Chen Chichi and Chen Ming left, after thinking about it, An Chen said, "Nana Ya, Jing Tian, ​​let's go too."

Although it was still early at this time, considering the distance and preparation work, it was almost time for dinner.Coupled with the fire and barbecue, if I really want to eat it, it may be an hour or two later than usual.

s Please support the new book and search for the male god of the author Cai Timo.

Text 0528: Main task

But at this moment, An Chen suddenly received a main task.The main task has rarely appeared, because criminals who have a fair trial will not trigger the main task.Moreover, he has not met anyone who can trigger the main task.

"Ding, the main task is triggered, the host please conduct a trial of Chen Shifeng and Liu Sanjin in the Brother Jiang case. The content of the trial is not limited, and the system will reward according to the degree of the trial."

Brother Jiang's case? The moment the female college student studying in Japan saw the task, he was already thinking about how to deal with the two prostitutes.Don't say that the main task cannot be refused, even if he can, he will not refuse.

Although he accepted a main task, An Chen did not affect the barbecue dinner.The hare and pheasant made the sound of oil flowers on the fire shelf, and the rich aroma came out.The two little greedy cats stared fixedly at the barbecue grill, asking when it would be ready to eat from time to time.

Although An Chen was ignored, he was not unhappy at all.Is my brother's food free? I have to give my brother back for a while.

When the two of them couldn't move after eating, An Chen spread a sheet on the floor and sprinkled some insect repellent powder around it.Then he took the two girls and lay on it, looked at the starry sky and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen the starry sky like this, the starry sky on the mountain is always so bright except for cloudy and rainy days."

"Yeah, you can no longer see such a sky in the city. To be honest, it feels really good."

Hearing what Jing Tian said, An Chen smiled and said, "Are you cold or not, do you want me to bring you a cover?"

"no need"

"it is good"

Two completely different answers appeared at the same time, and after the two looked at each other, they changed the answer again.

"it is good"

"no need"

At this moment, the two laughed together, while An Chen went to get a bedding.It is one aspect of being cold in the mountains at night, and the other aspect is that it is more convenient for some small movements under the quilt, after all, the photographer is still there at this time.

As the three of them covered the quilt, the two women arrived one after another with their small movements.The three of them looked at the starry sky expressionlessly and told stories, but inside they were also very hot.

After chatting until 10 o'clock in the evening, the three of them hid in the tent to play games again. This time the camera did not follow, after all, the tent is not big.At this point, the three of them really let go and started playing.In fact, it's not a special game, it's just playing poker against the landlord, but the stakes are a bit high.The winner can designate the loser to do some actions that are beneficial to the body and mind.

Of course, because it was still early, the physical and mental pleasures were all ordered, and the two didn't return to the tent until around 12 o'clock.Then of course it was time for An Chen to steal incense and jade.

The next day, the sun was just right, and after the three of them returned to the hotel for dinner, Li Xiaolu called over there.At this time, Wang Yuan also came back, and Li Xiaolu called Wang Yuan to answer the phone.

"We only have four girls in this building."

"Brother Jun is gone?" Wang Yuan knew that Wang Ziru had left, so he only asked about Dai Jun's situation.

"Yes, he will come later. We just called to ask you if you want to go to another hotel. It just happens that you owe Xiaochen a day's expenses. We will pay for today's travel."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan understood the meaning, and said, "Okay, okay. When a friend from our side arrives, we will go there."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you here."

ask for flowers

About half an hour later, a man walked in.Seeing this, Jing Tian said, "Hey, someone is here."

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Yingjun froze for a moment, then exclaimed softly, "Wang Leehom"

Although An Chen didn't know who Wang Leehom was, he had only met Wang Leehom some time ago.It's less than half a year. The difference is so big. Are you kidding me? But An Chen didn't bother to tell the truth, but watched the follow-up development as if watching a good show.

The moment Li Yeting said his name, Zhao Yingjun was dumbfounded, and everyone else laughed.No way, it's just too funny.

Now that Li Zhiting is here, it's time to go to Building A.After arriving at Building A, everyone chatted for a while and found out by chance that Li Yeting had actually been there. After Li Zhiting heard that they wanted to visit other people's hotels, he recommended the one he had stayed in.

That being the case, let's go.Although Li Jing planned to give Li Yeting a hard time, Li Xiaolu said, "I said that today's expenses are all from us, so let's pay for it."

"I'm just kidding."

Following Li Jing's words, everyone ended this conversation and set off.The homestay they went to was on the mountain, and the distance was not close, but it would only take half an hour by car.When they arrived, the master came to greet them from afar.

As everyone went to visit the guest room, An Chen found a recliner in front and lay down.Surrounded by green hills, the sky is clear, this weather is very suitable for sunbathing.

Not long after, I heard a voice shouting, "Sister, dinner is ready."

Um, is it ready for dinner? At this moment, when the previous eldest sister came out, she said, "Let's all come to eat, just right.".

Text 0529: White Jade Peach

As everyone was seated, meals were served one after another.I have to say that this has really done a lot of work, at least it makes people very appetizing at first glance.

Sure enough, everyone couldn't help being amazed when they saw these dishes.


"Wow, these dishes are so beautiful."

Following all the praises, Jing Tian said, "We don't put plates at all when we eat, and we all focus on being full."

Hearing this, Li Yeting said to the proprietress, "Can I call Xu Zai out?"

"of course."

After receiving the answer, Li Yeting entered the "[-]" kitchen and invited out the chef who prepared this special dish.

At this moment, Li Jing said, "Ye Ting, I suspect that you are the boss here."

At this moment, Li Yeting heard it, and replied a little embarrassedly, "If you have investment, then invest."

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