"Okay, this is a bet. And if you think about how many people want to eat, I have to cook as much as I can eat. That's why I chose breakfast. That's it, I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm planning to get you up tomorrow In the evening, I will take you and Jing Tian to the mountains, and when I was shopping for vegetables, I bought two pheasants and a hare, which I just roasted for you to eat."

After hearing this, Nazha showed a satisfied smile.Although I'm a downsider, I still want some pampering, okay?

After marinating the side dishes, An Chen chopped another pot of minced meat and served a pot of noodles before returning to Building B with the two girls.When they came in, the party hadn't started yet, but the members of Building B rushed over one after another.Seeing the three of them, Chen Chichi said, "Yingjun and I were going to call you, but you came here by yourself."

Hearing this, An Chen immediately rolled his eyes and said, "That's really a coincidence."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi got up and whispered in An Chen's ear, "Brother, isn't this creating an opportunity for you? Don't tell me you don't like those two girls. I can tell that those two girls have a crush on you at a glance." .”

Hearing this, An Chen was surprised. Isn't Chen Chichi very hot all the time? But this is not the time to talk, so An Chen just smiled, and then said, "The party is about to start, let's take a seat too."

"Come on, those from Building B sit here, and those from Building A sit here." Following the distribution of the acting army, everyone took their seats one after another.

After everyone sat down, Daijun said, "Come on, Guowei, let's start."

Zhang Guowei is worthy of being a funny comparison, he is definitely a comedian buried in sports.At this moment Zhang Guowei is full of confidence, at this moment, he is so arrogant.No, he was crazy after that too.But his singing is devastated for everyone.Don't say that the professional can't stand it, even the amateurs are defeated by him. All he can bring is entertainment.

I saw Dai Jun and Zhao Yingjun, two professionals, were already warning him with a bench or something.However, Zhang Guowei still didn't have the slightest awareness, and just finished singing a song.As the flowers with its own special effects ended, Zhang Guowei bowed coquettishly.

After Dai Jun made a joke, Dai Jun said to Li Xiaolu, "Okay, now we invite the store manager of Building A to call Mai."

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu stepped forward, as for stage fright, that doesn't exist for celebrities.After Li Xiaolu finished his speech, a song "Green Apple Paradise" was dedicated to everyone.

After Li Xiaolu finished, it was Wang Yuan's turn, and what Wang Yuan presented was You at the Same Table.With the scene performances of Li Xiaolu, Zhao Yingjun and Dai Jun, this song also brought a lot of joy to everyone.

The next one to be named was An Chen, he could sing, everyone knew it.So it would be best for him to take over.

Hearing this, An Chen didn't act pretentious, she got up and walked up, and said, "I don't know many old songs, but there is one song I like very much. The one I like you is dedicated to you."

An Chen's voice fell, and the music started.The you An Chen talked about are really you.Of course Jing Tian understands this, Na Ya understands it, and maybe Chen Chichi understands Li Wang's.

As the soft music played, the next second, An Chen looked affectionately at the girl in Building B, or those two people.

When the music stopped, everyone cheered.An Chen's song can be regarded as a high-profile version of the concert, so the cheers were a bit warmer.

With the end of An Chen, most of the singers sang a song, and even Brother Bing sang a song with Chen Ming.For a while, the atmosphere of the party was extremely strong.Also, there are so many stars in the battle, can it not be strong.With the last chorus, tonight's return to 20 finally came to a successful conclusion.

As the party ended and it was bedtime, everyone returned to their hostels one after another. .

Text 0527: This is Chen Chichi

At night, An Chen quietly walked into Jing Tian and Na Ga's room, and got his wish in the slightly shy mood of the two.After all, this is the first time for the two to be with other people, so shyness is inevitable.And An Chen also poured the essence into Nazha's body during release.

Early the next morning, An Chen came to the kitchen early.Although she didn't sleep for a few hours, An Chen still looked refreshed.There are a lot of people for breakfast, and there are so many foodies, he is also very sad.After all, there is only one steamer, even if it is a double-layer steamer, it can steam up to 4 small cages at a time.There are only four at most in a small cage.

In addition to the side dishes for breakfast, An Chen also prepared porridge and siu mai, which were nutritious for breakfast.Not only that, it will definitely make people feel satisfied.

When An Chen finished the first batch of siu mai, the people from Building A had already arrived.

"Busy, are you ready?"

Hearing this, An Chen rolled his eyes, and then said, "You guys came early at 480. But it just so happened that the first wave came out. For breakfast for eight people, you can arrange for someone to eat first. The side dishes are here, one for each person." Dishes, you can see the portions yourself." He prepared a lot of side dishes, and a full plate is enough.Therefore, he was not as stingy as Li Xiaolu and the others thought.

After hearing this, everyone took a look and arranged for the guests to eat first.But Brother Bing had nine people, so their squad leader stayed and waited for the next wave.

As these soldiers began to eat, exclamations of surprise came continuously.Although their discipline prevents them from making such a move, it is really delicious.

This made the other people waiting on the side greedy, Li Xiaolu said directly, "I'll wait at the door, the second wave is coming out, you can call me."

After speaking, Li Xiaolu turned around and left without giving the others any room to refute.Seeing this, Li Jing and He Hao who had reacted from bdae also hurriedly said, "Wait for me, I'll go out and wait too."

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and then disappeared at the door just as quickly.Seeing this, the remaining three men looked at it speechlessly, but they could only become more speechless.

It's not good to keep guests, but it's also wrong to keep your own people.After thinking about it, Dai Jun said, "Then the three of us will wait here, and the two of you won't want to leave too."

"No, the three of us will wait. After all, it's so delicious, it's normal to wait."

Because Building A came too early, when the second wave came out, only two from Building B came out.And these two just in time to eat.If there is more than one, then there must be one waiting.

After everyone finished eating in groups, Chen Chichi said, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

At first, Chen Chichi originally wanted to leave in the afternoon, but after An Chen said that he was going out to play today, he felt that it would be a waste of everyone's time if he kept going.But at this moment, it suddenly rained.Only Chen Chichi said, "Hey, it's raining."

Hearing this, Li Jing said, "Hey, it seems that God doesn't want you to leave so quickly. Why wait a little longer?"

Hearing what Li Jing said, Li Xiaolu also said, "Yes, let's go with Sister Ming in the afternoon."

As the two spoke, An Chen also said, "Then let's go in the afternoon, but there is no special treatment for lunch, I think I have to catch up on sleep now. I am really sleepy after getting up so early."

"Okay, then go to sleep."

Today, Wang Yuan was not here, and Jing Tian was given the position of acting store manager. At this moment, she spoke with great concern.Also, two chefs have to prepare meals for two homestays for more than two hours.What's more, An Chen was alone.Even if it's just breakfast, even if some are prepared from the beginning, it's not a small amount of work.

At noon, An Chen came down directly to eat, and it was already meal time when Chen Chichi called him.When going downstairs, Chen Chichi said, "Brother doesn't want to care about you and them, but don't forget Reba, otherwise I won't recognize you."

"I know, there is a new show being prepared recently. They asked me, but I plan to take a break and do it again, and spend this time with Reba and the others."

"Well, see for yourself. Let's go first then."

An Chen smiled when he heard this, isn't that right, otherwise he wouldn't be Chen Chichi.

After lunch, everyone played poker, and the rain gradually stopped.Seeing this, Chen Chichi said, "It's really time to go this time, the plane at night."

Hearing this, Chen Ming also said, "Well, I am the same, then let's go."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chi Chi, I hope the seventh season of Running Man will start as soon as possible. I miss you all."

"Haha, I miss you too. Okay, then I'll go first and talk back."

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