At this moment, Gu Lina on the other side of the phone was stunned. Is this something I don’t want to do? 503 If it’s with someone else, I definitely can’t accept it, but with you, this is something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time So as for not being alone, Gu Li Naya had expected it a long time ago, and there was no surprise at all.

"Just bully me. I just made my heart hurt to death. Forget it, I'm going to book a plane ticket. If you go back on your word, you will die."

After Gu Li Naya hung up the phone, Jing Tian asked gossipingly, "Who is this person? Why do you feel that your words don't sound like a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "I used to like a girl who has been rejecting her all the time. Isn't it because I can't find anyone, and I plan to bring you here as a companion."

At this moment, Jing Tian said in disbelief, "You are fake, right? You also have times when you reject people. Is it because this woman is not good-looking? Or you should change to another one. If it is not good-looking, I may not be able to accept it. "

Hearing this, An Chen asked strangely, "Is there anything you can't accept and it's not for you."

Text 0521: Chen Chichi is here

When Jing Tian heard An Chen's words, he took it for granted and said, "After all, we want to be together. If she looks ugly, it will also affect my quality, okay?"

Could Na Ya be ugly?

"Thinking about you too much, she is definitely one of the top and beautiful people."

While the two were talking, the sound of a loudspeaker came over.Hearing the voice, Jing Tian asked in a daze, "What's going on?"

"Let's go and see."

"it is good."

When they arrived, Wang Yuan was already there.Seeing Wang Yuan here, An Chen asked, "Yuan, is this a guest?"

"Yes, they said they were looking for big differences."

Hearing this, An Chen frowned.Who is Da Qi going to live with tonight? But An Chen didn't say anything, anyway, he was spending the night in Jing Tian's room.

"Okay, let's go then."

At this moment, Wang Yuan said again, "By the way, I also found a guest today."

At this moment, An Chen was taken aback, why did he reply today, "Jing Tian also found one just now, who did you find?"

"Wow, what a coincidence, is our room still enough?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "If the man or woman you are looking for is a man, let him live in my room with this friend, and I will live in a tent. To be honest, I still like living in a tent."

Hearing the words, Wang Yuan said with some embarrassment, "Brother Chen, why don't I live in a tent and you live in my room."

"Don't make trouble, you don't know anything about camping, and you have to live in a tent. And people who live in tents should be alert, do you think you can sleep well〃"

At this moment, Wang Yuan didn't seem to understand what An Chen meant, and said in a daze, "It's pretty good."

"If it's good, it's even worse. It's safer to live in people who sleep lightly."

Is that so? At this moment, Wang Yuan thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the truth.Therefore, he shrugged his shoulders, and said with a self-mockery, "It's the first time I know that sleeping in a tent requires you to understand these things. It seems that I can only leave it to Brother Chen."

After several people returned to the dining hall, Da Qi began to introduce him as a funny senior brother.At this moment, everyone collapsed, because he was a bit of a disgusting mother.Is this for the camera?

Just when Da Qi asked his senior brother to go back to the room, An Chen also went back to the room to tidy up his things.Wang Yuan and Chen Chichi slept in Anchen's room, Zhang Guowei and Da Qi slept in one, and Anchen went camping.

Of course, this camp is still nearby, after all, it is convenient for him to steal incense and jade.Jing Tian had nothing else to do, so he just came to help An Chen tidy up the room.After An Chen set up the tent, there was a sudden voice that Wang Yuan was going to have a meeting.

When An Chen went down, she froze for a moment.He opened his mouth and said, "Brother Chi Chi, why are you here? It's been a long time. You and Brother Kai have agreed, are you going to walk on the front foot, and you will come on the back foot."

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi said, "I'm here by invitation, but don't tell me, I'm here mainly because Zheng Kai said that your cooking skills have improved again. Brother, you will not refuse to give me your favor when you come this time." Let's make a meal, bro."

"There is no one left for you foodie, don't worry, I will cook two dishes for you at noon."

At this moment, Chen Chichi said with a face of reluctance, "You're talented!"

"Do you want it to be gone?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi's spirit was shaken, and he said, "Yes, how can I not? Hurry up and make some hard dishes for me at noon."

"Brother Chi Chi, don't make trouble, didn't you see that our store manager is having a meeting?"

Chen Chichi slapped his forehead suddenly when he heard the words, and said, "Look at my brain, I almost forgot the business. Alright, let's talk, Yuan Yuan."

However, before Wang Yuan could speak, Chen Chichi suddenly spoke again.

"Here, do you still have wine here, can you drink?"

At this moment, Zhao Yingjun couldn't help but said, "Stop making trouble, okay? The one who asked you to come is here to help."

"Then I'll make a plan."

Without Wang Yuan opening his mouth, Zhao Yingjun spoke again and said, "Don't think too much, you are here to do coolies."

Just when Chen Chichi was a little depressed, Zhao Yingjun continued to say, "This house is where the guests sleep above, and the living room below."

Finally it came to the issue of accommodation, so Chen He asked curiously, "Then where shall we sleep?"

"Where do you sleep? I don't know if there is a place to sleep."

Hearing this, just as Chen Chichi stood up, An Chen said, "Brother Chichi, you can sleep in my room later."

Chen Chichi, who stood up at this moment, didn't expect to sleep in someone else's room? Qian Zhaojian, but he didn't want to let this brother have no place to live where Xiaochen went.

"Then why don't you live in Xiaochen? Let's live together."

"It's necessary to live together, but it's not me and you, but Wang Yuan. He has to let Zhang Guowei live in the bed. As for me, I prefer camping, so don't worry about it."

"That's not good, why don't you sleep in the room and add a mattress."

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