When the chef was called out, Li Yeting introduced it to everyone.Just at this time, a dish was brought up. Seeing this, Zhao Yingjun said, "This presentation is very good. Huang Yali and Mr. Qiu, you need to learn how to arrange this."

Hearing what Zhao Yingjun said, the store manager Xiaolin hurriedly said, "Then everyone move your chopsticks, or it will be cold in a while."

As the boss spoke, everyone picked up chopsticks one after another.I have to say that this presentation is very French-style, but I also have to say that if you eat like this, it is difficult to have a full meal.Unless, a few plates at a time.

All the dishes here have a characteristic farmhouse taste, but they also have the characteristics of French meals.I have to say, if the meals on both sides are compared.So even An Chen would like to eat the special meals here.After all, you are here for vacation, and you still expect to have the same food outside, especially the special potato buns, which really look like potatoes.

As everyone continued to eat, they saw the difference between each other's guests and hosts again.The employees here can be recognized as employees at a glance, and the guests can also be recognized as guests at a glance.

But just when everyone wanted to learn from the scriptures, An Chen said, "Actually, that's our special feature. They are naturally very clean, and they feel like a guest and host. However, they don't have that casual sense of home."

"Xiaochen is right, but we can learn from it. For example, we wear chef uniforms when cooking, but we still wear them casually in normal times."

Zhao Yingjun's words made An Chen nod his head.Then he said, "This is what it should be."

After lunch, it's study time.Learn from each other's experiences.For example, those who cook, make drinks, and clean up the room.

To be honest, cooking and making drinks are not within An Chen's consideration.As far as his chef skills are concerned, no matter what, he can do it perfectly.As for tidying up the guest room, that's not his job.Therefore, after thinking about it, An Chen decided to go to the kitchen to teach the other party a lesson.

"Since Miss Xiaolin takes care of you so well, let me teach you how to make two small dishes in the kitchen."

At this moment, Xiao Lin thought that she was hallucinating.Teach us not to be funny.How good can you really do as a star? Isn't it all for the sake of face? But she didn't say that, but also intended to give the other party this face.

What made her even more unexpected was that, when she heard what An Chen said, all these celebrities agreed, and a few of them also wanted to follow suit.

Their behavior made the store manager Xiao Lin curious.She only heard her say, "Then let's go to the kitchen and have a look. I'm also curious if you say that."

"Okay, let's go and have a look together, and then go to the bar and guest room."

In the kitchen, after An Chen learned about all the ingredients, he started to work.I saw him take out a piece of southern tofu, put it into the water, and said, "You all pay attention to the exquisiteness of the dishes, so the dish I teach you is naturally in the ranks of exquisiteness. But you carvers may If you can’t learn it, I’ll just make a show, and then you can do whatever you want. As for why you carve in water, it’s because the adsorption force of the knife in the water will be reduced to the lowest. But time is limited, so I’ll carve at will. Make some sense."

While An Chen was speaking, he had already fished out the tofu from the water. At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation.Although An Chen was talking about random carving, the carved things were not so random. This white jade fairy peach, like a work of art, was not carved randomly. 06

The next step is cooking, and tofu is fragile, so drizzled with oil, steamed whole and topped with toppings are the best options.An Chen chose to steam and add toppings.Adding spices to the bottom of the pot to steam the tofu can make the tofu blend in with the flavor of the spices, and pour the cooked fine gravy on top.

When the crystal-clear tofu was finished, An Chen said, "Baiyu Xiantao, everyone, have a try."

This time, An Chen didn't even cook with emotion, but with the ultimate taste.But the extreme taste is the taste of food.

At this moment, everyone looked at this exquisite fairy peach and didn't know what to do.Instead, the chef in the kitchen picked up the spoon first after being stunned for a moment. .

Text 0530: Education should start at an early age

The extreme taste, the extreme taste, and the freshness and sublimation of the tofu, the taste of this dish is unmatched.As for the presentation, there is nothing to fault.Do you think a master chef can arrange plates?

When the chef Xiao Xu took the first bite of food, he was stunned, but his tongue and mouth kept wriggling.With one bite, the ultimate taste still stays in the mouth.

When Xiao Xu took the first bite, everyone looked at it first and then moved their spoons respectively.Well, they were conquered in just a split second.

Now that An Chen showed his skills, there is no need for everyone to call him when assigning tasks, otherwise, if they are slapped in the face again, the store will not be able to open.It was Chef Xu who asked An Chen a lot of things while he was basking in the sun.

An Chen was not stingy, after all, even if she was taught, she might not be able to learn it.

After studying, everyone came out to play. There are so many children in this hostel, so that those who feel that the children are new, they all play happily. Even An Chen has a little girl who came to find her.

I only heard the little girl 13 come and said, "Are you Chenchen?"

Chen Chenchen, who was basking in the sun at this moment, couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still said, "Yes, I'm Chenchen, what's the matter?"

Hearing An Chen's confession, the little girl immediately said happily, "My mother likes you so much, can you take a photo with Nini and sign it for my mother to see?"

"That's great, kid, are you going to use Polaroid to take pictures, but uncle didn't bring it. Why don't we ask the owner of the inn."

The little girl smiled when she heard the words, and said, "It's okay, I'll come."

As she said that, the little girl turned around suddenly, and after making a trumpet shape with her little hand around her mouth, she yelled "Xiao Ming."

I have to say, the little girl looked so small, but she was really loud.This roar is really far and long.

Following the little girl's roar, a little boy ran quickly from afar, shouting as he ran, "Come on, come on, Nini, don't worry."

Eh, so young to have warm male cells attack?Just when An Chen guessed maliciously, the little guy had already arrived in front of him, and then he said out of breath, "Nini, I'm here, don't hit me."

e, is this kidding me? Which monkey is this kid called?

"Where is Polaroid?"

Hearing this, the child named Xiao Ming quickly took out the Polaroid and handed it to Nini.But after looking at it, Nini didn't take it, but said, "You take a photo of me and my brother. Make it look good, if you don't take it well, I'll beat you up."

Hearing what Nini said, Xiao Ming became nervous, and it seemed that he had been beaten a lot.Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "It's okay, just take two more pictures if it doesn't work, don't worry."

Even after hearing what An Chen said, the boy named Xiao Ming still didn't relax, but looked at Nini asking for instructions.Seeing this, An Chen had to say that Nini trained well.

"Hmph, it's you, but you have to take a good shot, you know?"

When Nini said this, Xiao Ming relaxed.Seeing this, An Chen just smiled.

Although it was a child taking pictures, it wasn't particularly bad. After taking four shots, he finally took the picture Nini wanted.

Everyone was playing around, and they didn't gather until five o'clock in the afternoon.After sitting together, Li Xiaolu said, "Okay, now let's summarize and see what you need, what we need, and then we will buy some with the store manager."

Hearing this, Li Yeting hurriedly said, "Yes, just make a list."

At this moment, the store manager Xiaolin had prepared paper and pens and was waiting, but seeing this, Wang Yuan said directly, "Okay, Miss Xiaolin, I want a claw machine."

Store Manager Xiaolin heard the words, and said directly, "200 for you."

At this moment, the corner of An Chen's mouth twitched, what claw machine is only worth 200 yuan, it's a gift, but he's not the store manager, so it's not up to him to say these things.

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