisters, most of them are in the circle. Liu Shishi, Yang Mi, Di Lieba, Tang Yixin, Wang Likun, Jiang Shuying, Guan Xiaotong, Yu Feihong, which one do you want to be called?"

At this moment, Jing Tian was a little speechless. Although she knew that An Chen would have quite a few women, she didn't expect that there were so many people in the circle.But Jing Tian didn't care about this, but said, "Whatever, call whoever is not busy, as long as you call one."

An Chen shrugged, and then asked a question in the group.An Chen thought that many people would want to come, but these women didn't have time, and the only one who had time was Yu Feihong who was not in the group.But Yu Feihong didn't like doing variety shows, she just let An Chen watch her when she was free.

When things came to this, An Chen felt a little helpless.Suddenly, he suddenly thought of a person, a woman who was very ambiguous between the two of them, but he had never eaten.

After thinking about it, An Chen still called her and asked, "Do you have time?"

A woman's crisp and pleasant voice came from the phone and said, "Hey, why did you remember to call me? Is there anything I need to help you just say it."

Hearing this, An Chen's face darkened, Ma Dan can only look for you if he wants your help, but he suddenly thought that this seems to be the case.Therefore, for a while, he was a little embarrassed and ashamed.

"Will you help me? If you don't help me, I'll hang up."

"Don't, don't, what are you in a hurry for? When will I say I can't help you anymore. Tell me, what's the matter?" At this moment, Gu Li Naya on the phone was a little anxious, and hurriedly agreed to An Chen's matter.

Hearing that Gu Li Naya agreed without the slightest hesitation, An Chen asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that I will sell you or make you do something you don't want?"

At this moment, Gulina smiled, and then said, "No, you are not that kind of person. If that is the case, it can only prove that I am blind. Well, tell me what you want me to do for you."

An Chen suddenly laughed when he heard the words, and said with a little evil intention, "Don't think that you know me better, that's the kind of person I am."

At this moment, Gulina was stunned for a moment, and then felt a tingling pain in her heart. It took a long time before she said, "Tell me, what, if I can do it." All strength was taken away.Tears overflowed her eyes unknowingly, but she didn't realize it.

At this moment, An Chen also said what he wanted her to do.

"If you have time, leave today and come to Mogan Mountain in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. As for what to do, how can I say I want to sleep with you, of course, not just you, but also a woman of mine. If you can If you accept it, come, if you can’t accept it, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

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